big mess

Eleanora 2022-03-20 09:01:25

In 2004, the action thriller fantasy adventure film " Van Helsing | Van Helsing "

All kinds of simmering, visual and legendary. . But overall it's ok.

It's quite enjoyable to watch. The special effects of this 2004 movie look okay now, and it is worth mentioning the transformation of the werewolf. . The effect is outstanding. . Can like. It's much uglier than a vampire.

Frankenstein is loving. . . So loving. .

The plan to resurrect the baby. . Ideas are very good. .

The heroine's fighting power is also rather worrying. . . Ignore a little brother. . The younger brother is the winner in life~~~

---I am the dividing line that bites you--

Recommendation index: ★★★☆ (7/10 points), this is a hero~ You can take a look~

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Extended Reading

Van Helsing quotes

  • [Upon seeing a baby vampire for the first time]

    Van Helsing: So this is what you get when vampires mate.

  • Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Good God... I would kill myself before helping in such a task.

    Count Vladislaus Dracula: Feel free. I don't actually need you anymore, Victor. I just need him... he is the key.