Guns, Corpses, Serum and a Survival Game

Davon 2022-09-20 20:34:51

The movie "Bar" is watchable, although it is not very reasonable in the setting of some plots, which makes it deliberately false, which makes many people think it is a convoluted movie. Indeed, what a coincidence, no matter how many people died, the number of serums was one less than the number of people alive, and this cruel game had to continue to be played.

But this movie has its unique and brilliant place in spatial processing and atmosphere rendering. I especially like the part from the beginning to the entry into the basement. After entering the sewer, it is obvious that the film is going out of control and developing in an unimaginable direction. The characters also continue to make some inexplicable "killing" behaviors that ultimately lead to their tragic end. If the screenwriter or director did not do it deliberately to continue the absurd style of the film, then the second half of the film is really like a quick-form clay, uncontrollably twisted into waste due to deviations in technique and speed.

The closed space

"Bar" begins with a very wonderful long shot. After the heroine Elena walks into the bar, it gradually forms a closed space. And then from the bar to the basement, and then from the basement to the sewer, the space is constantly shrinking.

That's probably why I really don't like scenes in the sewers, closed spaces and closed shots give me a breathless feeling. From the bar to the basement to the sewer is not only the shrinking of the space, but the light is also constantly dimmed. There is sunlight in the bar, and the pictures taken are very bright. After entering the basement, there is barely a light bulb that can fill in the light, but there is only a little light and shadow in the picture in the sewer. light, but still very dark.

Such props are often needed in the dramas of the absurd school of bloated corpses to form a "scenario metaphor" and create a depressing and tense dramatic atmosphere. For example, the expanding corpse in "Amadi or Escape" symbolizes that there is no life in this world, only death expands and eventually devours everything.

"Bar" just happened to have such a bloated corpse.

A man rushed into the bar toilet and never came out until someone noticed a noise in the toilet. When the door was opened to check, the man was found dead. The death of the man was very ugly. The already fat body swelled almost twice as much as before, the eyeballs with white bubbles bulged out of their sockets, the neck and stomach were especially swollen, and the water and air inside were gurgling when moving and pressing. shaking. (In order not to disgust everyone, I won't put the picture) If

anyone accidentally punctures the skin of this corpse, I don't know if it will be like puncturing a water balloon, and the water, pus, blood, and tissue fluid will flow out. After that, only a skin was left, and the bones were all dissolved in this pool of sewage.

From the cell phone of the dead man, we learned that he was a soldier before his death and participated in the Ebola virus diagnosis and treatment project in Africa. Unfortunately, he was also infected with the virus himself, and has become ill and is in a severe stage. Although he flushed into the toilet and injected a serum, the vaccine has not been able to save him. The news filled the bar with an atmosphere of death.

Five people in the bar had touched the body and were coerced into staying with the body in the basement. The corpse served as a symbol of death, spreading virus and despair in the small space.

Fire, smoke and gunshots were the

first to appear, and a guest was headshotted by a bullet that came out of nowhere as soon as he walked out of the bar. Another man ran out to check on him and was also shot in the head.

Then the gun emerged as a threatening and deterrent thing. Andrés carried a pistol that made him the most powerful man in the bar. He used the gun to drive five people who had been in contact with the dead body into the basement. After Nacho and the Israelis came out of the basement, they also fought several times for guns.

When they were locked in the basement, a fire broke out outside, and thick smoke came in bursts from the entrance of the basement, and the crimson flame was visible. The smoke, the tongues of fire, and the sound of gunshots coming from outside caused a heavy sense of oppression to the people in the basement. They dared not go out, let alone go out. together.

The difficult environment at home and abroad made the people inside feel so depressed that they couldn't breathe.
An elevation shot is a very oppressive angle

The absurd style of the absurd style

film is throughout. For example, before the film has entered the formal narrative, there is a short film, which is a picture editing after the rapid reproduction and growth of many cells and various parasites magnified countless times. The background music is jazz.

There was such a serious shooting outside this bar that the news went unreported, the bodies and blood were inexplicably gone, and the streets were deserted. Later, a truck suddenly came, and a lot of people wearing gas masks rushed out of it. They put a lot of tires on the street and set them on fire. These people turn a blind eye to the people in the bar calling for help, like the bar doesn't exist. After they burned the tires, they left, and then the news reported that there was a fire in the place.

Of course, the people in the bar thought it was the government using a fake fire to try to cover up the shooting, but the audience knew that this was deliberately done by the director, to create an absurd effect.

After the five entered the basement, they sat down and chatted. This conversation is very interesting, they are all talking to themselves, no one cares what the other person said, they are just telling, but not forming a communication.

In the end, when Elena opened the manhole cover devastated and escaped, she seemed to return to the real world from this absurd, non-existent space. This is a sad scene after the catastrophe, but the director also plays jazz here, cheerful and relaxed jazz, forming a sharp contrast.

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The Bar quotes

  • Nacho: What the hell's up with you now?

    Elena: I don't like being threatened.

    Nacho: [Holding a gun] Who the hell is threatening you?