On how extremism evolved

Garfield 2022-03-20 09:01:30

Murdering in the name of religion is the greatest sin! Noah in the film is a real murderer. In the name of God, he murdered like a man with justification and greatness. But who, besides him, saw that God told him to do it? Just say that this is the will of God, and then he has the right to judge all mankind? As long as a human being is sinful, whether he/she committed a crime or not. Human beings are guilty of hunting in order to survive, and animals are innocent and pure when they hunt for food in the same way. wtf? ! So in the end, he led his family to spend all his efforts in order to protect these animals, but humans have no right to board the boat and have to die, including his family.

It reminds me of what Bush Jr. said when he sent troops, in the name of God. In the eyes of these people, the word 'God' is probably just a useful tool, anyway, history is ultimately written by the victors.

This film is extremely inaccurate in its three views, forcibly relying on 'controversiality' to attract attention, saying that it wants to arouse human thinking, and it does nakedly reflect the director's conceit and arrogance. No wonder God always warns people to be humble at all times.

Finally, this story must not be read as the story of the Bible. The Bible is really not recorded in this way, and the ideas to be conveyed must be completely different.
Do people who give high marks really think there is something wrong with the actions of the protagonist?

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Noah quotes

  • Noah: We have been entrusted with a task much greater than our own desires.

  • Tubal-cain: [He moves face-to-face] Miracles of deluge you claim. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps he returns to finish us off. But if he does, my men and I will ride the storm in that stronghold of yours.

    Noah: Your time is done. There is no escape for you.

    [Noah walks away leading Ham with him]

    Tubal-cain: [Loud] I'm not afraid of miracles son of Lamech. If you are to refuse my dozens now, I shall return with legions!