"Crazy Bar" is an exaggeration compared to the layout

Jalyn 2022-12-18 05:43:11

The overall performance of "Crazy Bar" is actually not too bad. However, when the filmmakers used the name "Layout" when promoting, it is easy to have high expectations. , some of the turning points are a bit blunt, with a sense of conspiracy, it is not a masterpiece, it is a movie that can be barely watched, used to pass the boring time, at least it is not a waste of life.

The purpose of "Crazy Bar", simply put, the director used a joking attitude to ridicule the common prejudices of the rich and the poor, the external conditions of beauty and ugliness, and hacked Russia once by the way. In fact, what he wanted to express was not difficult to understand. , You can get a glimpse of it from the actor's dialogue. He does not preach through the old-fashioned narration or the character's monologue, which is quite desirable, but the biggest drawback of this film is that it sacrifices logic in order to portray human nature. This is the case in the scene. A few people are arguing. After they say what the director wants to express, the conflict immediately ends. This is not a quarrel between husband and wife. But life and death are at stake. I really can't accept being so sloppy and ignoring logic. This is a very serious bug. I started to feel impatient when I saw the second half of the story. The structure of the script is really not rigorous enough to convince people.

(The male protagonist of "Layout" also performs, and the female protagonist is on the right)

Similar to this film, the themes of a group of people trapped in one place include "The Evil Elevator", "The Reaper of Souls 2", "Stephen King's Mystery of the Fog", "The Calculation: The Game of Death in 7 Days" and "The Hateful Eight", etc. The suspense of "Crazy Bar" is not as mysterious as that of "Evil Elevator", the method of death is not as imaginative and creative as that of "Saw of the Soul 2", the description of human nature is not as profound as that of "Stephen King's Mystery of the Fog", and the fighting wisdom is not as good as that of "Stephen King". Calculation: The Game of Death in 7 Days is extremely terrifying, and the dramatic tension is not as strong as that of The Hateful Eight. The only thing that can beat the above movies is the beauty of the heroine, Blanca Suarez (Blanca Suarez) ) relied on a sexy performance to regain a city.

(The heroine sacrificed for the play)

Although the opening scene of "Crazy Bar" is a bit disgusting, it is worth noting because it has a great connection with the subsequent events. However, this film is the same as the first episode of "Recording a Ghost". The cause of the whole incident is given. It is a general direction, but the details are not explained carefully. Anyway, it is not the focus of these films to explore the reasons, because "Crazy Bar" criticizes secular concepts with a joking attitude, while "Recorded Ghost" is purely for the purpose of scaring the audience. , the cause of the incident can be pointed to, although this method is a little rough, but it is also harmless. Finally, I use a sonnet to comment: It

comes from a crazy bar in Spain, and it
criticizes secular concepts.
Although the standard of this film is indeed not bad, the
propaganda slogan of the filmmaker is too exaggerated,
compared with the previous layout. ,
two films is undoubtedly a dick than a toothpick,
the film tells the story eleven case of evil,
the opening did not take long have killed role,
after some number of twists and turns only eight
the next let it hang into two,
one group The whole cremation is ready for Nata, and the
other group is desperately looking for a way out of the predicament. After
watching this film,
they are too surprised by the gender of the person. This society is always intriguing.

The same screening, "Layout" without thunder film review

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Extended Reading

The Bar quotes

  • Nacho: What the hell's up with you now?

    Elena: I don't like being threatened.

    Nacho: [Holding a gun] Who the hell is threatening you?