Why can't we believe in God?

Jean 2022-03-23 09:01:30

There is really a God in this world. All people have sinned and turned away from God. The wages of sin is death. God so loved the world that he sent his beloved Son Jesus to make atonement for our sins and to bear them. our sins and transgressions.

God does not love sin, so why did God create sinners? Because God created man with free will, God hopes that those who overcome sin and only believe in him will be willing to grant them access to the kingdom of heaven and the blessing of eternal life.

Everyone must think that what I said is very nonsense and nonsense, but this is true. Believe in God and believe in everything about him. The Bible is the word of God. Nothing is wrong in this book, and everything is included. History can be tested, and many of the prophecies have been fulfilled. With this truth, I believe there is a true God. Everyone says that in modern society, to believe in science, I will tell you that science is only the process and result of things happening. There is no conflict between the two. Science cannot prove the Bible, and the Bible does not say science.

The world is sinful, everyone is sinful, and holiness is very discordant. Are you unwilling to let the truth enter our lives and renew our lives? Christianity is not a spiritual sustenance and cannot be weakened or assimilated.

I love everyone. I really hope that everyone can believe in this God. He has changed my life. I want to share this blessing. Can you feel my love? I have not been instructed or received. Forced, this is what I have felt, and there may be some deficiencies in what is said wrong. I hope everyone can forgive me.

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Extended Reading

The Passion of the Christ quotes

  • Jesus: So love one another.

  • Jesus: You are My friends. There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. I cannot be with you much longer, My friends. You cannot go where I am going. My commandment to you after I am gone is this: Love one another. As I have loved you, so love one another.