Of course I chose to forgive him.

Octavia 2022-03-23 09:01:17

A heartwarming good movie. First of all, the translated title of the film has a deep meaning: what is loyalty and what is traitor? ; Are their definitions absolute or relative? Loyalty to the government that betrayed you, thereby betraying a friend's unconditional trust and friendship (love) for you, and even killing him with his own hands----a helpless and sad little person; giving up your family in name only to protect you face, status, or give up your human emotions and conscience, and only seek a secularly defined "justice" or a trivial "credit"? Are these choices loyal or traitor; who are they loyal to, and who have they lost?

Secondly... my friends! This is not the trust and affection between men, this is love! This is absolutely fucking love! (P1)

Ahem, what I want to say is that Apa's acting skills are amazing. In the rare works without aura, a small gangster, a victim of a bureaucracy, a complicated ordinary person, a real father, and uncle Pu are properly played. Love at first sight is loyal and unswerving, but he was sold but chose to forgive him [the last cross] the tragic role. An actor who can completely shape his image without his personal style and the shadow of his past characters, this is the first one I have ever fanned. good job. As for Uncle Pu... This is also one of the few performances without his personal style (no wonder few fans mention this), so although he has acting skills, he was beaten by Apa. After all, he is only suitable for acting in line with his own style. The character of the style... So sometimes he speaks his lines like wood, and he must be very nervous, because the audience across the camera is infected, but at least it strengthens the film's relationship to a large extent. Amplification of tension.

Of course there are shortcomings. The biggest problem is that I think the rhythm is very awkward, which directly leads to basically no service for the center in the first half, which is probably the reason why many people can't watch it.

Finally, Tucao: 1, hahahahahahahahahaha, uncle, uncle, the height, hahahahahaha, hahahahahaha [but I don't mean this is right ... too depressed, and feel that he is a gas field, it is not as good as Lao Pu and Nun The natural (enough)] (P2)

2. In fact, in history, the role of Uncle Pu did not sell the role of Lao Pa, and was finally executed by the family and died very tragically. It can be said that the two are really in love.

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.