An atheist sees the shadow of Buddhism in this film

Daphney 2022-12-24 08:22:53

Looking at the nature of the Dharma Realm, everything is created only by the mind.
How many desires a person has, the universe will appear as many worlds. Real is fantasy, fantasy is real.
All sentient beings are sinful, and no one is unjust.
If you are attached to love, you will be burdened by love, and you will never be liberated from life after life.
The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore.
Failure is suffering, is success not suffering? Loss is suffering, is gain not suffering? If you succeed, you still want to succeed forever; if you get it, you want more. When will it be satisfied?
The ego is immortal, the desire is endless, and the reincarnation is endless!
Buddha looked at you stupid humans from outside the Three Realms and lamented again and again: Silly children, why are you not enlightened?
Aren't you going to convert soon? ? (laughs~~~)
I've spoiled everything the director was hesitant to say. How many brain cells have been saved? Should I give it a thumbs up?
Another: This film mixes a lot of spirituality, parapsychology, new age movement, eastern religion, and quantum physics. The narrative background is very deep. It is recommended to combine knowledge of these aspects for a comprehensive understanding.
This film is suitable for students who are not interested in mechanical materialism, monism, and Western religions. If you are a firm "XXist materialist", then don't read it, so as not to waste time.

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Extended Reading

The Discovery quotes

  • Isla: Sometimes I feel like I'm taking someone else's spot and then I feel sad. How do you mean? Like, being here alive is a waste because... I don't enjoy it, I'm not happy or grateful... and I'm taking a spot away from someone who maybe would've gotten something more out of it.

    Will: Yeah. I guess I don't think it works that way.

  • Will: We're a bunch of people running around making the same mistakes over and over, and I don't know why we think it'll be different somewhere else unless we learn what we're supposed to while we're here.