Rohmer's bourgeois petty bourgeoisie

Rosalee 2022-10-07 16:20:10

Whenever I feel tired and want to watch a relaxing movie, Rohmer's movie is always my first choice. He always chooses secular love and love as the theme. The dialogue is relaxed and full of French philosophy, which is eye-catching. The protagonist, the beautiful tones brought by the film, and he has never had "ambition", each film is a meaningful and beautiful poem, jokingly watching the protagonist in this world of love
. Movies are always petty and delicate, even more so when the full moon reflects the flowers. Here he discusses love and freedom. The heroine lives in the country with her controlling boyfriend, but she is a woman with a strong sense of self. , she wants space, feels trapped, dances and enjoys flirting with her male friends, she wants to live in her own house in Paris, wants to enjoy being alone, she values ​​her feelings, loves now, now I don’t love, now I love more than before, feeling the changes in my mood all the time, using my boyfriend’s love for me to control this relationship, and finally going to bed with another man, she has the upper hand in this relationship , but didn't expect it to reverse at the end. When she heard that her boyfriend went out to stay with other women for one night, she was sad at first, and then she said that we are now dead, and she was very fond of her boyfriend and herself. Love is very sure, and I firmly believe that both parties are just playing, but I didn't expect her boyfriend to be serious, and then this love ended in her failure, because it was not like what she said, "If he doesn't love me, I will too. I won't love him." In the end, she still loved him, but it was too late.
Rohmer told the story without standing in line, so as to trigger our thinking about freedom in love. Freedom to compromise for the other side? Can freedom and love coexist? Is marriage a bondage? And the harm of inequality to love is thought-provoking. In the end, the male protagonist met someone more suitable for him, and the female protagonist returned to the free life she liked. Everything seemed like a beautiful misunderstanding
. The control of the color makes the eyes bright.
Use some pictures to analyze his small details

1. The color of the subtitles gradually turns from blue to white, which is consistent with the large tone of the building that was bought later.

2 color matching

In this picture, you can see that the colors echo each other symmetrically. The yellow light corresponds to the yellow shoes, the red book corresponds to the red logo on the back bread, the green flowers correspond to the green shoes, and the black clothes correspond to the black bag.

This one is also the red towel corresponding to the red stairs, and the blue clothes corresponding to the blue painting

Red and blue echo each other, at the same time the red in the front and the red of Mondrian's painting, a small piece of yellow in the painting and the yellow of the book in the back

3 are dotted with pure red, yellow, blue, green and orange in a large area of ​​gray

Even the cloth on the back bed is blue, red, yellow and green, like a Mondrian painting

The pen holder is blue, and the pen inside is red, yellow and green, with orange embellishments next to it,

a hint of 4 clothes

blue and red scarves

The Complementary Color Relationship in the Small Green Tie and the Red Clothes 5 Scene

Green lamp and red sofa

Purple on the dark side of the yellow and blue table, blue and orange on the back stairs, green and red on the table

Red-Green Contrast

7 Composition that always puts people at the third point when paused

8 beautiful scenes

The scene behind the door looks like a painting

How similar are the flowers on the sofa and the paintings on the table?

In short, I feel that these designs increase the visibility of the movie, increase the atmosphere of petty bourgeoisie, and reflect Rohmer's aesthetics and meticulousness

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