The best one in the grandma series, no doubt

Arely 2022-12-15 21:43:18

This is mainly because the ending is unexpected, and various types of emotions are mixed together, and it is easy to touch the emotions of concern. The reasoning component is second, and the reasoning in this book is not difficult, otherwise Poirot would not be able to solve the case just by listening to everyone's arguments.
There is the love of the elder sister for the younger sister, the love between husband and wife, the homosexuality, and the desire to snatch the love that finally shattered.
Each character deserves a deep analysis.
Caroline: There are several details that can reflect her character:
First, she was tolerant towards Elsa at first, until she was provoked by the other party, she just tolerated it. The elegance is truly a gesture.
The second is her love for her sister. One of the details is that Amyas accused Angela at the dinner table, which was stopped by Caroline.
The third is that she is a kind person from the bottom of her heart. When Amyas confessed to her that she has nothing with Elsa, and She is nothing, she will feel that Elsa is very pitiful. Do you think Xiaosan is poor?
Fourth, when she found out that Amyas was dead, she immediately reacted to take the blame for her sister. Of course, on the one hand, it showed that her reaction was faster than ordinary people, and on the other hand, she did so quickly in such a short time. She reacted without any hesitation. She took everything to herself, and the average person had to weigh it. She was also very peculiar.
However, the process of solving the case by the police fourteen years ago is also very doubtful. Regarding poison, the police have already experienced that there is no poison in the wine bottle, and the wine bottle was given to Amyas by Caroline, indicating that Caroline did not Poisoning a wine bottle, then the only possibility, which the police have experienced, is to poison a glass, but in this case, almost everyone present can touch the glass. On the other hand, even if Caroline put the poison in the cup, she still needs time to throw away the test tube. Everyone has seen that the test tube was not thrown away at the scene, but on the way back to lunch, so may I ask if Caroline has any What about the chance to lose the test tube? Everyone saw that she hadn't walked out to the scene.

Now on to the second character, Elsa.
Her problem is that she's too self-centered, that she gets what she wants, and she's too pretentious (quote from Piorot, most murderers are very pretentious)
she's used as a plaything by Amyas The matter is not worthy of sympathy at all, because at first she posted it to others, robbed others, and even killed the whole family if she didn't grab it, she still regarded it as a game.
Elsa's strategy was successful, a big factor was that she saw Caroline stealing drugs, and secondly, if Caroline didn't have the pressure to help her sister take the blame, I'm afraid Elsa wouldn't be able to succeed. Common sense knows that the absorption of poison hemlock takes time. Caroline just entered and Amyas died within a minute, and it takes time to absorb this poison.

The most chilling thing should be the other people who unanimously believe that Caroline is the murderer. This fundamentally reflects a problem. When you doubt a person, you will combine two factors, one is the evidence you see, and the other is your attitude/cognition towards him, which will affect your perception of the evidence. judgment.

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Five Little Pigs quotes

  • Hercule Poirot: Human nature has an infinite capacity to surprise.

  • Hercule Poirot: Hercule Poirot: You kill her, you kill yourself.