let me tell you the truth

Sonia 2022-10-21 08:42:50

I just watched the movie and read the analysis and comments of many people. I always feel that there are some details that do not fit the plot of the movie. Other movie reviews have not explained some details about the movie, such as why there is an explosion in every space. Daniel Why did the police car laugh, the bamboo knot thrown by the stepfather and the playing card torn by Dennis. The following are my personal opinions combined with the details I have paid attention to, connecting the context and truth of the whole story. If there is something wrong, please discuss it.
First of all, the film is based on two arguments. From the time of the film and the world theory, there are no factors such as high technology and parallel worlds. The world where the film occurs is the real world where we exist.
At the same time, there is no virtual world. In the virtual world, another you is trapped in space, exercising every day, living actively, providing physical and emotional supplements for the real you, and making your life in the real world better. If this is the setting, Can you accept it with peace of mind? I think healthy people will not accept it.
Next, here is what I want to say, the most important three points:
1. The film does not have an infinite loop, it happens linearly, seemingly related Daniel (little boy, policeman), stepfather, uncle, cowardly younger brother (Oliver), etc. , there is no cycle.
2. The reverse-order photos at the end of the film all happened in the real world (the police murdered and committed suicide, the stepfather committed suicide by divorce, etc.), so the timeline in the real world: the young life of the boatman → the friend of the stepfather when he was a child Unexpected experience → little boy traveling with family → grow up to be a policeman arresting brother → policeman Daniel commits suicide after murdering → cowardly younger brother Oliver accidentally broke the newlywed couple's bag in the elevator → the old bride in the film.
3, the name is very important! Very important! Remembering your name means facing the bad accidents of the past (mistakes that happened)!
Start putting out dry goods.
First, Daniel's family drove to his biological father to play. His stepfather accidentally broke his asthma medicine. Daniel forgot to bring spare asthma medicine, and then his mother decided to return home. This node is very important. When the car turned around and returned, the explosion came! ! ! Why is there an explosion, because everything before the explosion is real and happened!
According to the real-world timeline, after the incident of the little girl:
Uncle stepfather: The two divorced later (the mother also said in the movie that you cannot be alone with the children), the uncle stepfather chose to escape (the little girl was at the gas station and The dialogue between the stepfather and the uncle expressed his trust in him, and because of his carelessness, the little girl must have been tortured and felt guilty), forgetting herself (because of a friend's accident in the past 35 years, she chose to face it bravely and live a life of ), lived a decadent life, and finally committed suicide.
Daniel: Aggressive, married and had children, worked as a police officer.
Let's go back to the explosion! The 35-year cycle after the explosion is actually a portrayal of the life attitude of the stepfather and Daniel, and it is actually their inner world! Because of the little girl incident, the stepfather is very guilty and forgets himself (why forgot, the film relay father uncle threw the bamboo raft festival on the road! It proves that he forgot himself who faced the tragic accident in the first 35 years), escaped, drunk on the road, went crazy Having sex (even in his 70s and having sex with a walking dead old woman) is also his normal life in the real world, drinking alcohol and having sex with prostitutes; on the
other hand, Daniel did not forget his mistake because he forgot to take the backup medicine, he deeply blamed himself, faced the mistake, and threw it every day. Medicine bottle, remind yourself, so in the real world, he lives real, and those who dare to face it can live stronger and happier!
In the next timeline, Daniel got into the police car, and there was a scene where he laughed! Why laugh, because he's going to catch those two brothers! The cowardly younger brother told his older brother on the stairs that Daniel threatened him to kill his mother and said that Daniel was from Garmen! In addition to being the government's people, who else can the police be! Obviously Daniel forgot about the incident with the little girl in the past, he was brave and positive when he was strong in the face of mistakes, and he colluded with his brother's opponent, the black boss Jiamen (or other criminals) (also confirmed, his laugh!), and One detail indicates that he has changed. He gave the shot brother's medicine, saying that it was a personal medicine and that it could relieve pain. He also said that the amount of medicine he gave was relatively large! Would a cop carry painkillers at all times! It is obviously a drug containing marijuana, and it also reflects his current living condition (the wife's cheating is also considered below), the family is happy, and the person with a good career will take this kind of medicine without any problems!
Third, after Daniel shot! There's another explosion! Let's continue the real-world timeline. The two brothers were taken to the police station. The cowardly younger brother rehabilitated, got married and had children. Because of his criminal record, he could only be a waiter later!
Daniel found out that his wife had an affair, killed the adulterer, went to jail, and committed suicide!
Back to the parallel world of minds:
Daniel: Touched the hair on the back of the neck, and later found the beloved playing card in the stairs! But he tore it apart (it proves that he has completely forgotten himself, in a scene at the end of the film, he also played a card game with a group of friends when he was young! Time can change people! Just like young angry youths are active, Middle-aged people are calm, and the elderly are conservative! It's like throwing away the bamboo raft festival by the stepfather!)! Seeing this, you should understand it! Both Daniel and his stepfather have forgotten their inspirational life for the past 35 years (face the accident of painful memories)!
Why can the cowardly younger brother rehabilitate, because the older brother resisted the crime! (When I was at home, my elder brother said that he took the eldest brother in one hand, and he had a very deep relationship with him, and he stopped himself.) My elder brother was shot and would go to jail! In the inner circle of the world, the elder brother let the younger brother live strong, so the younger brother has been living a brave and active life for 35 years, and he is also completing a free life for his elder brother!
Fourth, continue the story development, the cowardly younger brother's occupation is a waiter (note the name, Carl! Not his real name Oliver), helping guests with bags in the elevator, accidentally fell to the ground (accident!), broke the allergy medicine, Guests were also stung by bees in the hallway! At this time, he explained how there could be bees in the corridor! And very panicked and the couple to find an exit! Prove it was an accident! (It confirms the name of the movie, the accident space, what happened is an accident, not planned! Events are not planned! They are all strategies implemented according to the red book! Because it is the development of the inner world, the setting of the red book is only a kind of A totem, a symbol, not a real thing!)
Beware! The explosion sounded again! At this time, you should have thought that every person who died of old age 35 years ago is someone who has forgotten his name. The cowardly younger brother's current brand name is Carl (indicating that he also forgot himself, and in the rest of his life, he will also Like uncle stepfather and police officer Daniel, self-blame, guilt, suicide!)!
At this point, the old bride at the beginning of the film and the husband and wife at the end of the film are combined, and there will be other people who have an accident in the story, going through various mental processes!
Therefore, this film is actually a person in real life. In the face of tragic accidents (it also fits the name of the movie, the accident space, it is really just an accident!), the mentality of young people can often face difficulties (after all, young people are prone to mistakes. , everyone can accept corrections), middle-aged and elderly people often find it difficult to get out of the predicament after a bad accident (in line with what Daniel said before his death, young people can live a better life in the real world, but the elderly cannot, because young people Generally, they choose not to forget the accident and face themselves directly. The elderly always choose to escape, forget themselves, and waste their lives).
Finally, in fact, 35 years is just a code name, a time process, and no specific time length is given in the real world in the film. You may also say that since the circular space is actually your daily inner state (attitude to life) in real life, then why is there an intersection (uncle stepfather and policeman Daniel together, cowardly younger brother and policeman Daniel together), I think this It's just the way of expression in the movie, and the way it is presented in this way is more powerful.

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The Incident quotes

  • Roberto: We're lost on an infinite road that runs both ways... but not to the sides.

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