The recently aired seven-episode "Big Little Lies" is based on an Australian female author's novel of the same name, but set in Monterey, one of America's wealthiest towns, just south of San Francisco. Three of
four heroines live in sea-view villas overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The sophistication of the architecture can be featured on the cover of a first-class home furnishing magazine, and the master's beauty can be featured on the cover of a first-class movie pictorial. In fact, the series has several Oscar winners or nominees for Best Actress, including Nikole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, and Shailene Woodley.
The show is less like the California version of "Sex and the City" than the infernal version of "Sex and the City."
In addition to "marriage fatigue", the keywords hidden under the seemingly endless beauty include "domestic violence" and "marital sexual assault". The victims are all women, and each of them is far more beautiful than the most beautiful I can photograph. Female birds are more beautiful.
This play does not simplify the characters into wolves and lambs, because the abusive husband and the abused wife often fall into doubt, whether domestic violence or passion often appears between the two, or whether it is "Fifty Shades of Grey". "Like sadomasochism?
Audiences who are witnesses will also be confused, because the two near-perfect carcasses in the camera are subjected to terrifying violence, followed by scorching heat, and it is the experts who are outsiders who provide an objective analysis of this living condition. . The importance of psychotherapists in American society is much more important than that of the director of the Women's Federation in China. Psychological trauma requires professional and careful care.
After watching episode 7, I guess many viewers will ask, why is there no episode 8?
2017-04-17 05:41
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