Big Hero 6

Christy 2022-03-22 09:01:12

The more we grow up, the more complicated the world feels. Although everyone is ridiculing "the heart is so tired", these three words really speak our minds. From a certain point of view, the movie is a short-lived dream inserted into our real life. We are completely empty in the dark movie theater. We are used to seeing the intrigue of the fake, evil and ugliness. From time to time, we also need a little pure truth, goodness and beauty. "Big Hero 6" is just such a true, perfect and beautiful movie. This may be the original intention of all audiences to like the role of Dabai in their hearts. Compared with live-action movies, the character design of cartoons is more important. Whether it is lovable, affinity, and whether it can make people fall in love at first sight is related to the success or failure of the entire work. I am not a person who likes manga very much. I have never read Japanese comic books since I was a child. I have not seen many cartoons over the years. The ones I like and impress me often go to two extremes. One end is Extremely cool, representing the most advanced animation technology, such as "Brave", "How to Train Your Dragon", "Kung Fu Panda", etc. On the other end, it tries its best to simplify the complex and use the simplest lines to outline the most vivid image. , Such as the faceless ghost in "Spirited Away", Eva in "Walle", the painting style of "Ait Bear and Senna Rat", and even the simple modeling of clay in "Mary and Marx", and , "Big Hero 6" the big white. The big white shape is dull and cute, the huge body full of gas and a small uncoordinated head, but it looks so harmonious, the simple shape reminds me of the eight characters in "The Legend of Condor Heroes": the epee has no edge No complicated design, no complicated design, no buttons in the robot’s inertial thinking, only a chip that decides his thoughts, even the circuit, battery, etc. are omitted, the inflated body is completely hollow, and even makes people have The visual sense of Michelin tires. According to the characteristics of Dabai, the film develops many natural bridges, such as air cushions, which can leak air when damaged. The viscose bridges are the most funny place in all aspects. Such a completely harmless role is truly suitable for all ages. It is the most heartwarming family carnival movie after the seven movies on the Spring Festival file.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.