You can still watch the fight scenes, the actors are not on the same channel

Kristofer 2022-03-20 09:03:03

The tone of the whole film is quite relaxed and funny, and I was amused a few times when I watched it.
The only feeling is that Jackie Chan and these young actors really don't feel like they are in the movie at all. When you get to Jackie Chan, you feel like that is the case, but when you get to the younger generation of actors, you feel awkward everywhere. Especially the wounded soldier, what the hell, he said it was funny but not funny, sad but not sad, you said it was a big x, and I always felt that it was broken. There is also the part of the opposite song in Dianzi, which is simply awkward, that kind of feeling that they don't want to talk to each other.
The most exciting part is the various fighting scenes. Some of the settings on the train are quite interesting. The Japanese devil, who can't die no matter what, is responsible for most of the laughs. The last part of the bridge bombing was very exciting, and the whole scene was very exciting.
The story is so-so, Jackie Chan's fighting scenes are still wonderful, and there are not many others.

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