There is only love in their lives, no firewood, rice, oil and salt

Alvena 2022-11-29 13:29:37

I watched two films in a row, "Hawaii" and "Plan B", the works of the same director. Among them, "Hawaii" was watched twice. The feelings in the ambiguous stage are really beautiful, like the sun shining on the grass.
Whether it's the love buried by playing together when you were young, or the scheming pranks to get back your ex-girlfriend, when the two get along, they truly fall in love with each other. Test each other, figure out each other, and finally hug and kiss.
The photo stalks resonate a lot. It turns out that the person you like already likes you, and the secretly hidden photos are the evidence. When I was in high school, I had a crush on a boy in my class. Later, I was divided into arts and sciences, so I was no longer in the same teaching building. I cut out the big group photo during the military training and made a single photo of him and pasted it on the diary. Years later, we were husband and wife, and I showed him this diary. It turned out that we were in love with each other the first year we met.
I like the slowness and dilution in movies, still lifes, colors, and emotion that flows quietly. These are more heartwarming than hand-to-hand combat in bed.
In the past two years, I have watched a lot of gay movies, such as "Lan Yu", "Brokeback Mountain", "I want to cover the tide", "Weekend Time", "Shining Days" and so on. I'm not a scumbag, and I've never advertised myself for or against homosexuality. It happens naturally, let it happen naturally. Don't be deliberate.
I've been thinking about why I suddenly like watching this type of movie. Is it because of curiosity? Or the protagonist's appearance? In fact, it is because there is only love in their lives, no firewood, rice, oil and salt. In the movie, whether they are in the ambiguous stage or the stage of passionate love, apart from the obstacles of family and the world to love, there is no other consumption of emotion. In an open country, such as Argentina, there is not even secular pressure. When you are firm in your heart, your relatives and friends are assists.
How many romances have been lost in the firewood, rice, oil and salt. Although he is his first love and he has achieved a positive result, in the trivial matters of the family every day, when he is sad, he also wants to break up. But in the movie, there is only love in their world, there is no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, there is no conflict between work and family, and there is no anxiety about children's education... This
may not be the case in reality, but the movie does provide another possibility of life.

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