Steal the dragon and turn the phoenix

Freddy 2022-09-16 15:46:35

Humorous, funny, relaxed and happy atmosphere, the male protagonist pretended to be hurt and provocative when they first met, and he looked handsome, tall, smart and talented. In the play, Hepburn is simple, cute and silly, and it is indeed charming. From the beginning of disdain to the back, it naturally falls into a fairy-tale happy ending. The plot is not that good, it's a bit ironic. But the witty dialogue and good-looking protagonist totally hold up the film. Hepburn's beauty and classics are unparalleled. Looking at the present, it is still beautiful and fascinated. Beautiful things always tug at the heartstrings.

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How to Steal a Million quotes

  • Simon Dermott: I tossed a coin on the way over. *You* lost.

  • Simon Dermott: [about the Cellini Venus] Oh! She's fine. She's wrapped up in one of my old shirts, just as snug as could be. I rocked her to sleep in my arms last night. It's the first time I ever did that with a grandmother.