just live

Lavonne 2022-09-04 18:51:10

A Jewish boy appeared in the Buchenwald concentration camp. To save or not to save, to kill or not to kill, became the main consideration in two aspects. It is not only the lambs that are exposed in the wolves, but also the human nature.

The story of the film can be said to be a full-fledged story. To say that it is flawed, it may be a slightly immature editing and an over-filled plot. The editing at the beginning of the movie is a bit interesting. The scenes before going to the concentration camp and the scenes after the concentration camp are edited together with a parallel montage editing method, which speeds up the development of the plot and makes the story more dramatic. But the editing after this is a bit like the diary of a middle school student. In addition, it may be that the plot and emotions that the director wants to express are too detailed, causing the entire film to be full. The director doesn't even want to waste even a second to let the audience take a breath, but forgets the charm conveyed by the film's appropriate blank space. Sometimes, the audience's imagination is more exciting than what you can use to express.

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