Destiny to meet, either as friends or relatives, should be cherished

Abby 2022-03-24 09:01:37

I watched the Japanese anime "City in the Sky". There is a legend in "City in the Sky". There is a floating city in the sky of the earth. That city has a lot of wealth and a very powerful level of technology.
The heroine of the anime "Heda" is the descendant of the royal family of Castle in the Sky. She has the "flying stone" handed down from her ancestors on the Sky City. With this flying stone, you can point out the direction of the location of the city in the sky and control all things in the city, but Xida does not know it. Musca, the conspirator of the sky pirate family and another royal family in the sky city, wants to rely on the power of the army to return to the legendary sky city and get the technological power of this castle, and then dominate the world. Knowing about the flying stone, they want to catch Xida and take the flying stone.
In an escape, Hida met the male protagonist Balu. Balu's father discovered the city in the sky on an unintentional trip, but no one believed it, only his son Balu believed that what his father said was true , so he wanted to find this city in the sky. Baloo and Shida cooperate with the sky pirate family moved by them to defeat the army led by Musca and smash the conspiracy of the conspirator Musca. The only thing that was destroyed in the Sky City was the Sky Tree, and Shida and Balu understood a truth. The city in the sky has much higher wealth and technology than the earth, but as long as it leaves the city in the sky, it cannot exist.
After reading "City in the Sky", I understood a few truths. One of the truths is that people's desires will lead people to do many bad things, but good people are often the most powerful. Muska wants to dominate the world, and the army wants to gain wealth, all because they have greed in their hearts. However, although the sky pirate looks rough on the outside, he has a kind heart inside. Another reason is that "nature is an important dependence for human beings. Although the city in the sky has high technology and powerful machinery, it cannot make people survive for a long time. Therefore, many ancestors of Musca Therefore, I chose to leave the city in the sky and live the life of ordinary people on earth.
We should be kind to others and nature, and our world will be harmonious and happy, not like the city in the sky.

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Castle in the Sky quotes

  • Col. Muska: [chasing Sheeta through the labyrinth] Sheeta, listen to me. Be reasonable! There's no way you can escape.

    Sheeta: [pounding on a door] Please! Open! Please!

    Col. Muska: No one can hear you. Only *I* can help you.

  • Pirate: [finding Sheeta's dress behind Pazu's house] Louie, go tell your mother! She's in disguise!

    Louis: So, she's in disguise?

    [to the pirate]

    Louis: Go tell my mother!