I'm just a dutiful mortal

Cecelia 2022-03-24 09:01:34

This film is based on Captain Sully's autobiography. The director, Clint Eastwood, is indeed very good. He has mastered the rhythm of the whole movie very well. The ins and outs, **** Although Captain Sully was called a hero at the time, he must also be investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board. But the great thing here is that it seems to tell the audience: "Hey~ tell you~ Captain Sally, he may have made the choice to land on the water for the sake of his own reputation and the small website he runs, and the forced landing on the water was made. Basically, the survival rate is very low, especially when the temperature is below zero outside. Captain Sally is betting on the lives of other people on the plane!” You will start to feel about Captain Sally, “He really did Is it the right choice?! Or did he make a big gamble with the lives of all the planes? Is there a better way to deal with it?", and let you know that the Sully family does have some troubles. Sally decided to do this?!


However, computer simulations and engineer data again and again seem to break the confidence of Sally and co-pilot Jeff again and again; Sally is also mentally tortured by this, and the way the plot is arranged is quite similar to the normal reaction of post-traumatic humans . At the beginning, Sally was always absent-minded, and his memories of the plane were all fragments. Even after his TV show interview, he seemed exhausted, and even began to hallucinate, thinking that he saw the plane he was flying crashing. Entering the most densely populated city, Sally seems to have begun to suspect that he is about to be defeated by those perfect simulations. While in the bar, he thought of an important question: "time", so he asked someone to help him complete a real-life flight simulation before the public hearing would humiliate him and Jeff. At the hearing, the real-life simulation landed perfectly on the runways of two adjacent airports, but Captain Sally raised the point of "human nature" that the committee ignored. The 155 people on the plane also included himself. Why should he gamble with his own life? !

And these real-life simulations are not like real people but robots, and flight simulations all have accurate instructions, but who is trained to know what to do in such a crisis? Flying is not a video game. These perfect landings are the result of many simulations, and cannot be compared with the current situation at all! So the commissioner corrected the reaction time of the real-life simulation. No one on both runways could achieve the goal of a smooth landing. Indeed, Sally proved that he was right. It was not because of the doubts above that he made these decisions.

He made these decisions all thanks to his years of flying experience. And safe landing is one thing. It was January, and New York’s winter was very cold. All passengers who escaped from the water landing were safe and sound. It also depended on the unreserved assistance and excellent performance of people. results of police support.

***** In fact, I was watching the rescue scene. I was very moved. I deliberately arranged the plot of the father-son and relatives trio, the inconvenient old lady's family, and the mother with the baby. Points feel hypocritical, and I love this arrangement.


All in all, I was actually quite moved after watching this film. Although Sally at the end of the film was reunited with the passengers at the time, I still felt a strong sense of Viva America, but it didn’t hurt that he was a very touching and inspiring film. A movie that warms people's hearts. After all, after 9/11 in New York at that time, it was really rare to be able to see the news about the plane or this kind of good news. The word "miracle" in the Hudson Miracle is not only because of this mortal situation that Captain Sully was able to survive, but also because the plane was flying low in the city, which reminded Americans of the fear and fear of the 9/11 incident. Injury, so when Flight 1549 was all safe and did not hit any buildings, it seemed to make up for the pain and feel happier. In the hearts of the American public, Sally seemed like a hero who prevented tragedies like 9/11.

There are also lines in the movie that suggest this, and it is said that Americans should have this kind of miracle to soothe their pains (I forgot the detailed lines, which is probably what it means). The release date of the film is also scheduled on September 9, 2016, US time, just two days before the 9/11 incident. This arrangement is also the approach taken by the film company (Warner Bros.) to commemorate the 9/11 incident. Like the real Hudson miracle, it can once again heal some of the pain caused by 9/11 in the United States.

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Extended Reading

Sully quotes

  • [last lines]

    Elizabeth Davis: [At the NTSB investigation proceedings] First Officer Skiles, is there anything you'd like to add? Anything... you would have done differently if you... had to do it again?

    Jeff Skiles: Yes. I would've done it in July.

  • Sheila Dail: [cabin crew chanting] Brace brace brace! Heads down! Stay down!