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Harley 2022-03-21 09:01:51
Jagat Janani: What is your name?
P.K.: I don't have any name. But i don't know why people called me PK... Pk...
P.K.: Which god should I believe? You all say that, it's only one god. I say, no... there are two gods. One is the one who created us all. The other one is the one created by people like you. We know nothing about the god who made us all. But the god people like you made is exactly like you... liar, pretend to act, giving false promises, meeting rich people sooner, letting the poor neglected, happy when get praised... People are afraid to even say a word. My right number is very simple, the God who created us all, put faith in Him. And the god like you created, the duplicate god, destroy it.