Alien Contract: Lei Gong Helps Me Fight

Cara 2022-03-21 09:01:37

Compared with George Miller of the same age, Ridley Scott, who neither knows how to cherish words like gold nor cherish old feathers, is really a love-hate relationship. Without the pitfalls of conspiracy theories and mysticism woven by Damon Lindelof for "Prometheus," "Alien: Covenant" once again exposed the aging Raikou's reliance on visual excellence, and A disregard for narrative loopholes and logic.
Like Prometheus, Alien: Covenant delivers National Geographic and Discovery Channel-quality HD sophistication—something that the '80s Alien movies simply couldn't do, and that's also the case with films like James Carr A visual experience that fantasy-flow sci-fi directors like Mellon and Steven Spielberg can't bring. But when it comes to the story of "Alien", it appears to be in danger due to lack of convincing and is at a loss.
Alien: Covenant isn't a solid Martian. And this foundation is what Lei Gong and the "Alien" series need most. It doesn't matter if there is no stickman Damon Lindelof, and it doesn't matter if there is no exoskeleton controller Neil Blomkamp, ​​but the "Alien" series is not afraid to be taken over by another, more creative young director, This is also one of the important characteristics of the "Alien" series.
Check out Dennis Villeneuve's HD remaster of Blade Runner - consistent inside and out, and full of surprises everywhere. We sincerely hope that something like this can happen to Aliens as well.
But for now, Lei Gong has brought many barriers to "Alien: Covenant": the scientists of deep space colonization not only have their IQ offline, but also have reached the level of deep mental retardation. The interstellar voyage is too stingy to leave a biochemical person on duty? man! Strange Planet's first appearance without a helmet? man! Drilling into a cave with the biochemical man who met the mysterious face-to-face for the first time? man!
The star-like plot holes in "Alien: Covenant" are of course all holes dug for the sake of letting the characters die. For the first-generation "Alien" of the B-level film standard, it can be counted, but for today's Lei Gong and "Alien", it is not something that can be disguised by the replacement of the model to CG.
After all, 30 years have passed, and the routines are already too familiar.
If I had to describe Alien: Covenant in one word, it would be George Miller's "Mediocre".

Alien: Covenant and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 have a similar key problem -- that the story universe isn't expanded. It is true that we have seen the follow-up stories of the characters in the previous work, and we have also seen more fresh villains, but "Alien: Covenant" is essentially just an extended version of the end credits, and it is not worth pulling a long film at all. Even if the main event happened 10 years after "Prometheus", even if David turned into a villain and stood to the end, even if the Neo alien of Prometheus and the original alien of "Alien" appeared at the same time, still It's hard to get enough traction for Alien: Covenant's weak story.
Alien: Covenant oscillates between B-grade horror and A-grade sci-fi, creating a split narrative style. The positive characters seriously lack clear motives, while the negative characters smack their faces wisely, trying to increase the complexity of the plot in a way of "reversing the Eiffel Tower again and again". From a certain level, "Alien: Covenant" is Lei Gong's "Alien 2" - if the "Alien 2" was still in the hands of Lei Gong himself, it is foreseeable that it is basically what it looks like now, not "Avatar" prequel .
While it uses as many famous actors as Prometheus, almost none of the human characters in Alien: Covenant are interesting or memorable enough. And the hysterical and extremely stupid performance of several of them is disgusting, and I can't wait to get rid of it quickly.
Did Guy Pearce spend billions of dollars just to shoot a bunch of idiots into space for human takeaways?
Among these idiots, Kathryn Watson had the luck to be the "best" character on the entire ship -- and this "best" was just the best in this Suicide Squad. The amazingly productive Michael Fassbender has done an excellent job with the attitude and performance of a model worker. It is easy to play two roles, but like "Assassin's Creed", it falls into a pot of stinky soup. On the contrary, the cheap and rotten comedy Danny McBride is a little surprising, and the impression of vulgar comedy is quite clean. And several other characters, basically can be selected into the series the most stupid.
Compared with it, "Prometheus", which also has many flaws, will not be boring at least in terms of characters. Noomi Rapace's Elizabeth Shaw is also a good protagonist, and the big scenes are also remarkable. But what about Alien: Covenant? With the change of the title of the film, all the advantages of "Prometheus" have been completely thrown away, and they have rushed to the video hall 30 years ago.
Want to know more about Genesis' engineers? Not here. The entire movie is a mousetrap made for the cyborg David, who can't wait to ditch "Prometheus" and join the "Alien" family. There are three other Alien prequels in the planning, but according to the appearance of "Alien: Covenant", I am afraid we will hardly see more complex content than "Prometheus".
In other words, "Alien: Covenant" is like Ridley Scott's "Star Wars", with goose bumps and hair standing on end.
But as a movie that is on par with the original "Alien", the horror elements in "Alien: Covenant" are quite satisfactory. The design finally realized the wish that the remote control model could not express, although the last two action scenes seemed a little bit Advance overdraft.
If that's what Ridley Scott wanted the Alien prequels to look like, then the series really needs to stop and think about where it's going.

As in the 2014 biblical epic "Pharaohs and the Gods", Ridley Scott's dismantling and reorganization of the "Alien" and "Prometheus" motifs did not achieve very good results, the use of CG Although outstanding, it lacks the deeper philosophical thinking of its predecessors or even similar works. As a result, we feel even more pity for the weak performance of "Alien: Covenant".
After all, the movie wasn't bad, it just wasn't good enough for both Raider and Alien.

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Extended Reading

Alien: Covenant quotes

  • David: I was with our illustrious creator, Mr. Weyland, when he died.

    Walter: What was he like?

    David: He was human. Entirely unworthy of his creation.

  • Tennessee: He looks like Phantom of the Opera.

    Upworth: I didn't peg you for a musical fan.

    Tennessee: Oh, there's a musical?