True revolutionaries

Derrick 2022-03-22 09:01:19

This film reminds me of revolutions in human history: countless people fell to the ground. After the revolution was successful, the revolutionaries replaced the original rulers and continued to override the people. This is an endless loop. There is a line in Zhou Xingchi's "The Deer and Ding Ji" to the effect that all revolutionary slogans are deceiving people. "Anti-Qing Fuming" is just a superficiality. The essence is that whoever wins can have countless silver couples and women.
How many people in Chinese history, under the guise of revolution, did despicable and dirty deeds, such as Li Zicheng, Hong Xiuquan, and others who cannot be said. These are not true revolutionaries. Only Sun Wen, who became president but still has the sincerity of revolutionaries, would rather hand over the position of president to Yuan head for the success of the revolution. There is a clip in "Towards the Republic". Yuan Shikai learns that Sun Yat-sen is going to give up his position and kills unbelief, saying that this must be a conspiracy and tricks. The revolution is so laborious and so many people die. Who is not for this presidential throne? How could someone voluntarily let it out? This is the difference between politicians and revolutionaries! You can laugh at Sun Yat-sen's naivety and weakness, but you can't laugh at his revolutionary spirit. It is precisely because of this spirit that he can be called the father of the nation, not someone else. The protagonist in this film is a thorough revolutionary like Sun Wen.
This is a film that makes people completely disappointed in politics. The vast majority of people are ruled by a very small number of people. This is the greatest tragedy that mankind will never be able to change, and it is also the greatest political dilemma. But without the rule of a very small number of people, society will be chaotic again, and people will madly kill each other. High-ranking people must be villains. If you want to be a politician, you must first abandon those so-called conscience and morality.
But the protagonist didn’t. He finally saw the fighting crowd. The big boss took the opportunity to brainwash him and watched people’s bravery and ruthlessness. No one cares about it, so come pick me up; but he saw it again. The child locked in the engine chose to die with the big boss.
Understanding politics does not mean that you can accept such dark rules of the game. After seeing the darkness clearly, you would rather sacrifice the fruits of the revolution than compromise with reality. This is the true revolutionary and the true warrior. The truly great people are those who mix in the darkness, but still retain their pure heart.
The vast majority of people ruled by a very small number of people, such as us, can only live their lives in mediocrity, looking at the world numbly, in order to escape to protect their small world for a moment.

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Snowpiercer quotes

  • Gilliam: [discovering a red letter in a protein block] The water supply section?

    Paul: Yeah, it's just a few cars up. It's where the, uh, the water's cleansed and recycled.

    Gilliam: It's one of the most crucial sections in the train.

    Curtis: If we take it, we have the upper hand?

    Gilliam: We don't even have to go to the very front. We control the water... we control the negotiation.

  • Edgar: Listen, would you get on with it, man? You're keeping us all fucking waiting!

    Namgoong Minsoo: [through the language translator] Am I?

    Edgar: Yeah, you are. Although you have been fucking smelling that inflammable shite, that time is probably a distant concept for you, isn't it?

    Namgoong Minsoo: Of course. I'm only doing this for Kronole.

    Edgar: Here we go again. Kronole this, Kronole that. Christ almighty, man, do some fucking work.

    Namgoong Minsoo: You're the ones who keep giving it to me.

    Edgar: Are you a bit thick? That's what you asked for each time you opened the gate.