Do not forget the original intention

Jessyca 2022-03-22 09:01:22

When it comes to Tom Hanks, the first thing most people think of is "Forrest Gump", fans will think of "Saving Private Ryan", "Philadelphia Story", "Sleepless in Seattle". And "Big", an early work of Tomoe 30 years ago, may only be mentioned by veteran movie fans. Sonny recommended this film to me when he came to Chengdu this year, so I was happy to watch it.

Just like a besieged city, adults always expect to never grow old, forever young, but children always have the fantasy of growing up quickly. The film tells the wonderful fairy tale of a child who made a wish to grow up, become an adult, and travel in the world of adults. Yes, this story is really wonderful, after little Josh became an adult, he found a job in a toy company. Although he looks like an adult and behaves stupidly - this is the role that the honest and honest Tom is good at - but stupid people have stupid blessings. He is valued by the boss because of his childlike innocence. As a product manager, he earns a lot of money every day. The salary played with toys, but also soaked in the company's big beauties. However, this kid is also forgetful about his love. Billy, his childhood friend, worked hard to help him find the wishing machine that can restore people to their original condition, but Josh gradually distanced himself from his friends because of his work and girlfriend. However, since the tone of this film is a beautiful fairy tale, the protagonist will not forget his original intention in the end. He returns to his childhood and continues to be good friends with Billy.

Don't forget the original intention - I don't know when the sentence became popular. The first time I saw it in my memory was the slogan of Hupu in a certain period - "Grow savagely, do not forget the original intention". To do not forget the original intention, it is difficult to say it is difficult, and it is simple and simple. The difficulty is because people have to face countless temptations, countless changes, to get out of the mud without being stained, to be clean and not demonic, and the flowers of water, land and vegetation are so many that only lotus can do it. Simple because the original intention is a simple, simple thing. It may be that children like to run on the football field, it may be their joy after solving a math problem, or it may be their reverence for heroes. It is so clear and moving that it leaves no time to consider other possibilities.

If it is not easy to maintain the original intention, then remind yourself more. The film serves as a reminder. Remember, don't forget the original intention.

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Big quotes

  • Susan: I'm not so sure we should do this.

    Josh: Do what?

    Susan: Well, I like you, and I want to spend the night with you.

    Josh: Do you mean sleep over?

    Susan: Well, yeah.

    Josh: OK... but I get to be on top.

  • Josh: It's a glow-in-the-dark compass ring. So you don't get lost.