
Herta 2022-03-23 09:01:52


Speaking of India, what may come to mind is the mysterious Ganges water, strict caste system, high dowry fees, singing and dancing Bollywood and rampant rape cases, full of exotic flavors. For India itself, while it has many social problems, it also has a unique cultural foundation and more efforts to avoid these bad habits from being reported by the media. "Wrestle it! "Dad" is just the video proof that India as a country is constantly striving. Based on real events, the film mainly tells the story of how a father, a former wrestler, sent his daughter to the international wrestling stage. The film seriously reflects the current ills of Indian society based on niche topics such as the story of the upbringing of female wrestlers. Even the daily songs and dances of Bollywood did not appear suddenly in this film, but timely access to serve the development of the plot. The overall storyline is not very original, or even a bit old-fashioned, but if you look at it in the specific cultural context of India, "Wrestle! Dad is truly a poignant, realistic and uplifting biographical film. The story took place 20 years ago in the conservative state of Haryana in northern India. Here, you can see the ancient side of Indian traditions. Males dominate the outside world and enjoy absolute authority, while women dominate the interior and have almost no status. Mrs. Purga in the film is similar to the template of traditional Indian women. She respects her husband, bears children, manages housework, retains all traditional female characteristics, and devoutly believes in religion. Sisters Geeta and Barbita were also daughters who grew up along the path of their mothers at the beginning, with long hair, wearing saris, and dressing up as beautifully as possible every day to play with the little sisters. Not that there is any serious problem with growing up like this, in Haryana, growing up like this is the normal way to mature. And Mr. Poga's desire for the international gold medal initially made him break the power of secular vision. It is not impossible for his extremely talented daughter to fulfill his dream, and it may even give her a better future. Single-handedly changed the way the sisters grew up. Putting on men's clothing that is more convenient for exercise, cutting off the long hair that causes lice, and supplementing protein with foods that are not recommended by religions such as milk and chicken, the father's actions are in the eyes of the daughter to torture them by any means. They still look forward to growing up in the most common way like their mother, to have enough beauty, to marry early and have children, and to work day and night for the family, they are unaware of their father's "revolution". In this "revolution", what the father wears is the gender bias imposed by the secular vision and public opinion on the daughters, and it is the habitual thinking locked in the hearts of the daughters by traditional culture and religion. For the sake of the two daughters It is imperative for him to cast aside the concept of gender and fight bravely in the wrestling ring, and he must remove all obstacles. The father bears most of the influence of external factors on the sisters with absolute trust and fearless eyes, but the traditional gender consciousness that grows in the hearts of the Poga sisters can only be changed by themselves. The film arranges this psychological transformation in a wedding scene that most Indian movies will not miss. The jubilant people sing and dance lively, which is very Indian. Geeta and Barbita, who have been working hard for many days, naturally do not want to miss such a relaxing and fun activity. They have been trained by their father, dressed up carefully, and came to attend the wedding of their little friend. And Mr. Poga was haunted, and he caught the sisters one by one. The wedding scene was embarrassed, and Geeta and Barbita, who were still in their teens, felt a great loss of face. The little bride, who has been expressionless since the wedding, sat with the sisters on the bed and wept. She bluntly said that she envied the Poga sisters for having a father who thought about different ways for them, so she didn't have to be arranged by her family as early as herself, like a cattle dealer. Marrying someone she doesn't know at all, and then cleaning, cooking, and raising children for that person, there is no room for manoeuvre, like most Indian women have no idea to spend their lives hastily. The little friend who has the expectations of the two sisters said this sentence, which really calmed the sobbing Geeta and Barbita. They wiped their tears and began to see another path that their father had worked so hard to pave for them. Obviously, this road is not necessarily easy to walk, and it is even more difficult than the road that mothers and partners take as usual, but this road can lead to a more equal and free life, why not choose? Since then, Geeta and Barbita have taken the wrestling training arranged by their father more and more seriously, moving towards their new dreams and lives. Mr. Perga's trust and training in his daughter is a rare encouragement for low-status Indian women. Especially before the competition, Mr. Perga told Gita that she wanted to win the gold medal is her expectation, but the meaning of this gold medal is far more than that, this gold medal tells the girls that "we can too". Mr. Poga's two simple sentences are both encouragement and support for Geeta, and it is a wake-up call for the female audience off-screen. Not only in India, the fourth most dangerous country for women in the world, but also on a global scale, women are always told "no" for a long time. Over time, they automatically think that they can't, and they tend to have no confidence in themselves. more dependent on others. But think about it carefully, as human beings, do women really need to be limited by so many "can't"? The Paga sisters, who worked hard and achieved excellent results in the wrestling field, are proving to Indian women with their actions. Pei also does not allow men, what they have created is what their fathers have not been able to create. Equal rights has never been a simple slogan. Behind it are the struggles and even bloody sacrifices of countless people. It is an unavoidable fact that some developed countries have achieved equality between men and women, but developing countries that have been deeply influenced by some male-dominated cultures cannot achieve it for the time being. The inertia of the so-called "tradition" is so great that even the most prominent people in the country are at the forefront of resistance. When personal strength shows a state of being a man’s arm and a drop in the bucket before difficulties, then the choices made by the individual are even more difficult to balance. Mr. Perga's coercion towards his daughter at first was true, but at the same time he was sure that his daughter was strong enough to "choose her own husband". As a film that promotes positive emotions, "Wrestle! Dad" does not create a completely positive image, but tends to be a direct reflection of cruel reality and human feelings. Aamir Khan, who played Mr. Paga, told the media when he participated in the Beijing International Film Festival: "The purpose of making this film is to highlight the girls in Indian society who are treated unfairly due to sexism, and at the same time to put the most The meaningful parts are expressed in a pleasing way." Indeed, "Wrestle! The sports inspirational film "Dad" has aroused the audience's attention to the content of the film's story through wonderful and smooth competitive scenes, delicate and full emotional drama and just the right rhythm. The malpractice is questioned, and the audience's thinking about the country and the nation is caused by film means, and it also brings shock to the world full of positive energy. Girls in society who are being treated unfairly by sexism, while bringing out the most meaningful parts in a pleasing way. "Indeed, the sports inspirational film "Wrestle! Dad" has aroused the audience's attention to the content of the film's story through wonderful and smooth competitive scenes, delicate and full emotional dramas and just right rhythm turns, and pointed out contradictions sharply through character settings and plot arrangements. The core is to question the existing malpractices of Indian society, to arouse the audience's thinking about the country and the nation through film means, and also to shock the world with positive energy. Girls in society who are being treated unfairly by sexism, while bringing out the most meaningful parts in a pleasing way. "Indeed, the sports inspirational film "Wrestle! Dad" has aroused the audience's attention to the content of the film's story through wonderful and smooth competitive scenes, delicate and full emotional dramas and just right rhythm turns, and pointed out contradictions sharply through character settings and plot arrangements. The core is to question the existing malpractices of Indian society, to arouse the audience's thinking about the country and the nation through film means, and also to shock the world with positive energy.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ *Illegal can often be: The source "Han Feizi · Five Beetles": "It is because the saints do not plan to cultivate Ancient, illegal is always allowed." It means not to regard conventional conventions as eternal patterns.

#This article is organized and collected on the WeChat public account "One Look ONELOOK" (onelooker44). Welcome to pay attention.

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.