God said, let it burn!

Guadalupe 2022-03-23 09:01:52

The Chinese translation name is obviously "Roll over!" The same paragraph of Ashin. Its purpose is unclear. Because in my opinion, "Ashin" should be closer to a biopic than a sports film.

I once chatted with a friend about the format and elements of the "sports" type of film, and the reason why China, as a sports power (at least in terms of the number of gold medals in international competitions), has hardly produced high-quality sports films.

Basically, the real protagonist of a sports movie should be sports. Realize the change of the protagonist in the promotion of the movement - physical, mental and character, resolve all conflicts in the promotion of the game - the society of the individual group, express the theme through the characteristics of the movement and the process of the game - Praise critical thinking.

Whether it is gymnastics "Ashin" or fighting "Guild War", it is the other way around, mainly telling stories outside the stadium. The two lines on and off the field failed to merge into one through the sports event.

"Wrestling" is also based on real people, but the story is very thoughtful and fictitious. The main contradiction of the film is the father's dream of "getting a gold medal for India internationally" and the growth of his daughters - whether his persistence gives them wings or breaks their ego. From this main contradiction emanates the ubiquitous bureaucracy and the impediment of the sexism that permeates the society on sports and athletes.

These contradictions, as well as the transformation of the protagonist, do not need to be disturbed by love, not to be turned by pain, not to suffer from natural disasters and not to be accidental, but to be unfolded and resolved purely by wrestling.

After discovering the fighting talents of his two daughters, a father who wants a son breaks all odds and trains them to wrestle despite the gossip of the whole village. Geeta rebelled against Dad's training at one point. Until she lost the first match in her life, she stayed up all night looking forward to the next match, and wrestling changed from her father's dream to Geeta's life. After entering the sports academy, Geeta, who was exposed to the new world, once again rebelled against her father's authority. Father and daughter reconcile after losing game after game, when Dad's training and opinions are no longer imposed on her by threats of patriarchy or "hair cut", but by her own choice, effectively becoming an athlete relationship with the coach. In the last game, the script simply forced Dad to leave the game. Geeta won with his own skills, cognition and judgment (this is not a spoiler), challenged sexism, abandoned the bureaucracy represented by the academy coach, and finished. Fulfilling his father's dream and, most importantly, achieving self-independence.

Growing up with Geeta was a series of wrestling matches. Wrestling is not a sport I am familiar with. Whether it is mud wrestling or mat wrestling, apart from a brief explanation of skill points, there is no long introduction to the rules and techniques, and they are all expressed in actual combat. The shooting and editing of the game also maintained an appropriate degree, clearly distinguishing the different techniques of offense and defense, highlighting the agile and fast viewing points of women's lightweight wrestling, and it will not make the audience feel exaggerated - in fact, the Olympic Games are not the same. Not so pretty.

As an inspirational sports film, "Wrestling" has done enough in Ran Dian. If you want to burn it, firstly, you need to photograph the beauty and vigor of this sport itself, and point out the difference from other sports; secondly, you need to shoot the protagonist’s special beauty and fitness when doing this sport, and point out the difference between him and Yi’s daily life. The third is to shoot the heroic road of "participation" leading to "success", and point out the difference from other professional channels.

It's easier for older players or underdogs to do this, so sports movies don't like athletes who are too proud and too early in life. Geeta basically had a smooth journey—a deep family education, a youthful fame, and a consecutive national championship. You can find twists and turns in her story, enlarge and process it, through her hard childhood (in fact, it is not as hard as a little athlete in the Celestial Dynasty) and the short-term unhappiness when she first entered the international arena (in fact, her trough period is not long. ), put her in the low-status environment of Indian women, plus the slow motion and BGM of the last fall, it just burned.

I always thought that the choice of sports is very important for sports films. Hollywood focuses on single-player and strong confrontation, such as boxing and fighting, because these projects are popular in themselves, and the rules are easy to understand (even if you don’t understand it, it will not affect the plot), and it is visually and psychologically easy to send a stretcher every minute. out the effect.

After watching this film, I realized what my friend said, running man can make the World Cup exciting by playing a piece of paper (not to mention the traditional skills of the show to tear off famous brands), as long as it is a competition, it can be burned, regardless of the event. Originally, even in static competitions like archery, we can see the Olympics get high. Whether it burns or not, how much it burns, depends on the shooting technique, script routine, and performance attitude.

Aamir Khan spends 95% of the time being fat uncle. For the 5%, which is not too heavy, he challenged the limits of his body to lose weight and gain muscle rapidly. If you want to change the dynasty, you need to wear a meat pad when you are fat, and when you are strong, draw two muscles and then do a CG, all solved. Not to mention the actresses' body management and wrestling learning.

After fully considering the human factor, the projects suitable for Tianchao shooting are very limited. I think shooting can be done.

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.