We all long for the salvation of others

Loren 2022-03-22 09:01:33

So I finally finished watching Manchester by the Sea.

I don't know why it became my second favorite movie.

Watch and cry, cry and laugh.

Watching Lee scolding his sister-in-law unconsciously by his brother's hospital bed, and then being criticized by his father and brother, as well as the uncle and nephew who swear at each other in their daily lives, they turned their heads and left when Patty walked in. The mortuary then turned around and left. When I saw this place, I laughed out loud. It was inexplicable, probably because I couldn't understand the feeling.

When I was very young, my grandmother died, and I wanted to go to the mortuary, but no one wanted me to go, so it became a place full of indescribable things for me, when you actually walked into a place where you I don't know how it feels when the cold corpse of a loved one is there.

Lee He leaned down gently, as if whispering in his ear, as if he was listening to his last words again, this is the last time in my life, I want to stay by your side longer.

Casey's performance was so good, he just stood there, in his little basement, talking nonchalantly about his life, how he got the minimum wage, how he insisted on staying in that place with nothing. In the basement, standing next to his nephew and his brother who will leave sooner or later, he looks like a loser, nothing else, as if he was abandoned by the world, and he is planning to abandon it.

He would look at him a few more times or rub against him, as if patiently, as if accepting the apology, and then throw a fist at him in the next second.

He's just such a silent, cranky, careless man, swearing, so clumsy that he can't utter a single comforting word, and he just sits beside Patty for long nights until he falls asleep. He could also make the same inconspicuous mistake over and over and pull everyone into the abyss.

But such people are the most distressing. If only you could see how he was putting up with it all.

His ex-wife saw it, and she came out on her own. Although she could never heal, she also forced herself out of the haze.

Knowing that she was no more miserable than him, she knew how he lived like a walking corpse, indifferently doing the most humble job, indifferently brought up by customers in conversations with others, or as the object of sexual fantasies, indifferently. Take the minimum wage, talk back to customers indifferently, and don't mind what other people think.

His brother saw it, so he was by his side the whole time, forcing him to call himself before nine o'clock to report safety, accompany him to buy new furniture, and make the lifeless basement at least habitable, he put He left everything behind him to take care of him, and his death left him with a brand new beginning, which is what he planned.

He can't help him, he knows. But he was willing to give it a try.

Patty saw it too, at the end of the day, so he wished he could be by his side.

He has received too many opinions from others, he can become numb, and even hugs, reconciliation, and the kindness of others become torture.

But we all long for the salvation of others.

His brother is probably my favorite character in the whole movie, taking care of everyone's life, patiently enduring his wife's stupidity and impatience on the hospital bed, while accepting the bad news of the day.

The men in the movie are all the same, whether it is the male protagonist, or his father, brother, and his sixteen-year-old underage nephew. They swallowed their distress, sorrow and all the pain into their stomachs, rubbed them into their hearts, and then lived their lives carelessly, and finally, at a certain moment of the day, they collapsed in an instant.

Just like what the friend of the male protagonist's father said at the end of the movie, his father went out in a boat, there was no bad weather, no call for help, nothing, and there will be no such person from now on.

Who is faster to save or to collapse? Or the two have already compromised and reached an agreement. After killing each other, they are confused every day and night, plus inadvertent fragmentation.

Don't leave it like this.

Don't become nothing.

Don't hate yourself.

But I can't find an exit.

I tried my best and tried my best to seal all the exits so that I would not be hurt and would not hurt others.

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Manchester by the Sea quotes

  • Suzy Chandler: Daddy?

    Lee Chandler: Yes, honey.

    Suzy Chandler: Can't you see we're burning?

    Lee Chandler: No, honey. You're not burning.

  • [Lee and Patrick are walking on the street, having a heated argument which includes profanity. We see a pedestrian who overhears their conversation]

    Manchester Pedestrian: Great parenting.

    Lee Chandler: Fuck you! Mind your fucking business, fucking asshole!