It's not about car bumping, it's game theory about the adult world

Jaime 2022-03-24 09:01:35

Only Information Values; Only Time Matters; Only Love Motivates.

As soon as I came back, I saw the accusing voices, and provided another angle, the words of a family.

First of all, the director is F. Gary Gray , who made "Law Abiding Citizen"

If it doesn't ring any bell, I'll explain.

1. Goddess Theron

The goddess appeared, Theron taught us one thing: you don't need to be strong, you just need to control the strong

The people who have done this in history are: all those who are in power

Negotiating with the strong requires conditions, that is, Rule 1: Know yourself and the enemy

Make your own choice, just like you have your self-conciousness.

In choice theory: only information is valuable, and you can only control your own behavior.

And if she has the child's information, she has the ability to control the dom, and if she has the dom, she has the nuclear power

And a woman's first journey is a man, "Red Hair Boy friend" mentioned by DOM

And Rhodes' reaction when they heard that the goddess was going to be dispatched in person, and everyone's reaction, it shows that they love Cipher

I don't think this scene was shot for the sake of filming. If it were me, I would need to double check how much the DOM can sacrifice for the child.

Cipher needs to witness with her own eyes how DOM decides between the child and Latty's team. She thought that DOM chose the child.

But what she didn't know was that DOM's choice had already been made when she first received the call from Hobbs.

What he wants is for everyone to retreat, and he did not intend to sacrifice anyone from the beginning.

As a collector of information, Cipher's mistake is to trust intuition instead of relying on information

So five minutes into the car repair, she panicked because she had no information and her gut wouldn't let her trust it.

As a collector of information, the most important thing is to analyze calmly

Back to the word "Cipher" itself, meaning "Cipher"

In this movie, Cipher not only decodes the program, but also decodes the human being, but the decoder needs to be calm

At the last moment, her lack of calm ruined her, she could save the submarine, she chose to perish together

It is an overestimation of oneself, and it is also the consistent self-confidence of the strong.

The appearance of Cipher really made the whole movie sublime in my eyes

In the information age, the only valuable thing is information, and the cause of the third world war must be information

Zombie Team

And this Zombie team is the best interpretation of power control

I don't need to buy a car, I don't need a truck, I just need to be able to control someone else's car

In this era of information resource sharing (special car, ofo, Cousera)

Ownership and usage rights have been completely separated, but social rules have not evolved with them

So this grey area will definitely be exploited

If humans are still addicted to the quagmire of matter, we are no different from Zombie

And as a human, if you can't correct your behavior in time

like a taxi driver who jumped out of the car halfway

Arendt and Bowman: Individual Moral Reflection in Social Processes

That is to say, as the saying goes: A gentleman examines himself three times a day.

Then your final fate can only be

Cipher said: "Ouch"

2. DOM

In the racing car at the beginning, the director has actually implemented it, what he wants to say most

If you want speed, you have to sacrifice safety; if you want stability in the world, don't think about high spirits

You can do whatever you want, as long as you are happy, but you have to be able to take your responsibility, DOM can

Danger is always within his reach

This is what the goddess Theron said later, you only care about those ten seconds, no family, no responsibility, only yourself

But the goddess was wrong

ONLY Love Motivates.

I don't know if you have thought about it, in case, I mean in case

DOM came up and said, I don't work for anyone

When you stepped on tiger's tail, you should never let it go

DOM let Latty go with the suitcase because he knew it would piss off Cipher

And Cipher will kill Elena, after all, it is impossible to kill his child, saving the trouble of confrontation between two women

I don't think anyone who could design Deckard to fake his death and use his mom to get him to submit would never have thought Latty would come out

Unbearable DOM

At the last minute, basically, DOM couldn't take it anymore, so a straight punch broke Rhodes' spine.

Killed him cleanly, no trouble, no villain struggling to survive, I love it

A scene in the back alley:

Latty holds the case, Dom points the gun at Rhodes, his position is clear

Rhodes grabbed the box, but couldn't grab it, this is Latty waiting for Dom's statement

Rhodes glanced at Dom with a nervous expression, wondering what Dom would do

Dom glanced at Latty, did not speak, Latty let go, to tell him: I believe in you

Although, after letting go, Latty hurts, but most of it is not because of Dom's betrayal

It hurts why Dom can't tell his reasons, what secrets are there between them he can't tell

acting emperor

Because Latty is still saying at the end: If you have to take him down, you need to take us both down.

Michelle Rodriguez's acting is so good that she doesn't really shine in this group scene

The bed scene at the very beginning of the film perfectly brought out Dom's desire for a child. The half-minute scene was the foundation for the whole story.

There are still people who say bad about such a movie. . . Me too. . .

3. Hobbs is cute, and the contrast is cute

A typical example of a person who can't be disguised

He is a law enforcer, his ideas have been subverted, and he has found his identity again

There is nothing to portray him in this play, because he is cute and responsible. . . .

I have to say that when he plays with any little girl, he has reached a new height

4. Deckard

I feel that the director's love for Jason Statham is like Tsui Hark's love for Lin Gengxin

Desperately trying to make you look like you have acting skills

The scene where Hobbs just went to prison, really, the acting is perfect, the action scene is perfect

Strength, speed, design, coordination, rhythm, all full marks

I'll have to check who the action director is in a moment, like

Another point to watch is the change in the relationship between Hobbs and Deckard

From the mutual disgust carried over from the previous level, to the admiration of Deckard finding New York with a busy flight, to the mutual sympathy

Until Deckard died, Hobbs' dented walls said it all

Only those with the same ability as me are worthy of being my opponents

And I respect my opponent because it is my honor to beat you

Classical chivalrous spirit, Jin Yong Gulong wrote countless such relationships! Doesn't that look good? !

5. Mr. Nobody and Little Nobody

Contributed to us are three Rules

Rules 1: Know your enemy

Rules 2: You never Lose Everything (even if you fail, the experience is yours)

Rules 3: There are NO rules at all.

Phenomenon will rise to theory, and theory will return to practice

When you really go back to practice, you will find that there is no theory at all in the world

The whole world is special, just be happy

All knowledge systems are shackles, only information is valuable

"One begets two, two begets three, three begets all things, and all things become one"

There is no principle in life, why bother.

"No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror"

I understand the green hand of this smiles like baby shit

do you understand? Are you still obsessed with the depth of a field?

Are you still confined to a body of knowledge?

You are still creating meaning for a life that was originally meaningless

And then feel pain in pursuit of this meaning?

We are nobody, and we are going nowhere.

Favorite scene, when you face a powerful enemy

The art of checks and balances

Never try to stop an enemy stronger than you, you will end up hurting (Little Nobody)

What we can do is check and balance

This scene is not about checks and balances, but how the strong get rid of checks and balances and restrictions

step 1: power off the weakest part

Dom kills Roman (Romantic) at 11.

This is a joke who can't recognize himself when he goes to the toilet in Russia

step 2: use trick to take off the hardest one

slams the door off the car and throws Hobbs away

step 3: die with outnumbered enemy

Use the positional relationship of the three cars on the opposite side, kill 3 at once, and then fight hand to hand

The perfect life textbook.

In my eyes, this movie takes 136 minutes, and there are no action scenes that need to be pissed.

Clarify these things:

1. The degree of informatization and the impact they can bring to human society

2. In the process of modernization, the significance of human moral reflection

3. The meaning of life and the purpose of life

4. Classical chivalrous spirit

Also in Sun Tzu's Art of War:

The first chapter "The Beginning "

"Five Things and Seven Strategies" (Cipher: Know yourself and the enemy)

The second chapter " Battle "

War mobilization and use to the enemy, victory over the enemy will be stronger. (Cipher: Your team's opponent is you)

The third " Conspiracy "

To attack a city with ingenuity, that is, not to use military force, but to use various means to make the defending enemy surrender. (Cipher: Control)

Chapter 4 " Army Form "

It is about factors that are objective, stable, and easy to see, such as the strength of combat effectiveness (Nowhere's arsenal)

Chapter 5 "Army"

It refers to subjective, changeable, and contingent factors, such as the configuration of troops and the courage and cowardice of morale. (5 minutes to repair the car)

Chapter 6 " Fantasy and Reality "

It is about how to disperse and gather, surround and detour, so that we are stronger than the enemy at the scheduled battle site, and the more wins the less.

(Zombie Team)

3. Battlefield Changes (Parts VII to IX):

Chapter 7 " Military War "

It is about how to "take the roundabout as the straight" and "take the trouble as the profit" to seize the advantage of the battle. (Cipher knows about the child first)

Chapter 8 " Nine Changes "

It is about the generals adopting different strategies and tactics according to different situations. (Cipher also ambushed Rhodes in the back alley)

Chapter 11 " Nine Lands "

It is about nine combat environments and corresponding tactical requirements divided according to the "host-object" situation and the degree of penetration into the enemy.

(Dom's deep shockwave and Zombie's group battle)

Chapter 13 " Using the Room "

It is about the use of five spies. (Use the Dom to steal the shockwave in Berlin)

What kind of bicycle is needed for a movie to achieve this level! ! !

Sure, I may be overthinking

it could be: One car come, one car go, two car bang bang, one car die

but, here's another way to see it.

and I am always overthinking.

I also think that the cars they drive themselves should all represent their respective personalities

But I'm not interested in cars, so I'll skip this part

About Paul

It's very clear in the movie

leave him along

let us agree on that.

View more about The Fate of the Furious reviews

Extended Reading

The Fate of the Furious quotes

  • Deckard: Do you really believe you can beat me in a straight-up old fashioned fist fight?

    Hobbs: Let me tell you something. Me and you. One on one. No one else around. I will beat your ass like a Cherokee drum.

    Deckard: Maybe one day we'll find out.

    Hobbs: Oh, you better hope that day never comes.

  • Roman Pearce: [after shooting several men single handedly] Number 11 my ass!