drink poison to stop poverty

Thora 2022-03-24 09:01:34

7.5 points. The rough Texas is very beautiful under the lens of big vistas.

The character creation is also good, because the Texas cowboy Toby, who wants to change his son's life, in his dialogue with his son, asks his son not to be like himself, and even admits his own unbearableness, just to hope that his son will live a completely different life in the future. Wanton free and easy brother Tanner, manslaughter, robbery and jail, the king of the plains. Humorous Texas Rangers, complaining about people and things around them.

The long shot at the beginning is a close-up of the environment, and the first cut point starts with the brothers hurting the first Milland Bank. A careful plan, only robbing his mother for a loan to buy his family's ancestral property at the lowest price, the Milland Bank, and this bank has no monitoring, only robs a few thousand yuan of change each time, the change has no anti-theft paint, sells old cars, casinos Exchange checks for money laundering. And this is just to replace the bank's debt and redeem their ancestral property.

The police, ordinary citizens, lawyers and protagonists are reminding us how abhorrent the bank's behavior is, but there is nothing people can do about it. This is also the reason why the waitress in the small restaurant and the people of the small town do not identify the brothers. After all, this is really heartwarming, this bank robbery is too Texas. It is difficult for every ordinary person to judge this thing with a simple standard, that is, it is not easy for everyone in Texas.

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Hell or High Water quotes

  • Marcus Hamilton: [Referring to a TV evangelist] He wouldn't know God if he crawled up his pant leg and bit him on the pecker.

  • Old Man: You fellas robbin' the bank?

    Tanner Howard: What's it look like, old man?

    Old Man: But you ain't Mexicans.