Sympathy, but still SAY NO - Hamlet in the eyes of the thousandth reader

Alta 2022-03-21 09:01:33

The European continent has always excluded Jews.
Finally, in 1919, a young man named Hitler joined the German Workers' Party and began his journey of nationalism, nationalism and anti-Semitism.
In the years that followed, the flames of World War II burned almost all over the European continent, and six million Jews lost their lives. Some countries take in refugees, but after all, few escape. Some touching stories have been passed down, but most of them are the separation of wives and families and the ruin of families.

In May 2001, the first part of "The Vampires of the South" ("Dead Until Dark") was released.
Four months later, the 9/11 incident that shocked the world occurred, and the then US President BUSH declared a war on terrorism against Afghanistan.
The war has continued to burn in the Middle East for more than a decade, and thousands of people have become refugees and displaced.
Countries began to accept refugees, but things such as refugee sexual assaults and terrorist attacks began to intensify.
Today, France and Germany insist on embracing refugees, the United Kingdom is negotiating for refugees to leave the European Union, and the United States has signed a presidential case to deny refugees entry...

In the play, after thousands of years of hiding, two years ago in 2001, In 1999, TRUEBLOOD came out, and thousands of vampires walked out of coffins and appeared in the streets. Vampire authorities are committed to the friendship between vampires and humans, and emphasize that vampires are human beings, and they still have humanity in them.
Many vampires get along well with humans, and even become lovers, but there are always those scum who pull out the host's spine before the live broadcast, use their fangs to terrorize humans in front of the camera of the mobile phone, and organize the massacre of the vampire army in the dark corner... ...
humanity began to rebel. The Vampire Equality Act was never passed, and some states began imposing curfews on vampires, and even kept vampires in captivity for in vivo research.

How similar the history is!

Is this show really about vampires?
Yes and no.
I was born in peacetime China. Haven't seen the ethnic cleansing of Jews by the Nazis, never reached the heart of the Middle East, and didn't know any war refugees.
I only heard the news of 9/11 in class, and I still remember that the whole class of children applauded, thinking that the American emperor was finally punished. I have only seen the news of refugee sexual assault on Weibo, and I have always held the attitude of watching the fire from the other side, thinking that they will not accept it if they don’t come to China anyway, but those who dare to accept refugees will definitely not have a good life in the future. Similarly, since some terrorist attacks in China, I have also developed a mentality of keeping a distance from people who believe in a certain religion in China. Whenever I see posts that provoke ethnic conflicts, I will think for a long time.
I'm sure many people are like me.

until watching this show. I actually sympathized with vampires.
At the same time, I began to understand the plight of refugees.
Everyone has seen some news photos about refugees more or less. What touched me the most was not the fallen life Ailan, but the one under the gun, stripped naked for security inspection, while holding her daughter while crying father.

A father should be strong and unyielding, he should be able to kill but not humiliated, and he should not cry easily. But he could only take off all his dignity in front of his daughter in exchange for two lives.
What is the father crying for? What about the little girl's mother? Do they have food on them? Where are you going to flee to? Are they safe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow? ...

If we can care for a race that doesn't exist on TV, why can't we care for people like us in reality?
If we can see JESSICA, BILL, and ERIC who are still human among vampires, why can't we try to make friends with classmates, colleagues, and neighbors who come from the far west and believe in a certain religion?
I am sympathetic and more introspective.

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But if anyone asks me, do you Agreeing to China to accept refugees, my answer will probably still not be "yes".
I would rather see thousands of people killed and injured than me. This is probably the most selfish human nature.

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  • [repeated line]

    Bill Compton: What are you?

  • Eric Northman: I've seen your website... it's very low rent.

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