The change of boxing champion

Sincere 2022-03-20 09:01:30

This is the first movie I haven't read and written a review, not because the movie itself is bad, but because it's too sad. .

Boxing champion Billy is like a fish in water in the boxing arena. It seems that he was born for boxing, but boxing is inevitable. His wife sees it in her eyes and hurts in her heart. She hopes that Billy will quit boxing. It's the most important thing, and it's only when you lose it that you understand it. His wife was shot and killed in the chaos, largely due to Billy's unbearable provocation and open fights with others. .

Then after the death of his wife, Billy lost the direction of his life, gave up on himself, and made his daughter worry about himself. Hey, the pain of losing a loved one can be deeply felt through the screen.

Although I have learned boxing for a year, there are two things I don't understand very well. What do the totems on the bandages and boxing gloves mean?

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Southpaw quotes

  • Angela Rivera: But I'm asking you... because we're about to see Leila... so I want to know what kind of shape you're in

    Billy Hope: [Mocking laughter] I'm a fuckin' mess!

  • Jordan Mains: Every time i seen you fight , you climb in there alone Every time you bled , you bled your blood When you sat down on that stool and it felt like death and you thought you couldn't get back up , but you got up ? You did that