
Onie 2022-03-23 09:01:38

as the violent and deadly plot of the book she is reading forces her... In fact, the real novel is really not violent at all. The only violent aesthetics is probably the posture of the wife and daughter's corpses and their placement in a bright picture. Others on the red sofa are really not violent. The killing process is not violent. When looking for the body, it is not violent. At the end of the novel, the male protagonist is not violent when he shoots. I don't know if it's because I asked for it or not, and I can't see it.

There are also different love between men and women. Isn’t it normal to break up? The heroine is actually not very sorry for the hero. After seeing the death of the wife and daughter in the novel, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is okay to start regretting. It is understandable to find out that I actually love the male protagonist, but how can I still be scared

Saw tom ford's interview like saying satire contemporary America aging sad tired it was one of the few words he used the heroine was really well presented the whole movie was sad and tired

In the middle of the scene when the detective takes Tony and Ray to the wooden house, the shot cuts to Tony all the time and it shakes with his intense emotions, and when it cuts to Ray, it's flat and the few seconds of Ray are beautiful!

The artist's aesthetic is really impeccable, and the whole process is calm and elegant

In the end, the contrast between the female protagonist when she was young and her current skin condition is also too good, right? Is this a makeup technique or something else?

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Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.