How much influence does the family of origin have on a person? !

Alexandria 2022-12-29 00:14:10

How much influence does the family of origin have on a person? ! Subtly, it affects a person's behavior, thoughts, and even three views. For example, is it male superiority or self-respect? Do you like neatness or casualness? Is love going smoothly or rebelling forward? Hardworking or lazy? Is it positive or negative? Self-confidence or low self-esteem? Perhaps the genes and habits of the original family are hidden in everyone's body, and the performance of the parents of the original family during the period of childbirth will also affect the children.
So how can we break the influence from the family of origin? Perhaps only reading, introspection, self-abuse, self-seeking, and dissatisfaction with the status quo can do it!
So, do you want to "masochistically" show yourself? !

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