Who told you to be such a liar?

Estevan 2022-03-23 09:01:38

"Nocturnal Animals" tells the story of the former chicken juice revenge heroine. Edward is a young literature lover. After being dumped by the heroine Susan, Edward has not heard from him for many years. Suddenly one day, Edward sent her a proof copy of the novel, Nocturnal Animals, asking her for advice, and the story began.
The film begins with the plot of Edward's novel. The drama in the play is purple: the male protagonist Tony and his wife and daughter were driving late at night, and a group of hooligans surrounded them. With the intimidation and abuse of the hooligan leader "Lei", the family panicked and was gradually forced to the empty highway. , the result was miserable. Be mentally prepared here:

Watching our family members being bullied by hooligans and missing opportunities to save people time and time again left us with images of violence and brutality in our minds. Among them, what is remarkable is the ever-changing eyes of "Rogue Boss Lei", come and feel it:

But it's kind of bloody to think about it:
• Is there no signal station on the suburban road, completely lost? !
• A group of people gathered towards the police car for help, and Price whizzed past? !
• Knowing that the other party has malicious intentions, you let your wife and daughter unlock and get off the car? !
A cowardly male host didn't protect his wife and daughter at a critical moment, and let them be abducted to a small black room under his own eyes.
Whoosh, why does such a plot inspire Bai Fumei’s choppy memories?
When do we really think about our exes? Do you still remember what happened to your ex? First of all, the most important thing is not how good the predecessor is, but the current state of Bai Fumei!
1. The
husband who was married in name only shied away from business and did not go on vacation with her, and it has become commonplace to go home at night.
The two have their own concerns, have no common goal, and lose the intersection of life.
Any woman wants a harmonious family, but she can't get it. She became weak and craved in affection. She suffered from insomnia for a long time, and her spirit fell into a precarious state.
2. The social status that is about to collapse is about to
go bankrupt, but still maintains a grand mansion, showing a moody atmosphere. Looking at this kind of indifferent decoration, is it gorgeous and weird? Like a cheongsam covered with lice, it smells of dust and decay when you touch it.
3. The hero of the novel who suffered misfortune - the key to unlock Susan's inner demon
From a psychological point of view, after many years, we can evaluate our past self more objectively, just like evaluating others. Some pain you don't want to recall in your heart, but it stimulates you because of a certain scene, leaving you nowhere to escape.
--What is this trigger? It is the fate of the male protagonist Tony in the novel.
He was cowardly by nature, did not protect his family, did not come forward at a critical moment, and let his wife and daughter be raped and then killed.
--And what about Susan?
When she was a student, she was an active person. She proposed to strike up a conversation, make an appointment for a meal, and even have sex.
As she stepped into society and experienced worldly baptism, she gradually lost confidence in Edward's feelings, and she began to be dissatisfied with such a life. As a well-born Bai Fumei, she "kindly" advised Edward to plan a career, but she actually felt the difference in reality:

After her embarrassing breakup with Edward, she escaped her guilt, but years later, she was awakened by the plot in the novel. Her cowardice and cowardice personally ruined their relationship. Tony in Edward's novel is fictional, while Susan's hurt to Edward is real and her remorse is real: I loved him, but I didn't believe him, I panicked and did unforgivable things to him .
She chose a new love, started a simple and easy middle-class life, and destroyed Edward's children.
Looking at Edward's figure standing outside the car for a long time on a rainy day, his heart was full of condemnation.

Memories came one after another, and she also got close to the truth in her heart. At this time, she was struggling between memories and reality, showing exhaustion. Many people with unsatisfactory feelings are always influenced by their original families and know what they want, but they cannot stick to their original beliefs and assume their due responsibilities.

At first, the heroine was very resistant to listening to her mother's words, but when she stepped into society, she found that "the economic base determines the superstructure" is a value that she cannot escape. She doesn't want to admit it or escape, but she can't bear the reality. Edward's virtues eventually became the reason for her departure.
She thought she had chosen what she wanted, but the more she went, the more sad she became.

Both emotional and financial status are in crisis, Susan doubts herself, she wanders in the empty room like a walking dead.
The ups and downs of the past approached her senses, and after recalling Edward's romantic delicacy, she mustered up her courage (I never thought she would not act because she was ashamed, not at the time, and now she is battle-hardened, of course not!) Su Shan took the initiative to interview Edward again, is this dress attractive (SAO) and confusing (QI)?

After thinking about it, he wiped off the scarlet lip color and suppressed the throbbing.

Perhaps Edward's novel is just a belated condemnation. Let Susan repent day and night and reflect on the mistakes she should face up to. Although this torture has made her mentally close to collapse, she understands something. At least she can cherish every moment she needs to take the initiative to make decisions in the future.

Looking at the water vapor in her eyes, maybe she is torturing her heart.

The love words of the past are still warm in recollection.

It's a pity that she woke up too late and the
flowers were all gone, so she turned around and
chose to wait for Edward, but Edward didn't make the appointment anymore.
No matter what happens in the future, please be kind to everyone who accompanies you across the river of life

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Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.