
Wendy 2022-12-29 17:38:51

It's not that Mark hasn't tried his own redemption. He dropped the weapon aimed at Helen's mother, and after she gave her advice, went to his father's former admirer, a psychologist, to ask if voyeurism could be cured. However, the other party completely ignored his questions and only cared about whether the famous psychologist father had any manuscripts left behind. Mark was unable to save himself and could only continue to sink. But this move shows that he is not dehumanizing, and the complex struggle and pain in his heart infect the hearts of the audience, making the characters fuller.
The film's presentation of Mark's voyeurism is in place, reflected in various details. Mark wanted to spy on everything. Not only did he peep at the people in the house through the window, but he also used a camera to record the horror of the female star when he found the body. He peeped on the roof for police investigation, and when he found a couple kissing in the dark, he subconsciously touched it. The left arm, as if wanting to film this scene. It can be seen that voyeurism has been rooted in his heart and has become part of the habit. The film is to use each detail to let the audience gradually enter the inner world of the protagonist and understand the trauma left to him in childhood and the disappointment brought to him by the outside world. When he painfully pointed the camera at himself at the end and walked step by step towards the spikes that were stained with the blood of the victim, the audience felt not the thrill of the villain being caught, but the lament of the fate of the protagonist. At this time, the audience was no longer a spectator, Rather, it was as if he had experienced his pain and felt his moral torment. It can be seen that the director's skill in shaping the character image.

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Peeping Tom quotes

  • Mark Lewis: Whatever I photograph I always lose.

  • Mrs. Stephens: I visit this room every night.

    Mark Lewis: Visit?

    Mrs. Stephens: The blind always live in the rooms they live under.