No one can play with a bunch of people

Durward 2022-03-21 09:01:15

The scale of playing is really big, and there are some places in the middle that don't feel like it can withstand scrutiny, but there is no need to entangle these details to understand what the director wants to express. After reading it, the intuitive feeling is that what you can see around you is not necessarily true. If targeted by such an organization, anyone who thinks of himself as a cow and a real cow will be so small and isolated, and the mental pressure will increase step by step.
Mr. Fan's first transformation from doubt to fear was after escaping from the taxi, and he gradually exposed his fragile side. Mr. Fan is very clever, otherwise he won't find so many details, but his cleverness helped him to complete the game step by step. After the first transformation, Mr. Fan suffered a crisis of trust. Everyone around him was calculating him. Various negative emotions affected him and made him lose his ability to judge. The bank password, Mr. Fan also completely collapsed. Mr. Fan crawled out of the Mexican cemetery and completed the second transformation. This time, he became tough and alert and embarked on a road of revenge. Now he has nothing but an old life. But just after he planned to shoot a bullet full of hatred desperately, he discovered that everything was really just a game, and his brother Conrad died under his gun. At this time, Mr. Fan completed the third transformation, and he fell into deep thought. Mr. Fan, who originally thought he was bankrupt, found that his wealth was not lost, and his only emotional sustenance was killed by mistake. Cough cough cough, pay attention. At this time, the director made a comparison. The wealth was not lost, but when a relative died, he directly put the money and feelings in front of Mr. Fan for Mr. Fan to choose. Mr. Fan chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building. Well, without feelings, life is very boring, so it's better to die. Mr. Fan chose, but the big mistake has been made, hey...
Fortunately, there is an air cushion downstairs to follow Mr. Fan, Mr. Fan did not die, this is the real end of the game. Mr. Fan, who has come to a great understanding, finally understands the true meaning of life. The world is so beautiful...
The real purpose of the game is to transform the player and give the player a chance to rebirth. If the film ended after Mr. Fan jumped off the building, wouldn't Conrad be a complete pervert, so boring, he's so, the end of the film cannot be deleted or deleted.
Before being reborn, Mr. Fan suffered all kinds of negative emotions. After being reborn, can he survive... But, what else would a person who chooses to complete his self-salvation with his life fail to see...
As far as the theme is concerned, it should be to express the words in the Bible, "I was blind before, now I can see everything clearly". This should be a redemption for lost souls. However, the effect of the filming is relatively artificial, and some things worth exploring are quite superficial, such as the feelings between the two brothers and the influence of the father on NICK, which can all become the driving force and driving force behind the suspense. In fact, the deepest emotion that this film gave me is the word "trust". When you can't even believe what you see with your own eyes, when you have nothing, when you can't fight, who will be the first and perhaps the only one to think of?
At the most critical moment on the bottom of the sea, NICK suddenly calmed down. He told himself "it's just a game" Yes, everything, in the end, JUST A GAME...

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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