Scared to death, the story has only just begun

Cassidy 2022-09-02 21:27:54

A sunny afternoon at home alone.

Watch TV with the kids.

Think it's a little easier.

Turn on Sleeping Beauty's Curse.

Thought it was a children's movie.

It turned out to be a horror movie.

The kids were frightened.

Just walk away, I'm the only one watching at home...

Although I guessed from the beginning that Sleeping Beauty is by no means good.

I didn't know it was the devil...

The story comes to an abrupt end when Thomas is taken away.

Guess there is a next one.

Hey, although I think many movies made abroad are good, but after watching it for more than an hour, the story reaches its climax, and it just stagnates here.

Directors who don't tell stories well are playing hooligans.

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Extended Reading

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty quotes

  • Briar Rose: [far-off voice] Come to me...

    [he approaches slowly]

    Briar Rose: You're back.

    Thomas: Only in my dreams.

    Briar Rose: This realm is yours as much as it is mine.

    Thomas: What about in waking life?

    Briar Rose: You will be the one to set me free. You are lord of the land which I am cursed to. You may be mortal, Thomas, but in the physical realm you have great power. The Veiled Demon knows this.

    Thomas: The Veiled Demon? Is that what I saw yesterday?

    Briar Rose: She is merely an intruder on your domain. She is what made me flee. Until her curse is lifted, we can't truly be together.

  • Linda: That was the last time he was seen. I am completely obsessed with this place. Every few years another person goes missing.