The three successes and three failures of "Space Traveler"

Tre 2022-03-21 09:01:21

"Space Traveler"'s three major successes and three major failures

"Space Traveler" as a science fiction film, without the usual slapstick in Hollywood movies, is closer to a romance film. The entire film cost 110 million. It is difficult to see where this huge investment is spent, because the cost of film actors is extremely low. After all, the entire film is full and there are only four main actors.

The feeling of the movie is relatively dull, and the conflicts are mainly focused on the heroes and heroines of interstellar travel, but fortunately, the movie is handled in an orderly manner. What is especially admirable is that in the one-man show, it has developed to two people at most. In the process of a robot, that is, a three-person play, the editing technique of the movie is still compact and powerful, and the jumping is relatively neatly written. Although there are few characters, the grand scene of interstellar space still gives people a kind of immersiveness. Sense of environment.

Taken together, the film has three major successes and three major failures, which are briefly described as follows: The

three major successes are:

First, it cleverly demonstrates the sense of time.

Confucius once famously said that he stood on Kawakami and said: The dead are like husbands. It means that he looked at the running water and sighed that time was like running water, eloquently, day and night.

In fact, Confucius played a "synthetic" technique here, which is to show the invisible time with visible water flow.

In the context of Chinese culture, similar expressions mainly include: the years are like water, the years are long, and the time is like water.

The concept of "Space Traveler" is not difficult to imagine. It is much lower-end than "Inception", which can only be comprehended by racking one's brains and painstakingly designed accordingly. The unclear "Matrix" is much more realistic. In the movie, a sci-fi framework for the dormant period of interstellar travel is designed for 120 years. On the basis of this framework, awakening at any moment in advance means an expected failure of life. In the film, after the male and female protagonists and the deck commander wake up, they all feel the terrible time in front of the huge length of the remaining time of the interstellar travel demonstrated by the three-D.

If the water flooded the "Tegoltanic", then the "time" on the spacecraft was like water, a disaster for passengers who woke up early. The originality and thought-provoking part of this movie is here. When time is a kind of patent of our existence, it becomes the normal state of our habit. What we did not expect is that in a cleverly set space, "time" is A kind of killer.

Therefore, the ingenious part of "Space Traveler" is to design a space travel time of no more than one hundred and twenty years, and Jim who woke up early has only traveled for thirty years, which means that the remaining time is in Eighty years or so, and these eighty years are the limit of a person's life. If the planet to the other end is the goal, this long period of time is to destroy the final killer that achieves the goal and stifles the dream. The horror of death arises from this.

A sci-fi premise set by the movie is that interstellar travel can be completed through dormancy, which is not new in sci-fi works, but the author keenly based on this already familiar assumption, and discovered that time and purpose are once misaligned. , Then, time will become a soft knife that wastes life without seeing blood.

As the saying goes, "Years are a pig-killing knife." This movie uses the concept of science fiction to transform this buzzword into a visible and considerable real experience and risk, thus highlighting the cruelty of its inclusion.

The second is to boldly reproduce the destructive nature of human desire.

In the film, Jim wakes up and finds that he is alone and desperate to live. In this dilemma that life is not as good as death, his approach is to find someone to accompany him to death, at least one person who accompanies him to grow old. You can keep your life from wasting a lifetime, but at least get the warmth of being accompanied by love.

Thus, Jim wrestled with the desire in his heart, but he finally defeated his strong desire and activated another woman he liked from the dormant state to wake up.

This behavior of Jim can be said to be an allegorical parallel disclosure of eros in human nature. In the process of pursuing love, human beings indeed have a strong desire to recklessly and fulfill one's wish. This is derived from human reproduction instinct, but in order to achieve his own goals, he does not use any means. In the film, it is Jim who uses illegal means to make a The girl woke up early from the sleep plan she chose, and then fell in love with herself step by step. Is this a deception? Is it a kind of rape? Is deception in love a crime? How to modify the original desires of violent people? The film reveals the terrible nature of the human force through Jim's unreasonable actions, which is a profound reveal of the desire impulse in the depths of human nature.

The third is that warmth expresses the values ​​of love.

Jim was undoubtedly a murderous act. Once the girl Aurora knew about it, the pre-accumulated goodwill disappeared. She was frightened and inexplicably regarded him as the murderer. The movie accurately grasped the reversal of her attachment to him to hate. Her deep hatred has rendered a victim’s process from surprise and revenge to helplessness to laissez-faire very hierarchical. For example, her most violent reaction was to kill Jim with a tool in hand, and Jim was in his own sins. In front of him, he took what he wanted to do, and it was his guilt of guilt that caused Aurora to turn the murder weapon she smashed to the other side. The film’s performance in this section is not very ideal. It directly smashes Aurora to the side and reveals it. If the film adopts a cover-up method, it does not explain the location of Aurora’s smash, but shows the face of Jim’s face. Shock, may be more dramatic and suspenseful than the sweeping movements now.

If it were not for the following interstellar disaster, Aurora's hatred of Jim might not be quelled. It was a sudden ship failure that forced Aurora and Jim to live and die together and join forces to save the ship from danger. And in this disaster, Jim stepped forward to save the safety of the spacecraft at the expense of his own life, highlighting the rational element in human nature, and this is the positive energy value of human beings. Jim's bravery and fearlessness changed the selfish murderer impression he had left her before, and love was born in her heart justifiably.

At the end of the movie, when the passengers on the spacecraft woke up, they saw a paradise-like beauty in the central hall. It can be imagined that during these eighty years, Jim and Aurora guarded together and spent their time. A lifetime of harmony and beauty, the theme of the film is: No matter where you are, only being with the one you love is valuable.

At the end of the movie, the previous setting actually collapsed, that is, Aurora set her beautiful goal on the planet one hundred and twenty years later, and when there is a love in reality that is worth cherishing, why not Enjoy it? Why hibernate yourself into the future and go to a world where no one you love exists? Since the length of life cannot be prolonged, if you give your life to that time in the future, and lose the good experience of life in the present, then, is such a life meaningful? If you blindly use the present time and put your life in the future to enjoy it, then a paradox will be formed. What age is the best time for you to enjoy your life?

Corresponding before and after the film, it offsets Aurora’s angry attitude at the beginning, and confesses a new value concept related to happiness: the value of life is to find the right person at the right time and spend your own life. Every day in the course, this kind of life is a kind of happiness. Jim and Aurora enjoyed the brilliance of life when others were silent. Their satisfaction was enough to complete their lives. Then, those who awake out of the spaceship The passengers of, in fact, have lost a period of life that should have enjoyed life. So, are the pros and cons of enjoying the Aurora and Jim who belong to the time in the spacecraft or the passengers who put the enjoyment on the outside of the spacecraft? The answer to the movie is undoubtedly that the key to life is to have meaning and to have true love. If there is this, there is no regret when life is spent, enjoyed and ended.

The three major failures of the movie are:

One is that Jim is so selfish, will he have a high profile afterwards? Jim awakens Aurora, which is undoubtedly an eternal shadow. Even if he later became tall and saved people as a hero, he still couldn't change his unreasonable and extremely selfish behavior. In fact, the movie can be completely changed. It shows that he has been fantasizing about waking Aurora, but he is only fantasizing, and Aurora was activated by the internal nuclear reactor out of control, and then when Aurora woke up, he mistakenly thought it was Jim that caused her. Resurrected, in this way, the image of Jim will not have a shadow like a sunspot.

The second is that Jim's love for Aurora came too abruptly. Before the movie, I used a long period of time to show Jim's loneliness and boredom after waking up. Then I suddenly saw Aurora, with almost no foreshadowing. In fact, the movie can fully explain a scene before boarding the spaceship. Jim had seen it at that time. Aurora liked her, and then they entered the dormant period. When Jim woke up, they immediately found Aurora, which was at least much more natural than the abrupt performance in the movie now.

The third is that Aurora's emotional conflict when Jim sacrificed his life to save the boat was set too flat. The film confessed that the nuclear reactor was out of control and the fireworks had nowhere to be discharged. Jim had to open the hatch from outside the hull to eliminate the danger. When Jim went to open the hatch, he found that the hatch could not be opened continuously. He took Dong Cunrui's method and gave up. He opened the hatch and prepared to rescue the ship when he died. At this time, his saving behavior was extremely cruel to Aurora, because it meant that she would be thrown on the spacecraft alone and spent time. For the rest of his life, the movie should actually set up the emotional conflict between Aurora and Jim here, and let her tell the reason why he must live, just like in "Titanic", Jack told Ruth to live well, but the movie At this time, the emotional response to Aurora was obviously not in place, and he did not use the foreshadowing in front of the movie to make Aurora's reason for supporting Jim to live even more sensational. It must be said that he failed to reach the fire.

Of course, the last-minute rescue of nuclear reactor replacement in the movie is too pediatric. In the scene of the energy supply of the spacecraft shown in the lens, we can see the visible fire beam. Just imagine, we can see the engine when we drive a car. Is the fire in the room? And it was incredible that Jim could sustain such a powerful energy.

"Space Traveler" reflects that Hollywood movies always have the ability to touch the basic emotional level of the audience in the setting of the situation. The movie screen is pleasant enough, but it prevents more emotional torture to the audience. Therefore, Hollywood movies are also called popcorn movies, but this is not the cuteness of Hollywood movies. After all, we are not going to the theater. With hardships and hardships, you can see the bitter and deep hatred.

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Passengers quotes

  • [last lines]

    Aurora Lane: [voice over] A friend once said, "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are." We got lost along the way. But we found each other. And we made a life. A beautiful life. Together.

  • Aurora Lane: My dad used to say, "If you live an ordinary life, all you'll have are ordinary stories. You have to live a life of adventure." So... Here I am.