It is the tension of contradiction, and the thinking in the gray area has triggered a real and touching

Giovani 2022-03-22 09:01:46

The opening movie of 2017 is very demanding, you must watch the most exciting one. In the search room, the words "Aamir Khan" came into view, and that was it. I didn't read anything on the movie review trailer, and went straight to the theater. Because in my heart, he is the guarantee of quality, and the work has always maintained a high level and has never been disappointed. , this time there is basically no bridge section for irrigation). Uncle Ami has gained more than 40 pounds, and it is important to train muscles. Contrary to the funny and lovable image of the past, this time he plays a deep father. But the performance of the still cute actress Fatima is really admirable. The most afraid of relying on her good-looking acting skills, she will go into battle without her shirt, and the performance of real swords and real guns is useless. Not to mention the stand-in, she played at a professional level. This is dedication , perseverance and dedication! To the point:

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One of the successes of the movie is that it doesn't show a perfect ending like a brain-damaged drama. There is always a hint of regret in the joy, and there is always a hint of gray in the black and white, which makes people ponder. Nearly 3 hours of film, no nonsense, tight plot, every detail, many tears brought by touching, but when asked what is the most touching, I think it is the contradictions presented in the story, and the subsequent The tension that comes, the handling of this tension is not enlarged, but is presented there, allowing the audience to react.

It's not easy for Uncle Mi to be a goddaughter.

The first tension point comes from the father forcing his daughter to sacrifice her childhood to fulfill her unfinished dream. I can't help but feel injustice for the children and ask: Why can't they give them the right to choose actively but impose their own dreams on them? Interpreted from the perspective of postmodern non-standard answers, the reason why this is a successful and inspirational story is that its ending is glorious, what it has achieved is a brilliant, and it is based on the realization of the ultimate dream. If, the plot is reversed (when watching, the brain makes up another possible plot). Geeta grew up, opened her eyes in the national team, and even fell in love. She was bound to have a conflict with her father. During the conflict, she found that she did not really like wrestling, but was forced to fulfill her father's wishes. So he started to fight with his father, and even had a big fight, and then left this line of business and pursued the life he liked. Many examples tell us that in parent-child education, children should be allowed to choose what they like instead of forcing them, let alone carrying out devil-like destruction on children like Uncle Mi, both physically and spiritually. The scene of shaving the head is very sad. Long hair is a sign of self-recognition for girls of that age. Girls' earliest understanding of beauty comes from this. This is why girls wear makeup from their teens and twenties. But braiding is started at an early age, it is a beautiful nature, but it is ruthlessly deprived. In fact, about whether Geeta loves wrestling in the end, I think the film does not explain clearly. There are three reasons for her wrestling. The first is to fulfill her father's ambition. Especially in a patriarchal society like India, her father's orders are from heaven and must be obeyed absolutely. Second, in order to break the tradition and change the fate of girls. The words of the 14-year-old bride played a turning point in the sisters' hearts. When they looked at it, they felt that this incentive was a bit weak, far-fetched, and even a bit old-fashioned. But it may be because we are not in an Indian environment, we do not understand the real situation of girls, and we cannot be moved by that drive and desire. Third, it cannot be denied that Geeta has the spirit of an athlete in his blood and a character of unyielding character.

But does she really like it? It seems that there is no explanation, it may just be because of the Tao, and also tasted some sweetness.

Therefore, the tension lies in finding another point of view. Some people say that children do not know how to choose well, and the family should make choices for the children based on the observation and attitude of those who have passed, and supervise them to persevere in completing them.

Gray area, no solution, opinions differ.

The strength of Fatima's Yan Zhi faction

Secondly, when the younger sister continued to improve under the strict supervision of her father, compared to the relaxed environment of the elder sister in the national team. Q: Is brutal and rigorous training the only way to win? Postmodern cunning debates like to advocate that in a free environment, people's potential will be better stimulated, without being too rigid and rigid in training. Gaining something for nothing, or fast-forwarding the hard work day after day in each movie, as if to tell people that they can take it and see the results directly. In this way, people are inevitably impetuous, only coveting the success of the end, but not willing to climb the peak in front of them. Silly debate tells us that there is no right answer, and that it makes sense. However, life and reality are silently showing that there is only one truth, which is penance. In post-modernity, we are more and more reluctant to accept "absolute" things, absolute standards, absolute right and wrong, the only path and way, and always want to dig out some other ways to take shortcuts. But in the real arena, even in the battlefield of soldiers, there is one thing in common, that is, the last word is always absolute and unique.

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In the end, on the field of winning the international championship, when my father's lifelong dream came true, he was locked in a small dark room, and he was not allowed to witness the moment of his lifelong pursuit. He only vaguely heard the national anthem playing, and the moment of glory was already there when he arrived at the field. At the end of the curtain, he did not participate 100%. Question: How do you interpret this good fortune? Maybe this is life. It is this intriguing, this truth and tension that makes me fall in love with this movie.

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.