Rabbit and Fox

Zechariah 2022-03-21 09:01:38

Life is a mass of desires. If desires are not satisfied, they will suffer, and if they are satisfied, they will be boring. Life swings between pain and boredom. ——Schopenhauer's film is born from the overlapping and intertwining of three stories. The wild and violent western no-man's land in the novel, the sweet and sour New York downtown in the memory, and the cold and gloomy courtyard in reality. The three switch back and forth, both true and false, alternately appearing. The composition and artistic conception of the film are quite beautiful: the warmth and sweetness of love during the day in the memory, the freezing coldness of breaking up at night and the rainy night; the bustling crowd during the day in the city, and the sleepless sleep of the lonely home alone at night; the vast and desolate day in the wilderness, the night The film is eerie; the alternation of black and white contrasts with each other, including those flashing clouds and mountains, and the two opposing hues of green and red are frequently seen in the film, symbolizing a very different style. The male and female protagonists switch between similar and similar pictures, and the clouds and rains in the memories reveal deep melancholy and loneliness. The male protagonist jokingly calls the female protagonist a "nocturnal animal", not only because the female protagonist is used to living at night, but also hides resentment in the tone of jokes. By day, she is ostensibly a conservative Catholic, a cynical pseudo-artist who simply yearns for romance and petty bourgeoisie. But what is active in her heart is the turmoil of the night, the thirst for high society and material desires, and the unwillingness to be ordinary. They met and fell in love with the romance of the day, but the cold blood of the night. The combination of the two is like a fox falling in love with a rabbit. The male protagonist is just such an aloof and introverted rabbit, with no relatives and no prominent background, wandering in a world of feasting and feasting. The weaker the animal, the higher the alertness to the outside world. The weak body needs to be highly sensitive for self-protection, which is an innate instinct. This trembling sensitivity, packaged in a gentle appearance in the warm day, makes people feel gentle and romantic, and in a safe environment, it can also make people feel cute and lovely. But a fox is a nocturnal animal after all, and what she needs is not the sweetness of carrots, but the scent of blood and the flesh to eat. The one who knows the fox the most is, of course, the old fox, the mother who is more sophisticated than her. The old fox in a graceful, rich, and jeweled dress warned the little fox not to pretend to be a cute little white rabbit. Your sassy outfit will fool him. What you see are only those powerless romances, you despise my philistine vulgarity, but you are the descendants of foxes after all. It's up to you to fall in love and live together, but don't marry him. Love can override the soul, but the body needs to eat. Marriage without the support of material foundation is like a mirage like fog. When the fog of passion dissipates, you will regret it, and what you admire about him will become a reason to hate him in the future, and you will hurt him. . The little fox did not believe it, and married the rabbit recklessly. But with the arrival of a light meal and two meals, the food is bland. A quarrel ensues, and she stubbornly sees everything as the hero's incompetence. The moment she met the big bad wolf, her heart was completely dissipated. Destroyed the little rabbit with no future and cried bitterly in the arms of the big bad wolf, this is a cruel scene in reality. Inside and outside the car in the torrential rain, the intersection of the past and the present, the choice between the old love and the new love, the tearing of the love of the soul. Although it only came to an abrupt stop for a few seconds, this scene broke my heart. I thought of the person in "Long Dreams of the Covered Bridge", who was equally embarrassed and lost in the wind and rain, and the sad and despairing eyes in the rear mirror. The dark night is so charming, because it can expand the emotions of people's emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, and some painful memories are not suitable for touching in the middle of the night, not even the sides. What I miss more in "Gang" is the short and sweet whispering in the ear, the harmonious and pleasant physical pleasure as if it was made in heaven. Here, the heroine misses those moments when souls are intertwined, those tacit understandings, and those who were touched by heart. In the long nineteen years, the resentment of the past turned into a tear, and turned into a lingering torture and longing in my heart. In this sleepless night, accompanied by the sound of wind and rain, she beat her over and over again, questioning her conscience. The story in the book, see the same Depressed and unbearable. The originally peaceful family was tormented by an unpredictable disaster. It is this "Nocturnal Animals" that exhausted the hero's efforts and injected his own soul, and presented all the past and present in front of us like a thread. It not only made the heroine have an immersive resonance, but also brought herself into the characters unconsciously, and felt the pain of the hero's tearing between the lines, the despair and helplessness of the world of the jungle, and the helplessness of herself. Cowardly and incompetent resentment, and despair when there is nothing. And she is the initiator of this tragedy. When the heroine ripped open the envelope at the beginning, her finger was cut by a sharp edge of the book. This is a bloody omen, and the feelings of literary and artistic youths have been revived, especially in the face of the current husband's appearance and separation. The huge empty room symbolizes prosperity and wealth, but it is like a castle on a pile of sand, which may become a castle at any time. Under the enormous pressure of a ruin. This kind of humiliation and pressure unspeakable to outsiders kept her up at night. This book became the last straw that broke her defense line, and a sharp sword penetrated her heart. She sent the email tremblingly. The heavy gift of the other party made her unsure. Whether it was wine or poison, she couldn't care about it anymore, so she decided to see the man. She wiped off the heavy lipstick in front of the mirror, and stared silently at the unfamiliar face that was beginning to age and fade. After going around in circles, in the end she unfortunately became the dismissive old fox. She washed away the lead, and sat in the dining room full of longing and uneasiness, stroking the dazzling diamond ring a little embarrassedly, and sipping her wine. After years of immersion in the business world, she has a plan for what to say, whether to cry or laugh. The people around came and went, and time passed by, but the loving figure in my memory never appeared. She knew that he finally fired that shot. The huge empty house symbolizes prosperity and wealth, but it is like a castle on a pile of sand, under the great pressure of being a ruin at any time. This kind of humiliation and pressure unspeakable to outsiders kept her up at night. This book became the last straw that broke her defense line, and a sharp sword penetrated her heart. She sent the email tremblingly. The heavy gift of the other party made her unsure. Whether it was wine or poison, she couldn't care about it anymore, so she decided to see the man. She wiped off the heavy lipstick in front of the mirror, and stared silently at the unfamiliar face that was beginning to age and fade. After going around in circles, in the end she unfortunately became the dismissive old fox. She washed away the lead, and sat in the dining room full of longing and uneasiness, stroking the dazzling diamond ring a little embarrassedly, and sipping her wine. After years of immersion in the business world, she has a plan for what to say, whether to cry or laugh. The people around came and went, and time passed by, but the loving figure in my memory never appeared. She knew that he finally fired that shot. The huge empty house symbolizes prosperity and wealth, but it is like a castle on a pile of sand, under the great pressure of being a ruin at any time. This kind of humiliation and pressure unspeakable to outsiders kept her up at night. This book became the last straw that broke her defense line, and a sharp sword penetrated her heart. She sent the email tremblingly. The heavy gift of the other party made her unsure. Whether it was wine or poison, she couldn't care about it anymore, so she decided to see the man. She wiped off the heavy lipstick in front of the mirror, and stared silently at the unfamiliar face that was beginning to age and fade. After going around in circles, in the end she unfortunately became the dismissive old fox. She washed away the lead, and sat in the dining room full of longing and uneasiness, stroking the dazzling diamond ring a little embarrassedly, and sipping her wine. After years of immersion in the business world, she has a plan for what to say, whether to cry or laugh. The people around came and went, and time passed by, but the loving figure in my memory never appeared. She knew that he finally fired that shot.

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Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.