Track down massubilami

Bernadette 2022-03-04 08:01:36

The movie the teacher showed us in the French class was very funny. We didn't finish it in class, and after the end, I took my roommate to watch it again. I probably still can't remember the name of this movie. I was a little surprised to see this actor found this movie. The specific content, oh, I almost forgot, there are probably two shots that will be more impressive. One is the head of the male protagonist, tsk tsk tsk, given by the puppy. . . (beep) Yes, hahaha. I remember when I saw this, the class was laughing like crazy, and it made me uncomfortable after laughing for a long time, and this is the reason why I strongly recommend this movie to others. There's another shot of someone wearing women's clothing, impressive and funny, but far less impressive than the first.

The trouble is that my memory is limited, and I can't remember the content of the movies I have seen, but I can remember some impressive scenes, which is some comfort.

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