I wish time could be kind to you

Elias 2022-03-21 09:01:38

After reading Love Actually, a must-have for Christmas, I decided to give Nocturnal Animals
the gospel of Conan fans for the first time in my life. The
following contains serious spoilers. . . For those who haven't seen the movie, please quickly withdraw from the

two story lines (or three), one is real life (Susan before & Susan present), and the other is in the novel.

Susan before
Edward and Susan met in New York and talked about the past, Susan married Edward and moved to Texas despite her mother's strong objections. Edward began to write, Susan continued to read, Susan was dissatisfied with the status quo and met Hutton at school, and finally Hutton took her to an abortion (Edward's child) and was discovered by Edward.

Susan present
Susan and Hutton are married and have a child, but Hutton is on the verge of bankruptcy and cheating. Susan herself became an art connoisseur and wandered in the upper class, but she was dissatisfied with her family and career. Susan wanted to meet Edward after reading the novel sent by Edward, and was eventually put on a pigeon.

The story line of the novel
Tony is a rich man. His family is going to travel. They meet Ray, Turk and Lou while driving at night. field. Tony called the police to find out that his wife and daughter had been raped and murdered. Police Bobby finds Turk's photo for Tony to identify, but Tony is blank and doesn't know what to do with it. A year later, the police caught Lou and Ray but both refused to admit it, and DA refused to prosecute for political reasons, so Bobby arrested Ray and Lou and asked Tony to execute private law. Lou. In the end, Tony found Ray and shot him, but he was seriously injured and died in the wilderness.

Conan fans appear (pushing glasses ing)
(the Tencent version has been cut at the beginning, wait for the full version)
1. Susan cut his hand when he received the book (implying the beginning of revenge)

2. Susan: "I don' t really care about all these art...."
Hutton: "That doesn't sound like you...." (pointing out that Susan began to change)

3. At the dinner party, my best friend's husband Carlos is gay, but Friends are not dissatisfied with this. Susan was asked if she still loved Hutton when she did not answer. (Actually, he has already said no in his heart, because the two have different goals, and Hutton is more concerned about business and other people's opinions, and Susan at this time wants to listen to his inner voice and doesn't want to live such a material and hypocritical life.)

4. Carlos mentioned Nobody likes their job, just being driven. What I did when I was young, I thought it was important, and it turned out that it was not. Susan is advised to enjoy the moment. (It is mentioned later that Susan admired Edward's talent and married him when he was young, echoing here)

(Susan began to read)
5. When entangled with a group of Ray, Tony stared at Ray and was beaten (Edward mentioned that he stared at Susan before) Look, I kept staring at Susan while eating, implying Susan=Ray)

6. When she saw Tony's wife and daughter being taken away, Susan called to check that her husband found out that he was having an affair (she felt uneasy because of the helplessness of Tony's wife and daughter , wanted to get a sense of security from her husband, but she didn't get what she wanted)

7. When Tony was driving, Lou asked him to take a detour to a remote place and told him not to worry about his wife and daughter, as far as he knew Ray had never killed before people and get him out of the car (implying that Ray might kill, let Tony go a little further or he will be killed, here I think Lou is actually Susan's hypocrisy)

8. Found the body of his wife and daughter (the Tencent version has been deleted here), the wife's cross necklace is very striking (implying that she is Catholic, echoing Susan's abortion later)

9. Susan called her daughter (for the same reason as calling her husband) phone) and touched his necklace (there was another deletion after the phone call, I don't know what it was)

(Susan began to recall the past)
10. When we met in New York, Susan was studying in Columbia for graduate school and Edward was applying for Columbia. Ed thought Susan was a He became an artist and Susan thought Edward would become a writer in Texas (neither of them became the person

they wanted to be when they were young) 11. The two of them had dinner and recalled that they were at Hastings (the male protagonist Tony's surname was Hastings, and it was also Edward's first time The place to crush Susan), Susan mentioned that her brother is actually gay and likes Edward, and his brother was cut off by his parents because he was gay. Susan used a lot of negative words to describe her parents, but Edward said that her mother was okay, and mentioned that Susan was like her mother (emphasis!!! The first time Susan was mentioned as her mother both sad eyes) was opposed by Susan.

12. Susan eats with her mother (the highlight!!!) Susan wants to marry Edward and move to Texas despite her family's objections. The mother said that Edward is too weak, but Susan said it was sensitive and only used to describe Cooper (I don’t know if Susan is a bit gay here), and the mother said that Susan is actually very similar to her (emphasis!!!! The second mention is very similar), saying that marrying Edward she will regret and hurt Edward, "The things you love about him now are the things you are gonna hate in a few years..." (the second brush had to I sigh that Mama is simply full of IQ here!!!)

13. Tony received the photo of Turk sent by Bobby and said he couldn't remember it, but in a dream he dreamed that Turk raped her wife (Turk should also have a moral, I don't know if it represents Hutton)

14. Susan recalled the relationship with Edward in the shower Dialogue with
Susan: why are you so driven to write?
Ed: I guess it is a way keeping things alive, and saving things that will eventually die. If I write it down, then it'll last forever.
(This mirrors Edward's purpose in writing this book, to commemorate Susan's impact on him injury, it is forever, and then laying the groundwork for revenge)

15. office, Susan and his men talked about Edward, Susan full of regret to say that those that do not believe he left him, and that his life and had envisaged a wholly Derailment (Susan wants to get out of her current life, recognize Edward's talent, and wants to go back to the past)

16. Revenge on the company's corridor (there is no question), but Susan's colleague's baby camera sees Ray (again hinting at Ray It's the person who hurt the child, that is, herself who had the abortion)

17. During the company meeting, Susan expressed her support for female employees, but it was Susan who proposed it before (Susan's inner changes were put into action, and she wanted to return to a less materialistic and the reality of their own)

18.Tony when Ray and confrontation, Tony Ray asked his wife and daughter before he died feeling, get Ray Xiemei smile (OMG Quicksilver acting bursting ah, alluding to Susan Edward did not take into account at the time of the abortion Feeling), Tony punched Ray and Susan's book was dropped (she didn't expect Tony (actually Edward) to have this side, after all, Tony's image was weak before, which increased Susan's goodwill towards Edward at this time)

19. Recalling the quarrel between the two after marriage, Susan said that she did not believe Edward (what she said to her female subordinate was that she did not believe it, it was a slap in the face), she was just being a realist (too realistic when describing her parents before) , implying that Susan has gone in her mother's direction) Edward said again that she was like her mother (emphasis!!! 3rd mention) and the two became more divided.

20. Bobby said he had lung cancer, and Tony said he didn't know it before (Bobby should also have a moral here, I personally think Bobby is Edward's tough face, and later showed no mercy to lou)

21. Susan and Edward had an argument on the road , Susan said that they were not suitable in real life (Susan recognized herself, pursued material and reality, and did not love Edward anymore) Susan described Edward as romantic, sensitive (the words used in chatting with her mother before)

22. (Because I like this line so much, I decided to write a separate one) Edward believes that love is the key to solving the problem of two people, "When you love someone you work it out, you don't just throw it away. You have to be careful with it, cause you might never get it again." But Susan didn't love Edward anymore. (Important!!! At this time, a car appeared when Edward was standing in the wind. It was very similar to the car that Ray drove. It was a green antique car. The beginning of Edward's heartbreak was when Tony met Ray's gang.)

23.Bobby Lou cried when I caught Lou and Ray about to execute private law (more convinced me that Lou is Susan's hypocrisy) Tony's gun first pointed at Lou and then turned to Ray (personally, Edward forgave Susan's hypocrisy) Ray Deciding that Tony didn't dare to shoot (like Susan thought Edward was weak) and ran off, Lou was headshot by Bobby.

24. Hutton brought Susan to have an abortion (I finally realized when I saw this), Hutton said that he was useless (probably he could have snatched Susan from Edward?) Susan praised him for always knowing what he wanted (this sentence is also repeated The slap in the face) The last two hugged and was bumped into by Edward (I ran into it at the hospital door I thought Edward actually knew that Susan was going to have an abortion and that he had an abortion).

25. Continuing on, after Bobby shot Lou in the book, Tony cried bitterly that he didn't protect them (

recalling that in reality, Edward himself didn't stop Susan from having an abortion) 26. Tony and Ray's final confrontation (Edward's weakness vs. Susan's reality and cruelty) Ray says everything is accident because he doesn't like people blaming him (here again to praise Quicksilver Children's Shoes), (alluding to Edward accusing Susan of being like her mother, so Susan becomes like her mother) , Ray said fun to kill people and smiled again and said Tony too weak 3 times (Susan never said Edward weak, here Ray helped her say it three times) Tony finally shot but was also beaten by Ray Injured (personally, I think Edward still loves Susan after being injured, so Tony never shot Ray, and he was seriously injured after killing Ray, and he was also seriously injured when he killed his lover)

27. Tony wakes up I came to find that Ray was dead, and he was seriously injured, so he fired a shot at the sky (the background sound was heartbeat + Tony's trembling breathing + Susan's breathing). you have trouble which will lead director) slow heartbeat, Tony died (book story line ends)

28.Susan an Edward (Susan Edward finally know at this time how sad that time, and this time she did not realize Edward revenge, and I only think of Edward's love for her, so I desperately want to catch Edward) and recall the beauty of being together

29. Susan wipes off her lipstick while dressing (dissatisfaction with the real world), wants to put on and take off her ring (dissatisfaction with marriage) and prepares to meet Edward (rehabilitated), a high-end Japanese restaurant with staggered gongs and chips (both location and time) It was decided by Susan, she still did not get rid of the pursuit of material things, the essence has not changed), Susan was very happy (thinking that she could finally get rid of her current life), touched the mouth of the cup (still likes a high-end environment), heard someone come in (inwardly excited), sat at another table (embarrassed), Edward did not show up, drinking more frequently and touched the ring (thinking of Hutton?) Feeling of unease increased, the second glass of wine, close-up of his eyes (finally understood that Edward was After taking revenge on myself) zoomed out (understood everything)

The End

immediately understood that Ray was actually Susan after swiping it, and the mood was complicated. I didn’t know whether to be happy that Susan finally got revenge, or sad that Edward (Tony) lost everything of.
The second brush saw a lot of details and hints that the first brush did not notice, and everyone's changes were more carefully observed.

Overall, I prefer to classify this as a love story, after all my favorite line: "When you love someone you work it out, you don't just throw it away. You have to be careful with it, cause you might never get it again." It's still about love.

How many people swear when they are in love that they will accompany each other forever, regardless of the eyes of others, the shortcomings of others in the eyes of others are the advantages that they recognize, but time has changed all of this, or, deep down in their hearts, they do not Fall in love with each other or even hate each other, so completely give up efforts, conceal deception or even betrayal.

But maybe we will eventually become the people we hated at the beginning, and swear that this is to live out our true self, and in the end, it will be all in vain.

I only wish time could be kind to you.

2016.12.26 4:17am
by Will

---------------------- I am the dividing line after finishing the interview with the director------------------- ---------- The

host mentions throw-away culture

Tom Ford: ...It is the centre of the story which is about finding people in your life that you love and hanging on to them. And this woman doesn't hang on to that person. And loyalty is something to me that is very important so I chose to set the story against the backdrop of our throw-away culture where we don't just throw things away. We very often easily throw people away....
(big applause)
Simple translation: The heart of the story is finding the love of your life and staying with it. But the woman did not keep her lover. Loyalty is very important to me, so I set the story in a perspective that is opposed to our discarding culture, where we don't start and end things. (In life) Too often we give up on a person.

I don't know lipstick. . . Instantly became a fan of the director. . .

30. The director mentioned that all the art pieces are real and symbolic, "...the sculpture with arrows through which represents of how she is feeling at that moment of her life..."
And the painting of the two people in Susan's house on the wasteland, she saw it and mapped it to the final scene of Tony's death.

31. Aaron (Baby Quicksilver) mentioned that the ring on Ray's pinky finger in the close-up of Tony's hand in Tony's car was used as a murder Souvenir of committing reservations

2016.12.26 11:00pm

----------------------------------- Seriously after the New Year Three brushes of the dividing line of the full HD version -----------------------------

32. A large section of "dance" at the beginning of the abridged version is matched with the gallery The opening and the back junk culture complement each other. . .

33. At the beginning, after Susan came home from the opening ceremony, a burgundy Benz parked at the door. It should be Ed who put the book on her door. In the play, Tony's car is also a wine red Benz.

34. Tony's wife and child died on the red sofa. The daughter was naked and her back was facing the camera, with one hand behind her back. At this time, Susan called her daughter, and her daughter was in the same posture

today. A man and a woman came in, and the woman looked very angry. The shop was very quiet, and they could be heard talking occasionally. It turned out to be the derailed husband and the mistress. The husband wanted to go home to take care of the children, and asked the mistress to give him a year to settle it. He still had debts and could not give her any comfort. . . A haha ​​inside.

By the way, I discussed with my friends about marriage and betrayal. As the director said, nowadays we give up a person too easily, if we don't do well at work, we will be fired, if we can't get along, we will break up.

In the past, we didn’t have a choice, and even in some places it is still the case. According to the words of our parents, the matchmaker will get married, and it will take most of our life to live. Now, we pursue independence and independence, so the Semin marriage family also has a good luck. and live. But who gave the solemn and sacred concept of marriage, so that we must face birth, old age, sickness and death from the end? But even though marriage has become so fast-food, I still believe that two people, at least at some point, have the same understanding of marriage - stay together.
But in the time other than this moment, betrayal is constantly beating the shell of marriage. . .

We have no way of knowing whether Susan started by not loving Edward or by falling in love with Hutton, but either way, it was the beginning of betrayal, and the hypocrisy is that she said "I love you" and turned around. go. Neither of us likes betrayal, but we become the protagonists of betrayal. A betrayed B and stayed with C. It may be love that B no longer believes in, but can C believe that A will not betray again? Even if there are thousands of reasons for betrayal, A is still the one who initiated it.

"So just don't get attached to anything, cause they make you vulnerable." A few years ago, I never thought I would say such a thing, but the more betrayals I see, the less trust I naturally have.

But if someone still chooses to believe, I will support them and hope that time will never change them.

Again, may time be kind to you.

2017.2.9 2:20am

By Will

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Extended Reading

Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.