Sully--The Meaning of the Existence of Disaster Film

Brandy 2022-08-05 12:42:40

In the history of world aviation, the probability of surviving a forced landing on the water surface is very small. If you are lucky enough to survive, you will also face the danger of being frozen to death incoldwater. Every rule behind flying has a painful price. Zero fatalities in aviation accidents sounds like a miracle. The prototype story of the movie "Captain Sully" is known as the "Miracle on the Hudson". On January 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 was struck by a bird, and both engines stalled at the same time.

At an altitude of 30,000 feet, it was forced to land on the Hudson River. As a result, all 155 people in the cabin survived. From the accident to the successful forced landing, the whole processtakesonly 208 seconds. These 208-second miracles left the Shadow God with lingering fears after watching the entire film:disastersare always fleeting, and life appears fragile in the face of death. The forced landing on the Hudson River is a miracle, and it is not a small thing for the huge number of victims in history.

Every minute of film and television must be loud, regardless of how it is rendered. Stuffing reality and profound reflection into the audience's heads should be the meaning of disaster films. When it comes to disaster films, the first thing that Shadow God thinks of is not the well-known special effects blockbusters "2012" and "The Day AfterTomorrow," but the depiction of humanity that abandons the main theme.The "Tunnel"and the"World Trade Center" are really amazing. Big events and little people are wrapped in social rules;human feelings are cold and warm;and all living beings have different expressions.

Seeing human nature from a social perspective,such as in the Korean movie "Skyscraper." The 108-story skyscraper unexpectedly caught fire on Christmas Day. When the people crowded into the elevator in a panic, it was the initial manifestation of human nature. Is it really "whoever gets on first will live"? The basic common sense that a fire shouldn't take an elevator is like a pungent slap in the face of a blind man. The entire elevator, including the people, exploded, as did the stairs.

In contrast, a pregnant woman with a child pried open the elevator and rescued a couple after hesitating. And the property manager of thebuilding,who was looking for her daughter, met the cleaning aunt who broke her leg. She wanted to ignore it, but in the end she was moved by her son's college admission fee, which was carefully packaged in her hands. The judgment made after hesitation is the most complicated part of human nature.can't be blamed on clear black and white, wandering in grey areas.

Perhaps it is what we know, feel,teach,and learn in our life that drives us to make habitual choices at critical moments. Life and death are written in this second, so what is the trajectory of a person's life? Reckless disclosure of reality has always been the specialty of Korean cinema, especially in the darkest parts of society. In order to minimize the damage, the president of the skyscraper activated the firewall in the building that was not fully evacuated. The last rescue helicopter took away the city councilor, the arrogant BaiFumei,and the dog in her arms,but itmade more people miss the prime time to be rescued first.

Thelast thingthat the fire chief said to the chief was that officials protected each other and colluded with interests. We often say that we need to protect children from growing up in a good environment, but the family, cram school,school,and society where they live, are the secretly operating rules really an intact sterile box? Shadow God really wants to recommend this movie to children whose valuesareforming. Not just because it's realistic, but because it's beautiful. The beauty is in the firefighters who put their lives on the line and respond to fires at any time, anywhere.

Recognizing that someone will protect you from harm in the event of danger conveys a sense of security. Seeing the calmness and bravery of firefighters in the face of fire is a kind of example of strength to cultivate. Telling the child that inaprosperous world, there will always be people who carry the burden of the lights of thousands of homes must be easier to understand than telling him that the red scarf is dyed by the blood of the revolution. Looking at education from a family perspective

If we say that "Skyscraper" is to enlarge the perspective of disaster films, then the Spanish movie "Tsunami Miracle" narrows the perspective and focuses faithfully on a family. When an accident comes, children can also rely on adults. This is the deepest feeling the movie brings to the Shadow God. When the littleprotagonist,Lucas,injured her mother's thigh, she used her thin shoulders to support her feet and climbed the strong tree. He escorted his mother all the way to the hospital and stayed byherbedside when she was in a coma. Ask a child how to be as strong asan adultafter a tsunami.

The answer is, grow up in the family, belong to the family.Enlightenededucation, in essence, permeatesthe little things in life. But in the face of disaster, it is more intuitive and clear. The so-called inheritance, in addition to the continuation of genes, points more to quality. Young children's understanding and response to the world come from imitation, and parents become the primary imitation objects. So in the film,what the second son heard from his mother when he was afraid became the painkiller for the younger brother when he was afraid.

When "other people's children" gradually becomes a joke, few parents reflect on "how other people areparents." From big surprises to small daily trivialities, do we really show certain qualities that are good enough to be role models for children? Or is it that in education, too much emphasis is placed on word of mouth rather than by example? "Tsunami Miracle" is a solid example of a film. It is based on true events. His mother saved a child who was separated fromhisparents when he was seriously injured; his father, regardless of his physical condition after the tsunami, traveled all over the local hospitals and premises and did not give up looking for his family.

It is a moving miracle that all five members of the family survive and finally meet. At the end of the credits, the plane takes to the air on the runway, over a once-raging ocean. On the one hand, we are grateful for the rebirth of this family after the calamity, and on the other hand, we can see from their frightened expressions that the nightmare brought about by the disaster cannot be healed in a short time. It is easy to rebuild a home, but difficult to turn the page and embrace a new life. This reminds Shadow God of the Wenchuan earthquake in China in 2008. From the perspective of post-disaster trauma, inadditionto the personalexperiencesof the parties and their families, all personnel and volunteers involved in the rescue, including people from all over the world who have continued to pay attentiontothe overwhelming news reports, have experienced trauma to some extent.Psychologically,it is called PTSD, orPost-TraumaticStress Disorder.

PTSD refers to the delayed onset and persistence of mental disorders in individuals who experience or witness actual death involving themselves or others and are threatened with death. Like wars, major disasters can affect large areas of people deeply. In the movie "Extremely Loud andVery Close", the related symptoms of PTSD are clearly shown from the perspective of children after 9/11. Traumatic re-experiences recurring, involuntary, trauma-related situations in thoughts, memories, or dreams:hearingthe phone ring, conjuringup images of my father falling from above a building. Numbness and avoidance Some patients even have selective amnesia, in which they hide under the bed after the accident because they are afraid to face reality.

Increased vigilance Hypervigilance and reactivity to everything, accompanied by inattention and anxiety:weara gas mask even on the subway to prevent accidents. There mayalsobe some other symptoms of aggressive behavior or depression and self-injury;wesee the frailty of life in the film, and we are grateful to see the powerful healing power in the film. Everyone has lost and retained memories in their own way. But everyone is full of love and willing to be gentle with the world. The families of the victims comforted each other, allowing Oscar,who hadlost his father, to finally find a way out.

Written here, ShadowGodwould like to say to adults and children who read this article: If you have experienced or witnessed life and death, have felt a deep fear and have not been able to overcome it, don't bury it in your heart. Find a qualified counselor, or a family member or friend you can trust and value, and have a good talk. You don't need to fight alone at any time, in any situation. From the moment of surprise to the fear of death and the trauma of the disaster, every link is extremely destructive and irreversible.

Life is more dramatic than films and television shows. This requires us to train ourselves on a daily basis so that we can make basic responses when an accident occurs. Shadow God has a friend whose children experienced a minor earthquake during college. Although it was not the epicenter, the tremor was obvious. When it happened, only one girl rushed out of the dormitory. With a pillow on his head, he walked out of the dormitory building and against the wall. There was no hesitation in the whole process, and he was still wearing his home clothes in the dormitory. While everyone was still talking in the corridor, only this girl was different. It was only later that she learned that she had been an exchange student in Taiwan, and the earthquake drill there was not a joke.

During the period when the children on the mainland are in school, there are countless fire and disaster prevention and earthquake prevention drills, and only a handful of them are serious. Let alone expect parents to cooperate with the school and implement the entire process at home. Exercise or acting; sometimes it's silly to tell the difference. When it comes to earthquake drills, we have to mention Japan. The first week of early March every year is Japan's National Fire Fighting Week. When Bai Yansong visited Japan, he happened to catch up once. Within 5 minutes, more than 1,000 teachers and students in the school were all assembled, and they maintained calm and good order. This alarm bell ringing is never child's play.

No one can really keep calm when a crisis comes, but the coping measures learned on weekdays are all to deal with the crunch, with the instincts and habits that are familiar to the heart. The shorter the reaction time, the faster the processing, and the greater the chance of survival, the more necessary it is to prevent problems before they happen. We do not know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident. Equally important as prevention is to cherish the time spent with family and friends. May all people be safe in the world and free up their hands to embrace happiness.

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Sully quotes

  • [last lines]

    Elizabeth Davis: [At the NTSB investigation proceedings] First Officer Skiles, is there anything you'd like to add? Anything... you would have done differently if you... had to do it again?

    Jeff Skiles: Yes. I would've done it in July.

  • Sheila Dail: [cabin crew chanting] Brace brace brace! Heads down! Stay down!