This film strictly follows the main theme of the hopeful country of mankind back then, anti-war! Fictional plot, shit humanistic care, praiseworthy description of war! The whole film is full of cowards. The protagonist is a middle-aged second-year young man, a humanitarian fighter, and the only true fighter! Sergeant Barnes, who was angry, violent, and even killed for the sacrifice of his subordinates, first encountered the high-density crisis of his subordinates, and he made the wrong choice. Of course, he fell under his own guns in the end! In fact, from the perspective of the US soldiers, Sergeant Barnes did a good job. In order to fit the main theme of the time, this film must be anti-war! So Barnes became the villain! War is the one thing I said you didn't listen to and beat you to the ground! To discuss civilization in violence is to take off your pants and fart. Hopeland opposed the Vietnam War because they wanted to push each other to the ground, but they didn't expect that it was themselves who would be rubbed against. His people were hurt, and they naturally turned against the war. What kind of self, growth in the film, it's just nonsense! Really anti-war, must be anti-American, the director dare not oppose the United States, dare not talk about American aggression. As a vested interest class, even belonging to the ruling class of the United States, Stone's consistent style since then has been swearing on the surface, and he has never delved into the fundamentals. Just like this, Hollywood has made it the throne of human hope. It's good for us Chinese to watch the movie, there is no need to follow them to booze up! Because the director is not against the war at all, what he is opposed to is a war that was not won and was hurt by others!
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