There is a good reason for crossing

Abby 2022-03-15 09:01:11

Some ideas. I don't reject crossing, but crossing must have a good reason. A foreign child who is brave and good at fighting in the game world, but extremely weak in the real world, inadvertently traveled to ancient China, and then helped defeat the Hu people, and achieved great slogans such as "self-growth" that are often shown in movies. In fact, foreign actors are only for the international market, but with these foreign actors, it is estimated that Europe and the United States will not buy it. Take "Forty-seven Ronin" (2013) as an example, Keanu Reeves is big enough, and then With the addition of Hiroyuki Sanada, Tadanobu Asano, etc., but the total budget is 170-175 million US dollars, the global box office is only 150-151 million US dollars (the United States only sells more than 38 million US dollars; Japan is about 4 million yen).

The plot of this "Warrior's Gate" is weak; the actors can't support the pattern (is Zhao Youting's face numb?), and the language switching is confusing!

It is estimated that Luc Besson hung up the producer and screenwriter, probably just a gimmick. So far, the film has only been sold in Vietnam except for China. With a budget of $48 million, the road to recovery is a long one.

In 2008, "King of Kung Fu", narrowly passed the border; 2016 "Warrior's Gate", bless Luo!

I personally like time-travel dramas, this is a fantasy that cannot be realized in reality. The conclusion is still: there must be a good reason for crossing.

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Enter the Warriors Gate quotes

  • Zhoo: Jack Bronson, I need your help.

    Jack: For what?

    Zhoo: I need you to guard the most precious treasure of the Empire.

    Jack: Excuse me?

  • Zhoo: [putting his sword to Jack's throat] Anyone who touches the Princess dies. That is the rule.

    Jack: No exceptions?

    Zhoo: There is no point in having a rule if you have an exception.

    Jack: Some... times... it's good to be a little flexible.