Life is different from dog life

Wilfrid 2022-03-23 09:01:21

As the saying goes, "Children don't think their mothers are ugly, and dogs don't think their families are poor". I always thought that the first half of the sentence was about human nature, and the second half was about nature. After watching this film, I couldn't help but wonder if the complex emotions between people are funny, funny, or boring in the eyes of loyal dogs. Is human nature the sublimation of nature?
"Where did Grandpa discover Hachiko?"
"Actually, Hachiko discovered Grandpa." It
was this unavoidable fate that allowed the loving professor to meet the loyal Hachiko. The professor loves the naughty Hachiko and gives him meticulous care; Hachiko also loves the generous professor, and never abandons his loyal companionship. Even in the ten years after the professor's death, the constant waiting has never stopped. The love between the loyal dog and the professor did not expect too much from each other, but it was long and mellow enough to move the world.
Waiting silently, waiting forever, how many people in the world can do it. A mother can, but not a child; a loyal dog can, but not a master.
Who is worthy of your love for a lifetime, and a lifetime to wait for? Maybe everyone has their own reasons, many reasons! Maybe everyone will list a lot of conditions for that person, a lot of good ideas! Therefore, many people spend their whole lives looking for the person who is worthy of their love for a lifetime. Perhaps this is the difference between life and dog life.
At the end of the film, Hachiko slowly closed his eyes in the wind and snow, and finally reunited with the professor happily. That's a good blessing from kind people to this loyal love. I was moved to tears by that scene.

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Extended Reading

Hachi: A Dog's Tale quotes

  • Ken: I understand how you feel. Hachi, my friend, Parker is never coming home. But if Hachiko wants to wait, then Hachiko should wait. Have a long life Hachi.

  • Ronnie - 11 years: I never met my grandfather, he died when I was just a little baby. But when I hear about him and Hachi, I feel like I know him. They taught me the meaning of loyalty. That you should never forget anyone that you loved. And that's why Hachi will forever be my hero.

    [class applauds]