"Sleepless in Seattle" Screenplay

Nolan 2022-03-23 09:01:41

"Sleepless in Seattle" and screenplay (Note 1)

Director: Nora Efron
Producer: Gary Foster
Starring: Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan
translation: Hung Flag

Sam Close-up
captions for Baldwin : Chicago.
Sam was in his thirties, in a crisp shirt and tie, with a blank expression on his face. A gust of wind hit him, but he didn't respond. In the distance is the skyline of the high-rise buildings of the city of Chicago.
Sam: Mom is sick, and there's no way to catch up with anyone.

LOOK: CHICAGO - Cemetery - Daytime with
Sam's nine-year-old son Jonah. Sam had a hand on his shoulder. One by one, mourners lined up and shoveled shovels of soil into the open tomb.
Sam: If we're going to ask why everyone is sad, the first rule is that we don't ask why.

A close-up of Anne Reid.
Beautiful, blond, energetic, wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a hat on her head.
Annie: Why? I just want to know why. This is my first principle. I always have to figure out why. Come on, tell me. Say it, say it, say it... The
camera zooms out: LOOK: CHICAGO STREETS

Anne talking to her boyfriend, a nice guy named Heath. They walked into a house they rented together in old Chicago with a pile of cardboard boxes in between. In the background is a patch of equally beautiful buildings. The two walked up the wooden stairs behind the house.
Heath: No why, Annie. I'm not at all prepared to stay with you for the rest of my life, I never said that.
Annie: Do you have anyone?
Heath: No.
Annie: You don't love me anymore, do you?
Heath: No.

INT: KITCHEN - Twilight The
two of them walk in, put down the cardboard boxes in their hands, and Heath begins to prop them up one by one.
Annie: Is that...you're too narcissistic to keep a long-term commitment to another person?
Heath: It's better to say that.

INT: Sam's home in Chicago - Daytime
Susie and Greg, a beautiful couple in their thirties, are stuffing Sam's freezer with enough canned food to last a few months. In the living room in the background, some family and friends are chatting quietly. Sam stood alone by the window that opened to the backyard. We can see a flowery garden—apparently those flowers were planted by Sam's wife herself.
Susie: Heat it up in the microwave for five minutes. No matter what kind of food, five minutes is enough and you can eat it. Can you do the juicing?
Sam: Microwave. five minutes.

Annie's Kitchen -
Cardboard boxes in a few days . Heath is moving out.
Annie: Do you want a microwave?
Heath: What do I need a microwave for?
Annie: You plug it in, turn on the microwave, and stand in front of it for a while.
Heath: So you're angry. It's airy.

Sam's Office - By day
this is a large modern architectural firm housed in the skyscrapers of the city of Chicago. Outside the window is Lake Michigan. In the large office area, several architects are discussing problems and drawing. Sam sat at his desk, engrossed in his work. An older, bearded colleague, Rob, came up to him.
Rob: It's none of my business, young man, but you should talk to someone. I consulted a professional psychiatrist, and I was in a mess.
The camera falls on Sam's face, and it's hard to imagine that Rob was ever more melancholy than he was. Sam pulled a stack of business cards from his shirt pocket and read them one by one.
Sam: Hypnotism...shiatsu...bereaved support groups...single parent night school...isolated parents...(begins to flip through business cards in his hands angrily)...parents isolated...people in need . Troubled man, a mess. Find a psychiatrist and hug a friend. Embrace yourself.
Sam stopped, suddenly realizing that everyone in the room was staring at him. Everyone immediately pretended that no one cared at all. One whispered something in his customer's ear: "Don't
talk to him. He just died of his wife."
Rob: Good idea. Going off for a few weeks, soaking up the sun, taking Jonah fishing...
SAM (shaking his head in disapproval): A real change. new city. A place where I don't think about Maggie every time I turn a corner.
The camera

pauses on Sam's face for a moment , then fades to - EXT: WIGLEY PARK, SEATTLE - Daytime
Sam, Jonah and Maggie walk towards the playground together. They are ready to have a good day. The three clapped together to celebrate.
Rob (voiceover) Where are you going?

INT: Sam's Office - Daytime
Sam (Inspiration): I'm talking about Seattle.

INT: The Chicago Tribune Office -
the reception area of ​​the day's newspaper office. Annie is blowing her nose just after telling her boss Laurie Johnson about her emotional trauma.
Laurie: Honey, he wasn't for you in the first place.
Annie (blows nose): I know.
Laurie: He's not even worthy of you at all, like the wrong way to buy something, so you can't afford to waste time on it... no matter how long it takes.
Annie: I know. (Blows her nose again)
Laurie pours Annie a glass of water. Annie took a bag of tea from her pocket and put it in the water.
Laurie: Maybe you should see a psychiatrist.
Annie: I want to get my money back.
Laurie: Let's go home this weekend.
Annie (pause): That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going home. (she thinks for a moment) I quit. Laurie, I resign. I'm going back to Baltimore. (more and more excited) How should a blonde celebrate this? (She brushes her hair.)

O'Hara Airport - the
intersection of K and L aisles during the day . Along the K channel came Sam, Jonah, Susie, Greg and their son Mike, along with a few other friends.
Anne, Laurie, and another pair of friends from the newspaper, Jordith and Diana, came down the L passage.
Everyone crossed and continued to walk in different directions.
Camera with Sam and his
party : Jonah (to Mike): Dad says I'll get used to it, but I don't think anyone can get used to the assigned batter.
Susie (to Sam): At the end of the day , in a few months, you'll start having girlfriends. you meet someone.
Sam: Start a new life. Yes. This is exactly what I am going to do. In a few months, bang, I'll be fine. I will grow a new heart.
Susie: Sorry...
Greg: Sam, she didn't mean...
Sam shook his head. The crowd walked towards the gate of the flight to Seattle.
Sam: I know. I know. (with some sympathy) Yes, there is no such thing as one thing in the world.
Cut to:
Annie and her party. They walked towards the gate of the flight to Baltimore.
Annie: I'll meet someone, a nice and affectionate person who wears a hat so he won't catch a cold. I would marry him and have three children and live happily ever after. I mean, I'm not that kind of person at all...
Diana: So what?
Annie: Because that's how our lives are.
Laurie: Just not as fat as my Michael, or you'll spend the rest of your life worrying about him falling to his death.
Jordis: God, you guys are so romantic.
Annie: Do you know how long romance can last? (She snaps her fingers) It's that long.
Diana: Steven brings me flowers every Friday, and we've been married for ten years.
LAURI (to Diana) Honey, no one wants to hear this. (to Annie) Take it, honey, and bring some tea.
Annie kissed everyone goodbye and walked to the plane that had already boarded.
Annie: I'll be so happy when you see me next time.

Sam and Jonah are sitting together as the airplane sits on the runway for takeoff. Jonah noticed Dad's absent-mindedness and reached out to take his hand.
SAM (takes back his thoughts): I'm your dad, don't forget that. This is the second rule. (emphasis added) It's just you and me, kid.

Annie sits alone, the plane is parked on the runway waiting to take off.
Annie (talking to herself): I think everything will pass.
She took a deep breath.

EXT: O'Hara Airport - NIGHT
Two planes facing opposite directions, awaiting orders to take off.
The two planes began to take off, but in opposite directions.
night sky.
The stars twinkle.
The camera is looking at the United States at this time. The picture looks like both a satellite photo and a Steinberg caricature.
Baltimore lights up a light.
Seattle lights up.
There are only two lights on this map.

EXT: Baltimore Sun Building - Afternoon - Christmas Eve
Anne walked out of the newspaper building with Walter Jackson, a tall, handsome man with a hat on his head. The two hold a pile of Christmas gifts in their arms. They walked towards the parking lot.
Walter: The short black-haired one is your cousin Erin...
Annie: Who is the pair...
Walter: Harold, the one who ran away with his secretary and came back...
Annie: ...just because Erin threatened to drug the dog to death if he...
Walter: And your brother Tom is a psychology professor who married...Betsy...
Annie:...she's the most beautiful woman in the world... A jealous woman... The
two piled gifts on the back seats of their cars and drove out.

EXT: A house on the outskirts of Baltimore - the
Christmas tree lights up at night . Two cars approached and stopped in front of a comfortable middle-class home. The two got out of the car to pack their gifts.
Walter: Your uncle Milton lost his money in a lawsuit in Puerto Rico. Never mention the IRS or the federal prison system. Your mother's name is Barbara, your father's name is Cliff...
Annie: I hope he doesn't take out all his slides.
Walter: Am I what they think I am?
Annie: They will like you.
The two walked towards the house.

BARBARA: Silence everyone! Annie has something to announce -
Annie: Walter and I are engaged!
The whole family sits around the dining table. Anne's mother, Barbara, was a cheerful, warm-hearted woman with beautiful grey hair. She put her hands together. Anne's father Cliff, sitting next to Barbara at the head of the table, kissed Anne. Anne's brother Tom and younger sister Bessie, along with cousin Erin and her husband Harold, sat at one side of the table. Uncle Milton is Erin's father and Barbara's older brother. There were also five children present.
Erin: That's great, Annie. I hope you can get along well...a hundred years.
Bessie: Have you ordered rings yet?
Annie: No, not yet.
Bessie: Oh, that's fine. So how can we let everyone know?
Tom: Because you will call everyone one by one. Congratulations, Walter.
He patted Walter on the back.
Walter sneezed. Then another sneeze.
Cliff: Are you all right?
Walter: It's okay, I'm okay.
Annie: Maybe because of the pollen...
Barbara: Let's move the flowers...
Walter: Don't touch them. At times like this I would sneeze profusely. It's a pivotal moment for me...
Anne (in the meantime): He's allergic to everything, it's okay....
Harold: Honey. I am allergic to honey.
Cliff: I hope I'm not allergic to salmon...
Annie: Whenever he eats a little peanut...
Walter (excited) My head swells like a watermelon and then I die.
Erin: It's the same with Harold and Honey.
Cliff: Your mother and I had some salmon at our wedding, and I thought there was no cold cut salmon at the wedding...
Walter: I'm not allergic to salmon. I don't think it's allergic, but who knows.
Harold: Nobody knows.
Barbara: Oh dear. I'm so sorry that this champagne is gone. When did we finish drinking?
Tom: When Uncle Milton got out of prison...
Barbara: Yes.
Uncle Milton: That's delicious.
Barbara: Yes, yes, Milton, dear.
Bessie: When are you going to get married?
Cliff: At the beginning of June, in this garden.
Harold: Does it have to be in the garden?
Erin: What about Harold and the bees?
Barbara: We wash you with water.
Cliff: Cold cut salmon. Delicious cucumber salad. Strawberry.
Walter: I'm afraid I'm allergic to strawberries.
Cliff: Then no strawberries.
Annie (smiling at Walter) Are you all right now?
Walter (from Lou Gehrig's line): Today, I consider myself the luckiest person in the world.
Erin: What did you wear that day?
Annie: I don't know.
Bessie: I wish you could wear my dress. I've only worn it once, and you hardly have to change anything except the bust...
BARBARA: I have something, maybe...

Christmas carols from downstairs.
The attic is full of various boxes. Anne followed her mother through the box. The two walked up to a cloth-covered dummy. Barbara opened the cover. A beautiful set of classical wedding dresses. The dummy's face is covered with a veil.
Barbara: The history guy wanted to buy this dress, but I never wanted it...
Annie: Grandma's wedding dress. Oh mom.
Barbara: I know this stuff is a little out of date. Oh dear. (Tears drip down her face. She tries to put the veil over Annie's face.) He's a lovely man, Annie.
Annie: I know. He's not bad, right?
Barbara: Are their people so nice?
Annie: You will like them. We're going to Washington DC tonight to spend Christmas with their family.
Barbara: How did you get along?
Barbara began to unbutton the little buttons on the back of the dummy and took the wedding dress off the dummy.
Annie: It's a bit silly to say. I mean, I met him in the office, obviously I've seen him before. He is the vice president. Then one day we ordered sandwiches from the same place and he got my lettuce and whole grain tomato sandwich, but he's totally allergic to those things. And I got his lettuce and white tomato sandwich.
Barbara: It's wonderful.
Annie: Yes, wonderful. You've made thousands of pointless decisions, but then one day you decide to buy a takeaway and it changes your life.
Barbara: This is life.
Annie: Oh, please, we make up our fate, because we can't face the fact that everything happens by chance.
Barbara: So how do you explain that you both ordered the same sandwiches, just different bread? How many people in this world prefer just lettuce and tomatoes and nothing else, like tuna?
Annie: It's not a symbol. It's a coincidence.
Barbara shrugged her shoulders, and pulled Ning Miao off the dummy, and Annie stepped in.
Barbara (begins to tie Annie's buttons): Back when I lived with my family in Atlantic City, Cliff was the one carrying the dishes. He persuaded me to sneak out in the middle of the night and take a walk on the pier. I've probably told you about this ten thousand times, but you don't care. When he took my hand, I was horrified. Everything came to mind. After a while, I forgot everything and looked down at our hands. I can't tell which finger is mine and which finger is his. But I know.
Annie (first time hearing this): What?
Barbara: You know that.
Annie (she doesn't know, but doesn't want her mother to know she doesn't): What?
Barbara: Magic. This is magic.
Annie (repeated): Magic.
Barbara: I knew then that the two of us would be together forever and everything would be great, just like you and Walter. walter. Is this his name? (Lowering his voice) One thing was clear to me at the time, and that was that your father and I were going to spend the night together...you call it sex...
Annie: Mom!
Barbara: Of course, it wasn't until a few years later that everything became as organized as a big bell in a department store, so you don't have to worry...
Anne: Mom, we've...
Barbara: Okay, okay Bar. boring boring. How is the situation?
Annie: It's like... a big clock.
She turned to look in the mirror. The wedding dress doesn't fit at all, it's completely asymmetrical. One shoulders high, one shoulders low, and the position of the waist is not right. The effect is somewhat comical.
Barbara: So you gotta get married in a new wedding dress.
Annie: It's just a sign.
BARBARA (kindly): But you don't believe the signs.

Christmas lights flicker outside the house late at night in a colorful festive mood.
Annie: They like you. I told you they would like you, and they do.
Walter: I love you.
Annie: I love you, Walter. (emphasis added) Has anyone called you by any other name besides Walter?
Walter: No.
Annie: Even when you were a kid?
Walter: No. Neither when I was young.
It started to rain.
Walter: Surely you don't want to ride in my car?
Annie: So how do I get back to Baltimore on Saturday? (remembers something) Oh God! I forgot the present for your stepmother - I accidentally took it in just now.
Walter: I'll wait.
Annie: Don't be silly. I'll be ten minutes behind you.

ANNE IS DRIVING ON THE WAY TO WASHINGTON. The front seats were piled high with gifts. She was singing "Christmas Sleigh" and imitating all the sound effects and drums. After a while, she realized she had forgotten her words a bit, and turned on the radio.
Voice of Dr. Martha Firestone: Welcome back to "You and Your Feelings". I'm Dr. Martha Firestone, broadcasting from the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago to the nation on the radio. From here we can see Santa and his reindeer - if any, but that's okay. Tonight we will talk about wishes and dreams. What do you wish for this Christmas Eve? Perhaps the best gift you can give yourself is a call to me. The number is -
Annie: Come on.
Annie changes channels.
VOICE ON THE RADIO: The latest medical information tonight is "You and Your Sleep," and our host is—
she clicked the button and went back to the station just now.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): This call is from Seattle.
Annie changes channels.
VOICE ON THE RADIO: Okay, "Jingle Bells," sung by Cap Mayette of New Jersey...
Anne switched the station back to the previous one. We heard the voice of a little boy.
BOY'S VOICE (Voiceover): Hey, I'm Jonah- (a phone line signal sounds as Jonah says his name)
Annie's finger rests on the button.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Needless to say your last name, Jonah. Hi, your voice sounds younger than all of our calling listeners. Why are you still not sleeping so late?
Jonah (voice-over): It's not that late here in Seattle.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): I forgot about that. What's your Christmas wish, Jonah?
Jonah (voice-over): Not for my own wishes, but for my dad. I think he needs a new wife.
Annie shook her head.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): You don't like what he's doing now?
Jonah (voice-over): He doesn't have one right now. That's the problem.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Where's your mom?
Jonah (voice-over): She's dead.
Annie closed her eyes for a moment.
Annie: simply unbelievable -

location: Highway - night
car to drive.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Sorry, Jonah.
Jonah (voice-over): I've been sad, but I think my dad is worse than me.

Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): And you're worried about him.
Jonah (voice-over): I'm worried about him, and he's worried about me. I rode to school and he drove after him, thinking I didn't know. It's Christmas and you know what people are supposed to do at Christmas.
Annie: They didn't know what to do, so they called up the crazy doctor on the radio.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Did you talk to Dad about this?
Jonah (voice-over): No.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Why not?
Jonah (voice-over): It's hard for him to talk about this kind of stuff, and it probably breaks his heart even more.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): You want me to come and talk to him?
Annie: Excellent. Let that dad use you as a sandbag.
Jonah (voiceover): Are you crazy? He thinks such shows are all mentally retarded. If you hadn't had 800 toll free, I wouldn't have called...
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Is he home now?
Jonah (voice-over): Yes.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Well, I thought it would be helpful if I could talk to him directly.
Jonah (Voiceover): I don't know -
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): I'm sure once he knows how much you care about him, he won't get mad anymore.
Jonah (voice-over) Well, but if he gets mad at me, I'll never listen to your show again.
Dr. Martha's Radio Voice (Voiceover): Very fair.

INT: Sam's Water House - Night
Jonah and Sam live on the first floor of the Water House, Jonah is on the phone. He pulled the phone cord out of a small study on the first floor and stood at the end of a large living area near the kitchen, with the back door dock behind him, where Sam was sitting in a chair staring out at the water.
Jonah: Dad -
Sam: What's the matter?
The camera returns to Annie.
Jonah (voice-over): Someone called you. (to phone) His name is Sam.
Annie: That's disgusting.

HOUSE - NIGHT Sam turns his head to the back door. He looks the same as he did eighteen months ago, just with a little longer hair. He grabbed the extension outside the door.
Sam: Hello.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): Hello, Sam, this is Dr. Martha Firestone from Network America.
Sam looked at Jonah across the room.
Sam: I'm probably not interested in what you're promoting.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voiceover) I don't sell anything. Your son just called to ask for advice on how to find you a new wife.
Sam: (he didn't react for a while): Who are you?
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): This is Dr. Martha Firestone of Network America.
Sam: God, are we streaming right now? Jonah, for God's sake -
Jonah: Dad, don't be mad at me.
Sam could see Jonah, and he was horrified.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): He thinks you've been unhappy since your wife died. He is really worried about you.
Sam looked at Jonah. Jonah stood still.
Sam (to Jonah): I'm not mad at you. Okay, I'm not mad at you.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): I want him to talk to you directly about all this hard. Maybe we can talk and it will make him feel better.
Sam hesitated.
Jonah: PLEASE -

IN: Annie's car - NIGHT
Annie: It's an inexplicable invasion of this man's personal life, but that's okay...
Martha Dr. Firestone (voice-over): Great. When did your wife die?

SAM: About a year and a half ago.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): Have you had anyone since then?
Sam (slightly embarrassed): No.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voiceover): Why not?
Sam: Listen, Doctor. I don't want to be rude to you, but -
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): I also don't want to invade your private life -

ANNE: You just want to invade other people's lives.
SAM (voiceover, meanwhile): You're just trying to invade other people's lives -
Annie laughs.
Sam: Look, we were a little rough when we first started, but I think I should do everything a father should do. When I smash Jonah's radio, he and I will be very close.
Annie laughed. Firestone laughed too.

Jonah also laughs.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): I have no doubt that you are a good father. People can hear it in your voice. But if Jonah feels like you're still under the cloud, then something must be missing.
Jonah: Tell her you don't sleep at night.
Sam: How do you know?
Sam and Jonah each spoke on an extension phone, in effect talking on the phone from their own homes, but were also being broadcast live on the radio.
Jonah: I can hear you walking around sometimes. At first I thought it was a thief coming in. Talk, talk to her, Dad.
Sam: I don't think it's necessary right now.
Sam walks across the room to Jonah, and Jonah walks to Sam. Both have telephones in their hands. A ring of pine branches is nailed to the wall in the dining area.
Sam: Listen, it's almost Christmas- (they sit down together on the couch) Of course the child needs a mother- and
he puts an arm around Jonah.

ANNE LISTENING. She was lost in thought.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): Do you need someone like Jonah?
Annie: Yes. (suddenly aware of his words, covers his mouth with one hand awkwardly) What's wrong with me?

ANNE gets off the freeway in an outgoing lane and pulls over to a rest area.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): We were just talking to him -- well, let's just call him "Sleepless in Seattle" -- just now. We're going to come back after the commercial to hear the audience's reaction to what we've just discussed, which is your reaction, and the phone number is...

'S SAM: What is she talking about?
Jonah: Someone else called in and commented on what you just said.
We hear an ad start playing.

INT: Truck Stop Restaurant - Night
Annie came in and went to the counter to buy coffee.

Anne gets into her car.

Anne drives toward the house where Walter's parents live.
Dr. Martha Firestone (Voiceover): Don't you think there are other people out there who are as worthy of love as your wife? Could it be cuter?
Sam (voiceover): It's hard to imagine.
The shot switches back and forth between Annie's car and Sam's water house. Sam and Jonah were still sitting on the bench, but Jonah had fallen asleep on Sam's lap. Sam stroked his son's hair.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): What are you going to do, Sam?
Sam: I don't know. When I met my wife, everything was so clear. At the time I just knew what to do.
Annie is still listening.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): What made you know what to do?
Sam: I don't think I really can describe it.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voiceover): Why?
Sam: Because if I could tell, maybe I wouldn't be on the radio show right now. (laughs to himself) But gosh, it's not a concrete thing. It's not just a feeling.
Anne coasted and stopped in front of a beautiful mansion in Washington, D.C. The car didn't turn off. Annie was stunned by now. She didn't get out of the car until she heard it all.
Sam: The first time you touch it, all of a sudden...you have a sense of deja vu, like...
Annie: Magic.
Sam: Magic.
The camera pans to Annie. She suddenly realized what she had just said, and realized that it must have some meaning, but she didn't know what the meaning was.
she cried.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): Well, everyone, it's almost time—
A figure appeared outside the passenger's window, but Annie didn't notice it at all. She wiped away tears with her hands.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): We hope you can still call.
The figure knocks on the car window—
Walter (indiscernible through the glass window): Anne?
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): — to let us know how things are going.
- Another knock on the car window.
Walter: Anne?
She turned her head. He pointed to the locked door. She reached for the lock knob, then pulled the lock twist so Walter could open the door.
Annie: Sorry, Walter. We just heard the most moving thing on the radio.
Walter and Anne walked towards the door of the house, gifts in their arms. Annie is also carrying a bag of her own personal items.
Annie: Someone called these radio shows and you couldn't believe what they were saying. That's the innermost privacy. America is just a giant global village where everyone can come out and talk...
Two people walk into the house and we hear the song "Christmas Eve". We saw the Christmas tree with bright lights.
Cut to:
A lit Christmas tree.

a softball glove, which Jonah loves. He put on the gloves, and then proceeded to open the present:
a tie, which puzzled him, was still wrapped around his neck.
A checkered shirt.
A map of the United States—the sort of roll-up map that hangs in school classrooms.
Then Sam pulled out a slender gift from behind the door, and Jonah opened it—
a brand new fishing rod.

Jonah lays out all her gifts one by one - with the tie around his neck, a bathrobe and the new checkered shirt on his hands Softball glove while still holding the fishing rod. Sam took his picture.

Sam opens a present Jonah gave him, one of the things he made in crafting class.
SAM: Hope is perfect—beautiful, concrete, delightful—and it's for some beautiful longing I've never forgotten...
Jonah: That's a lot of fun.
Sam: All we need is taste, absolute taste.

SAM: And we absolutely need all the seasonings.
Sam is packing all their seasonings—pepper, salt, paprika, and bay leaf—into a spice rack that holds at least twenty more. Jonah is making pancakes in good order.
Jonah: Dad, how was last night?
Sam: It will never happen again. right?
Jonah: Yes.
Someone knocked on the door.
Sam: Then it never happened.
Sam went to open the door.
Two young women are standing at the door. One of them was named Lulu, because it was printed on her blouse. The other is called Jobs.
Sam: Hello.
Lulu: Hello, is that Sam?
Sam: It's me.
Lulu (looks in the door and spot Jonah): You must be Jonah.
Jonah nodded.
Lulu (to a friend who came with him): See. I told you. Sam and Jonah. My name is Lulu. This is Jobs.
Jobs nodded, and kept nodding as Lulu spoke.
Lulu (continued): I live just two piers past, right? 12th. right? Our place is spacious and clean, and we want to gather four people today, so if you'd like to come...
Sam: Thank you, but... we've already made arrangements.
Lulu: Well, here's the house number. If you "can't sleep" anymore, give us a call. We also... take care of the kids.
She winked. Jobs nodded.
Sam nodded.
Lulu waved goodbye. She and Boujos twisted and walked along the pier.
Sam closed the door and turned to Jonah.
Jonah: No.
Sam: I feel exactly the same as yours.

EXT: LAKE MALINA - Early morning
Jonah and Sam are fishing in a dinghy.
Sam: How many people do you think heard that broadcast last night?
Jonah: That was broadcast to 50 states.
Sam: What! ?
Jonah: No one will know it's us.
Sam: You're right. (emphasis added) Better.

This is a large office early in the morning , with reporters working in front of their computers. It is surrounded by a circle of offices and meeting rooms divided by glass partitions. In one of them sits Becky, the life editor of The Sun. She sat at a table with Annie, now a reporter for the department. There were two other colleagues in the room - Kath and Wyatt. Wyatt was playing the game console.
Kath: This man sells soup you've never tasted, and there's a line on the can. And I'm not kidding, he's the meanest man in America. (Pause.) Becky, I'm very disgusted by this. Not just for that soup.
Becky: Write, what else?
Wyatt: New Year's Eve. But don't let me write.
Becky (looking at Wyatt, noting the game console in his hand): Wyatt, I didn't mean to imitate your mother, but if you don't put that toy down, you won't be allowed to watch TV for a week.
WYATT (puts the console in the center of the table): Let you put it away, but don't tell me where.
Becky (pulling out an AP cable): Listen to this. Phones in the greater Chicago area were jammed for two hours on Christmas Eve after a child called a live hotline to find a wife for his father. Two thousand women called to ask for their phone numbers.
Casey: God.
Annie: I listened to the show. This kid called and said my dad needed a wife, and I said to myself in the car, this is disgusting, that guy is using the kid for his own purposes. But then the father took the call, and the host asked if you wanted to talk about it? And my father said no, actually I didn't mean it at all. I mean, hey! exactly! Ignore the host, it's none of her business - (she's totally caught up in the story now) - and then all of a sudden, for no reason, he talks about how much he loves his wife, how he ( snaps his fingers) in love with her. I was in tears listening to it. I... I really had tears running down my face. It's like when I see the ad from the phone company. I don't have to watch the entire ad, I just see my daughter giving her mother a refrigerator with a long red ribbon on it. Have you seen this ad?
Everyone looked at her. Apparently she's done talking.
Becky: You should write about this.
Annie: Write what?
Becky: What the hell is going on with this.
Kath (waving that message from the AP): It's the thing, there are a lot of desperate women looking for love.
Wyatt: Especially women past a certain age.
Annie looked at them. It wasn't at all what she was talking about, although she couldn't quite understand what she was talking about.

a hand reaching out and grabbing an item - The Seattle Times.
The camera pulls back to reveal
Sam holding the newspaper up and down the stairs to a house being remodeled. Jonah walked over to Sam with the game console in his hand. There are busy workers everywhere, some building walls, some installing closets, some laying tiles. One of Sam's collaborators, Bob Longman, also traveled with Sam. Site supervisor Jay Matthews was waiting for them at an unfinished door frame.
Bob Longman: She wanted a hexagonal stairwell outside the room.
Jay (to Jonah in the background): Hit me, hit here. (Points to her stomach. Jonah punches) She wants to line up the doors around--
Bob: That means--
Sam: The closet needs to be reworked.
The three nodded to each other. That woman is really hard to deal with.
BOB: So we think --
Jay: Since you've been on that show --
Sam looks at Jonah.
Sam: Great. This is really nice. The whole town knew it. I'm just out of curiosity, how did you two know?
Bob: Grace listened to that show.
Sam: That dispatcher Grace? Brilliant.
Bob: The point is, take this client out to dinner and ask her to marry you. That way we don't have to rework the kitchen closet.
Sam: Why did you let me go? Can't Jay?
Jay: Hey, my plate is full.
Sam: All right, all right. What a big deal. If she doesn't mention the new fireplace, I'll marry her. tell me where she is.
Jonah: Dad, I really didn't know it was going to
be- Sam: Oh, you changed your
mind- Jonah: No, I didn't,
but- Sam: What's wrong with this woman? Don't you want a mother like Imelda Marcos?
Jonah: Dad—
SAM (pats him kindly) Let's measure the new closet.
He walked past some workers and ladders and began examining the beams on the ceiling in another area of ​​the site. Bob follows him. Jay threw Jonah a hammer, and the two started hammering nails into the wall.
Bob: Sam, if you've got anything planned for New Years -- and obviously you don't have any -- we've got some people, all married, and no one's going to mess around. Sounds good, doesn't it? (lowers voice) I can't even think about what happened last time I was at the party.
Sam: Thanks, but I'm not participating. It was a holiday night and I didn't want to leave Jonah at home alone.
A shot of a water house being towed down a river by a tugboat - Twilight

Jonah looks at the scene just now. Sam looms in the far kitchen.

INT: KITCHEN - Twilight
Sam is busy installing that spice rack. He made marks on the wall and hammered in the nails.
Sam (places the new seasonings on the spice rack in alphabetical order): Is the red pepper the letter R or P?
Jonah: P. (Pauses) Dad?
SAM (absently) What's the matter?
Jonah: I forgot to tell you that Jed called -
Sam: I was just curious, do any of your friends have names that don't start with J? My own lack of imagination in naming you Jonah. (Looking at the seasoning) What is marjoram? who knows?
Jonah: Jed is going to have a party on New Year's Eve. He invited me.
Sam: OK. Row.
Jonah: So I can go?
Sam: Of course. (The seasoning is almost finished) It looks good.
Jonah: Why don't you use expansion bolts?
Sam: I think I know how to load the spice rack. (He puts the last bottle of seasoning.) The
two take a step back and admire. Moments later, the spice rack fell off the wall.
The spice rack itself didn't break, but about six bottles of the spice smashed.
Sam: Fuck! Heck! damn it! what a fuck.
Jonah burst into tears.
SAM (still annoyed): I'm sorry. (softer) Sorry. (He pulls Jonah over and picks him up)
Sam: I'm sorry. I
just- Jonah: So nervous.
Sam: Yes. I'm sorry Jonah, I'm really sorry.
He hugged Jonah and Jonah calmed down. Sam closed his eyes tightly.

INT: New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York, on a TV screen.

Sam, alone, watches the big crystal ball slowly descend in Times Square. He had a bag of potato chips and a can of beer in hand.
A person's voice: Can I have a sip of your beer?
Sam: Of course.
That man was Maggie (Sam's wife).
She took his beer and poured half a can into a glass.
Maggie: How did I tell you before? Take a look at yourself, look into your eyes.
Sam: It's for us. You used to always say it was for us. (He looks at her with tears in his eyes) Oh baby, I miss you so much, I can't take it anymore.
He reached out to her, but she was gone.
At this point we hear the TV countdown to midnight in the New Year.

Popping champagne, that sort of thing.
We see Walter and Annie.
Walter: Happy New Year, dear.
Annie: Happy New Year. The two started dancing.
Walter: I was thinking just now that I'd have to go to Boston for the AAP conference and then go to Winston Hughes to change our computers. Why don't we meet in New York on Valentine's weekend?
Annie: Walter, I'd rather--
Walter: We'll stay at the Plaza Hotel--
Anne: Go for a walk in Central Park--
Walter: Go to a concert--(Pause)
Annie: Us? (Pause) Concert? (Pause) All right. (Pause) I'll take you to a Russian tea room for pelmeni (note 3).
Walter: What is that?
Annie: It's delicious, trust me.
Walter: Is there any flour in it?
Annie: I don't think so.
The two continued to dance. It was a party where everyone looked happy. However, Annie looked thoughtful.

EXT: Pier Parking Lot - Daytime
Sam gets out of his car and walks along the pier to his water house, holding a large bag of groceries.
A USPS truck is parked in this parking lot.

Sam walks to his boat with a puzzled look on his face.
A postman stood outside the door of the water house, with a large bag of mail beside him.
Jonah: Dad, look at this. It's all for you -
Sam grabs an envelope and looks at it. The address was written by Dr. Martha Firestone of Chicago KWES radio station, forwarded to "Sleepless in Seattle". Sam was stunned. He signed the receipt.

Sam is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Jonah sat at the table, reading the letters.
Sam: I'm just curious, how did they know our address?
Jonah: They called to ask. (reads the letter) "Dear Sleepless in Seattle, you're the most attractive man I've ever heard of."
Jonah rolled his eyes, threw the letter into a pile of waste paper, and opened another letter.
Sam: How did they know our phone number?
Jonah: If you don't give them your phone number, they won't put you on the show.
Sam nodded, which seemed to make sense.
Jonah (continues reading): "Dear Seattle Sleepless: I'm a SWF" - (to Sam) What is a SWF?
Sam: Thank God there are things you don't know. It refers to single white women.
Jonah: That's not good. She looks French. or the Greeks. (Bewildered, he tosses the letter into the stack of progress papers, then opens another): "Dear Sleepless Seattle: I live in Tulsa." Where is this? -
Sam: in Oklahoma. Know where Oklahoma is?
Jonah: In the middle.
Sam: I thought they didn't teach you anything at school. I don't think so anymore. (emphasis added) All in all, I think we should exclude anyone who doesn't live nearby. -
Jonah: She is willing to fly to the ends of the earth. (hands Sam a picture)
Sam: She looks like my third grade teacher. I hate that third grade teacher. Wait a minute, wait a minute! She was my teacher in third grade!
Jonah: Dad, be serious.
Sam: The question isn't whether you're serious. (referring to the hamburger you made yourself) Do you want an English muffin or a bun?
Jonah: English muffins. So what should we do?
Sam: You meet someone you like, and you have a feeling for her, and you ask her if she wants to go for a drink or—
Jonah: —eat a slice of pizza—
Sam: But you don't have to have a meal on a first date, because halfway through the meal, you might regret having invited her over to dinner, and you might as well just have a drink. If you like her you can invite her to dinner at any time, if you don't, just go home. Do you understand me? (emphasis added) I doubt this approach will work today.
Jonah: It doesn't work. Now they are begging you.
Sam: I just noticed this.

Annie and Walter are having sex.
Jonah (voiceover): If you find a new wife, I think you'll have sex with her, right?
Sam (voice-over): What do you think?
Jonah (voice-over) Will she scratch your back?
Sam (voiceover): What?

INTERNATIONAL : Jonah's bedroom -
Sam is putting Jonah to sleep at night . Jonah held his teddy bear until the end of the conversation.
Jonah: In the movies, the women always grab the backs of the men, humming and humming. Just when they are having sex.
Sam: Which show is this?
Jonah: Jed found it out on cable.
Sam: Go to sleep. (kiss Jonah)
Jonah (kiss Howard too. He lifts the teddy bear out): Good night, Howard.

INT: Anne's bedroom - NIGHT
Walter is asleep.
Annie lay on the bed, her eyes wide open.
She got out of bed and put on her pajamas.

Interior: stairs - room
Anne pajamas down the stairs.
She opened the door towards the street.

Close-up of Annie running.
The camera pulls away and we see her running down a road.
A road sign passed by said: Seattle: about 3000 miles.
Run past another signpost: Your nerves are faulty.
Another signpost: Your feet are freezing.
Another signpost: Can you find love?
Another signpost: Before you freeze to death?
Yet another signpost: an ad for shaving cream.
Annie continues to run, and now we see her running on a map of America - similar to the one we see at the beginning of the film, a comic book map of America, but this time instead of New York it's Seattle .
In the distance, at the edge of the map, we see two indistinct figures—a man and a boy. They started waving at her, very slowly.
Annie's eyes opened.

Annie lies in bed with her eyes open. Walter slept soundly.
She got out of bed and put on her pajamas (as in the dream sequence).

ANNE going downstairs.

INT: KITCHEN - In the room
she turns on the light.
Turn on the refrigerator.
Turn off the refrigerator.
Turn on the refrigerator again. Get out a bottle of milk.
She sat down at the kitchen table with a bowl, popcorn and a banana in her hands. She was about to mix them together when she saw the radio.
Anne got up, turned on the radio, and tuned to Dr. Martha Firestone's. She sat down with popcorn in hand.
Announcer (Voiceover): Here's "You and Your Emotions" hosted by Dr. Martha Firestone, a clinical psychologist and your best friend. (The appetizing ad continues)
A WOMAN'S VOICE (Voiceover): He said he doesn't love me anymore.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): Then why are you still with someone who doesn't love you?
Another Woman (Voiceover): Every time I was about to orgasm he stopped and went to make himself a sandwich...
Dr. Martha Firestone (Voiceover): Then why didn't you give Does he make a sandwich?
SAM'S VOICE (Voiceover): Everything was so clear when I met my wife. I understand very well.
Annie began to listen to Sam's voice.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): What made you understand so well?
SAM'S VOICE (Voiceover): I really can't describe it.
Dr. Martha Firestone (voice-over): Why can't you describe it?
SAM'S VOICE (Voiceover): It wasn't on the radio, if I could describe it. (laughs to himself) Hey God, it's not a specific thing. It's not just an emotion. (continues) The first time you touch it, all of a sudden...it's so familiar, it's like...magic.
Annie closed her eyes.
Announcer (Voiceover): After the commercials, we'll continue to have Dr. Martha Firestone host the show.

EXT/INT: BALTIMOOR - Biabody Circle Library -
Anne's car pulls up in a parking lot outside Biabody Library during the day .
Annie strides purposefully through the library and pushes the door:

IN: Annie's brother Tom's office - daytime
Annie bursts into Tom's office and goes straight to his desk. We barely had time to see clearly.
Annie: I think I'm crazy, Tom. I'm really crazy. Are you happy after marriage?
TOM (completely bewildered by the question): What?
Annie: I mean, why did you get married? Is it really delightful—
Tom (keeps his composure): I got married because Bessie said we'd break up if we didn't get married. So we got married.
Annie: But when you saw her, did you think she was the only one you wanted? There is a sense of magic and fate, is it destined?
Tom: Anne, when you meet someone, you are attracted to them, it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. So we feel like two chemicals that perfectly match each other.
Annie: I don't know him at all. But my head is full of fantasies about someone I've never met, who lives in Seattle.
Tom: Seattle rains nine months of the year.
Annie: I know, I know. I don't want to move to Seattle. What I really don't want, however, is to put an end to what I've been imagining about what could happen and what I can do. what do you say? (Tom opens his mouth to speak, but before he can speak, Annie picks up again) It's just fear, isn't it? Anyone gets scared before they get married, right?
Tom: Yes, I am.
Annie: Thank you, Tom. Let me vent and I feel better.
Tom: Anytime.

EXT: A door to Seattle Street - Daytime
Sam and Jay walk out of the "North Pole Building" and onto the street.
Jay: Sandy has a girlfriend, Crandy...a weight lifter, but not the one with a thicker neck than a head -
Sam: I didn't ask you to match me, it wasn't this that I asked for your help. thing. I would like to know how the situation there.
Jay: That's exactly what I'm going to tell you. What do women want, understand? Money and a nice ass.
Sam: You mean, I seem to have heard something like "his ass is the prettiest" lately?
Jay: You can hear it everywhere. When you turn on the TV, even the chicks on the news are talking about which guy has a nice ass. I don't know which chick said it first, but that's what happened.

Sam and Jay are sitting at the counter and we can see the water through the window.
Jay: When was the last time you went out?
SAM (trying to recall): Nineteen seven... eight years.
Jay: Well, things are different now. First, you have to be friends, and you have to like each other. Then you kiss on the neck. This state can last for several years. Then you test each other. Then you bring condoms to work. (emphasis added) The good thing is, the bill is split evenly.
Sam: I never thought of asking a woman to pay the bill.
Jay: Good. They'll take to the streets for you. You'll be the man of the year for Seattle Magazine. Tira misu.
Sam: What is tira misu?
Jay: You'll know.
Sam: To what?
Jay: You'll understand.
Sam: Some women want to do that with me, and I don't know what's going on.
Jay: You'll like it.
Sam (depressed): It's more difficult than I thought.

Sam is walking home.
He went into the house. The house is very quiet.
Sam: Jonah?
No one answered.
Sam: Jonah?
He started to get anxious.
Sam: Jonah?
He walked across the living room to Jonah's room. The door was tightly shut. He opened the door.
Jonah was sitting on his bed, listening to a tape, with headphones on his head. Sitting next to him was a little girl, Jessica.
Sam: Jonah?
Jonah (removes earphones): Hello, Dad. Dad, this is Jessica.
Sam: Jessica, nice to meet you.
Jonah: Dad, this is really interesting. If you play this tape backwards, it says, "Paul's dead."
Sam: I know.
Jonah: How did you know that?
Sam shrugged, turned and walked towards the living room.
Jonah: Dad, can you help close the door?
Jessica: H and G. (Sam looks back) Hi and Goodbye.
SAM (holds Jonah's door, to himself): What can you do?

AFTER Sam comes downstairs, goes into his study and closes the door.
He went to the phone. Find a number from the phone book.
Sam: Hello, is that Victoria? ...I'm Sam Baldwin. I don't know if you remember me, oh? Hmm, great. I was wondering if you would like to go for a drink...Friday, like...for dinner? ...a word of it all, let's have dinner. All in all, dinner.

INT: An unfinished plate of dinner in Annie's bedroom - Ye
Annie is watching the romantic movie "Golden Jade League" on TV with tears all over her face. Cary Grant was saying, "Did you fall in love with him?" Deborah Kyle replied, "I haven't yet."
She sat at the dining room table. There is a pile of waste paper on the table. Annie was typing a letter that couldn't be written on an old Underwood typewriter.
Annie: At that time people knew what love was.
She took a swig from a glass of wine to the right of the table. Becky leaned over and filled the glass. Annie started typing, sobbing, and glanced at the TV.
Becky: You're a useless person.
Annie (while typing): They know how to love. Time, space, and everything else cannot separate them. Because they know how to love. That's true love, that's...
Becky: ...the movie. (emphasis added) That's your problem. You dare not love. What you want is love in a movie. (emphasis added) Read to me.
Annie (reads the letter she typed): "Dear 'Sleepless in Seattle' and his son..."
Becky: Sounds like the name of a mattress store -
Annie: "I'm not the type to listen to the hotline The guy on the phone show" -
Becky (collapsed on the couch): And this woman is a writer for a living. This is how everyone begins a letter to a stranger.
Annie: I know. Do you think I don't know? I know it's a silly start, but it's the only way I can imagine how I felt when I heard you two talk on the radio that night. On the other hand, maybe I'm mentally out of order.
Becky: It's not normal. Your spirit is not normal. What about Walter?
Annie: I'm going to marry Walter. But I have to get this distraction out of the way first.
Becky: Yes.
Annie: I have to say something about magic in this letter.
Becky: What?
Annie: I don't know either. I mean, what if I haven't seen him? What if this man is my home and I've never seen him?
Becky: Your end may also be your end. Just look at me and Rick.
Annie (types new sentence): "I want to see you... On the
TV screen, Cary Grant said, "How about being on top of the Empire State Building? "
Becky:" On the roof of the Empire State Building at sunset on Valentine's Day. "
Anne: Well, great. Walter and I are getting ready to go to New York, and I can find time.
She typed Becky's idea in. Then she took the stationery out of the typewriter, rolled it up, threw it in the air, and finally into Becky's lap.
Becky: Would you like to hear about Homecoming? If my husband hadn't gone vegan for a diet and I left him in a fit of rage, I wouldn't have gotten on that plane to Miami and ended up meeting Rick and having sex in the toilet of a Boeing 727. Let that plug slide back and forth "no one, no one, no one, no one." (She shudders with ecstasy, then shrinks back into a ball)
Annie: You never told me that you left your husband because he was on a diet.
Becky (nods, pauses): He lost weight...that's it.
Annie: It's impossible, not a man -
Becky: It's very possible.
Annie: Impossible.
Becky: Possibly.
Annie: Then you left him? He lost weight in that part and you left him?
Becky: Plus he's in love with a temporary secretary.
Annie: Listen to this one, this one is my favorite -
Deborah Kyle: "It's either now or never." Cary Grant: "We're going to let happiness slip away from us, Then we are too stupid." Deborah Kyle: "For people without warm memories, winter must be too cold."
Both Becky and Anne had tears on their faces.
Becky: Men will never understand this movie.
Annie: Exactly.
Becky: Do you think she's in a wheelchair at the end of the film, can they still do that?
Annie: You're always thinking about this kind of thing.
Becky reached for the Kleenex.

INT: Jonah's bedroom
A Kleenex is pulled from the box. Sam hands it to Jonah. Jonah burst into tears, his hair soaked with sweat.
Sam: Alright, alright. I am coming.
Jonah calmed down after a while.
Jonah: It's sinking.
Sam: What's sinking?
Jonah: Our house. Water poured in from every window.
SAM (calmly but clearly): You don't have to worry, we'll be fine. We are safe and sound. (Sam hugs Jonah hard) I remember you had nightmares when you were little. Your mother rocked you around and sang to you.
Jonah: Goodbye Little Blackbird.
Sam: Is that what she sang?
Jonah: I miss Mom. (Pauses) What do you think happens when a person dies?
Sam: I don't know.
Jonah: Like do you believe in heaven?
Sam: I never believed in heaven, or the afterlife. But I don't know anything else. I also dream... dreaming about your mother... we chat endlessly... about you, about your situation. She knows everything, but I still have to tell her. So what is this all about? This is the world after death, right?
Jonah: I'm starting to forget about her.
Sam: I know. But here she is, Jonah. because I have you. As long as I have you, I will have your mother.
The two embraced each other, and the music played: "Goodbye Little Blackbird".
Sam: Friday night, I… um… had a date with someone.
Jonah: Okay.
Sam: Did I tell you that I ate a piece of dog food?
Jonah snuggled into Sam's arms. The music starts and the camera pulls away from the bed...CUT TO:

LOOK: Annie's house - late night
music continues. Anne waved and Becky got into her car and drove away. Annie turned and walked towards her door, but stopped again. She didn't want to go home, she needed to take a walk and think about it. She walked across the street into a small street garden. We can see the moon.

Sam walks to the outside porch and slumps into his chair. The lights of the city in the background. The same moon. The music continues.

EXT: Mid Street Garden - Night
Annie sits down on the children's swing in the park. The music continues.
Cut to:
A close-up of Sam.
Annie's close-up.
Long shot of Annie sitting on a swing.
Walter parked in the spot where Becky had just left. Annie walked towards him.
Long shot of Sam sitting on the back porch of the water house.
SINGING: "Make me the bed, light the light, I'm going home late tonight, little blackbird, goodbye."

IN: The Baltimore Sun -
Annie sitting at her desk during the day Call up.
Annie: Laurie, I'm Annie. I'm fine. Listen, I'm writing a script for a hotline radio show. Do you know someone named Dr. Martha Firestone...?
Annie calls.
Annie: I'm a reporter for the Baltimore Sun and a friend of Laurie Johnson. I'm writing an article about how people deal with the loss of a loved one. I know you had someone on the phone the other night…. I see you shouldn't, but Laurie says you can help, and I can do it for your show and everything... (She frowns at the expected rejection Poe, but quickly relaxes again.)
Cut to:
Annie is calling Sam's number.
Jonah (on the phone): I'm Jonah Baldwin, we're not at home right now, but you can stay -
Annie (hangs up): Baldwin.
Annie surfs the Internet on her computer. She dialed a phone number. We hear a bell.
Computer screen: Contents. Please enter your password.
Annie types the password: Annie Reed. Baltimore Sun 124.
Computer: Find.
Annie types: Sam Baldwin.
Computer shows: Sam Baldwin, Seattle. (Waits, not found)
Annie thinks for a moment, then types: Sam Baldwin, Jonah Baldwin.
Computer displays (after a while): Sam Baldwin, Jonah Baldwin. turn up. Press Y to print, or enter a command.
Annie hits the Y key.
At this point we see an obituary published by the Chicago Tribune on the computer screen that reads: Baldwin, Margaret Abbott. Sam's wife, Jonah's mother. Funeral will be held at 10am on Thursday, June 10 at the "Cathedral of Heaven's Rest" at 110 North Street, Stead. To order flowers, please contact the Chicago Horticultural Society, which can handle it uniformly. For the list, see the Chicago Tribune, June 12, 1989.
Annie loses another command.
Annie Type: Sam Baldwin, Chicago.
The computer shows (after a while) four Sam Baldwins. Press Y to print. (Annie Press Y Kin)
Sam Baldwin, arrested for theft in 1961. Sam Baldwin, city senator, convicted of bribery in 1967. Sam J. Baldwin, architect, designed "City Square".
Annie presses the Y key.
Cut to:
A printed document.
Annie is reading the manuscript aloud. There is a photo of Sam attending a construction site opening ceremony in the manuscript. The grain of the photo is very rough, and it is obviously copied, but the basic outline of Sam is still very clear.

INT: Bo Wade Private Investigative Office - Day
Detective Bo Wade sits behind his desk listening to Annie's story, some paper in hand.
Annie: I need to investigate him because...he got into my sister...
Detective Wade: Okay.
Annie: And my sister is always involved with unpromising people...once she nearly eloped with a human cannonball at the circus.
Detective Wade: What you want to know is marital status, ex-wife status, any children—
Annie: No, I know all about it -
Detective Wade: So what you want to know is the economy, is he a pauper, we can do the Debt Report -
Annie: No, no, no, I want to know What kind of person is he, does he have a sense of humour, is he a good person - don't forget about good people, I want good people -
Detective Wade: You do have a sense of humor.
Annie: I'll be honest with you, I heard about this guy on the hotline radio show, and I didn't want to marry the guy I was supposed to, because I was getting more and more obsessed with him.
Detective Wade: Oh, like Clint Close in the movie (note 4).
Annie: No, but about the same. I just want to get to know him as a person.
Detective Wade: You want to keep an eye on him. (He picks up the phone) I've got a guy in Seattle -

INT: Sam
's Waterhouse - Night Jonah is watching Gerald with his babysitter, 17-year-old Clarice.
Gerald is speaking to a sexy girl with heavy makeup.
Gerald: So how long have you been a woman?
WOMAN (husky voice): About two weeks.
Sam came downstairs.
Clarice (to Jonah) Change the channel!
Jonah pressed the remote hard, and the channel just switched to Disney when Sam walked into the room. Sam dressed up for a date.
Sam: Clarice, I'll be back around midnight, I'm
sure- Clarice: Anytime.
SAM (throws a letter to Jonah): This letter is for both of us.
Jonah (reading envelope): The Sleepless Man and his son. (read post intercept) Baltimore.
He started to open the letter.
Sam: I left the phone number of the restaurant I went to on the table, just in case.
Clarice: All right.
SAM (to Jonah) How am I dressed?
Jonah (absently) Good.
Sam (in the mirror): I look stupid. I look stupid, don't I? I look like I'm overdressed. I originally wanted to get a haircut, but thinking about it again makes people think I did a haircut on purpose. (checks his teeth, cocks his nose)
Jonah (reads the letter): This is a good letter, Dad.
SAM (checks his accessories, looks down at his shoes): The heels of these shoes are too high. Why didn't I notice this before? The heel of these shoes looks so weird.
Jonah: Her name is Annie. Annie Reid.
Sam: I'm going to be late. goodbye. (
Goes to the door) Jonah: Listen to this part -
Sam: It's too late, Jonah -
Jonah: Just listen to this part, okay? (reads letter) "I used to be a good third baseman by all accounts, and I'm sure you can't run past me."
Sam: Jonah, I'm leaving—
Jonah: Hold on! ! ! (Sam pauses, watching Jonah's violent reaction oddly. Jonah continues to read the letter) "—if it comes to the subject, I'd say that Brooks Robinson is currently the best third baseman of all time. In It's very important whether you agree with me on this, because I live in Baltimore." Dad, she thinks Brooks Robinson is the greatest.
Sam went out, Jonah following, still waving the letter.

Jonah: Dad!
Sam: Everybody thinks Brooks Robinson is the greatest.
Jonah: That's a sign.
Sam: Oh, that's right. (Pauses, takes Jonah's hand and leads him into the house) Let's go back. I'll show you something.

Sam pulls back the map of America hanging from the kitchen window and pushes Jonah in front of it.
Sam: Seattle is here. (runs his finger across America) Baltimore is here. The question is over. (He puts away the map)
Jonah: She didn't want us to go to Baltimore. She hopes to see us in New York City on Valentine's Day. On top of the Empire State Building.
Sam: Great. We will go. (goes out)
Jonah looks down at the letter in his hand. Clarice switched the TV back to Gerald again.

Sam is sitting at a table, sipping a glass of beer, looking a little nervous. He looked up and saw Victoria came in. She was charming, waved, smiled, and sat down. She ordered a glass of wine.
Sam: Hello.
Victoria: Hello.
The atmosphere was a little awkward.
Sam: You are so beautiful.
Victoria: So are you.
Silence again.
Victoria: I thought you'd never call me again.
Sam: Really?
VICTORIA: I was really looking forward to you calling me, I thought you would never--
Sam: You could call me--
Victoria: No way. I'm by no means the first woman to come out with you...(she makes a desperate gesture) Anyway, no one knows the first woman to come out with you...
Sam: You were the first with me The woman who came out on a date.
Victoria: Oh?
Sam: You don't believe me? Let's give it a try and I'll

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Extended Reading
  • Jeanne 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    Am I the only one who thinks the screenwriter of this film has a movie fandom? The characters in it are talking about the movie with their mouths open and shut. In addition to Jin Yumeng and Twelve King Kong, the father also mentioned two horror movies with his son: Ghost Street and Fatal Attraction. PS: This film is too Korean drama style.

  • Janiya 2022-03-22 09:01:36

    I love Jinyumeng. Did someone say this is a love movie for movie fans?

Sleepless in Seattle quotes

  • Annie Reed: You know that dream when you're on the street naked and everyone is looking?

    Becky: I love that dream.

  • Victoria: Can I bring something back for you? A souvenir? Does he like snow globes? You shake them up and then the snow floats down.

    Jonah Baldwin: [with extreme politeness] Sure. I'd really like that. Thank you so much.

    [Victoria looks up at Sam]

    Sam Baldwin: He's 8.

    Victoria: He's good at it.