horror movie survival

Carmel 2022-10-13 18:19:01

A weekend marathon of bad movies, it's okay to start with this movie.
The creative aspect is very good, but unfortunately the plot is flawed and procrastinated. Reminds me of the "Human Clearance Project 1"
male protagonist who calls himself the king of horror movies who have watched countless movies, but from the perspective of the whole movie, he is just a horror movie narcissist who remembers a few jokes he likes. There is not much to say about the plot, and there is not much to mention about bugs.
People who think they won't die in horror movies still haven't had time to use their brains when horror movies arrive.

Attachment: Survival Law of Horror Movies - From "Fate Hunter"
1. If you think you have killed a monster, don't go back and see if it is dead.
2. If you find that your house is built in a church that used to be a cemetery, where black magic is popular, someone has gone crazy or committed suicide here, or someone has performed a ghost calling ceremony in your home, move out as soon as possible.
3. Don't recite ghost books or even jokes aloud.
4. Don't play disc fairy or out-of-body games.
5. Don't go to the basement to explore, especially when the power of the Nether is just released.
6. If your little ones speak to you in Latin or any language they shouldn't know or in someone else's voice, kill them right away. Long pain is worse than short pain. Note: Killing them may take a while, so be prepared.
7. If you are a large group, never go on an adventure in pairs or alone.
8. In general, don't put together any puzzles that might open the gates of hell.
9. Never stand above, below, beside or near a cemetery, cemetery, crypt, mausoleum, or any dwelling of the dead.
10. If you look for the source of the strange noise and find it's just a cat, get out of there immediately, if you want to live.
11. If the appliances in the house start to move by themselves, move immediately.
12. Don't take anything from the dead.
13. If you find a deserted town, there must be some unknown reason, and staying away from it is a way of life.
14. Don't play with high-tech machines that mix DNA unless you know exactly what you're doing.
15. If you run away from the monster, be mentally prepared that you will fall more than twice, if you are a woman, you may fall more, and although you run and the monster just walks behind you, its speed Still fast enough to catch up with you.
16. If your car runs out of gas in the middle of the night, don't go to a nearby home for help.
17. Watch out for people with saws, punches, scythes, chainsaws, lawn mowers, muskets, welding torches, or anything made of dead people.
18. If you really encounter misfortune, the last magic weapon of Jedi Survival ─ read aloud ─ "Namo Amitabha Buddha"!
19. It is best not to let you be chased and killed too wonderfully! Otherwise, your sequel will be set!
20. If you want to be caught by monsters, it is a good choice to report to the police station now. You can stay at the police station and wait for the monsters to kill all the police first, and then play the chase game!
21. Wait until your parents are with you When you say "there's nothing to worry about"! You can already start worrying!
22. If you want to live when you realize you're definitely not the protagonist, listen to the people who are considered insane!
23. Absolutely Don't say "I'll be right back" because you won't.
24. Never open packages or containers marked "TOP SECRET! CONTAINS CHEMICALS".
25. Before getting in the car, remember to check if there are any characters in the back seat that should not be there!
26. Always make sure that your car's battery is charged, so as not to fail to start the car when a crisis comes.
27. Pay attention to warnings given by children and animals, who usually know more than you.
28. If you are a teenager, never go camping with friends in the wilderness. It's better not to be friends.
29. If you're a woman, don't take your time to undress or shower.
30. If there is something other than water (blood, viscous unidentified liquid...) flowing out of the tap, you don't need to call a plumber, it's true that you should move it away as soon as possible.
31. Don't put all those sharp knives in the kitchen in a conspicuous and easily accessible place.
32. Don't bully the new introverted weirdo with your companions, those mischievous companions will not only die, but die horribly.
33. Don't try to use the flesh and blood of the dead to create new life or resurrect the dead. If you succeed, the first one they will kill is you!
34. If your relatives and friends suddenly behave strangely, bloodthirsty, and make strange noises , with glowing eyes, long hair, and foaming at the mouth, get away from them as quickly as possible.
35. Once your relatives and friends come back to life, no matter how close you were in the past, they will still kill you, and maybe even eat your flesh.
36. Watch out for toys or dolls that are too lifelike, you should know who Chucky is!
37. If people in town tell you that the house is haunted and the people who spend the night there are dying, believe them!
38. Strange Strangers When an elder (gypsy, Indian witch doctor, old Taoist, fortune teller...) warns you not to do something, don't do it on purpose to prove them wrong.
39. When you think something is strange and you explore a room or a house, please remember to turn on the lights first!
40. If you come to a small town, the townspeople behave strangely and look at you in strange eyes, Don't spend the night there, go! It's just a waste of time even if you try to save the only person who looks more normal and terrified.
41. Don't run away if you hit someone with a drink and drive. This is not only related to breaking the law, but also to your life.
42. In the middle of the night, in the gloomy and misty forest, the one who riots in the grass is definitely not just a little rabbit!
43. If you are in a cemetery, abandoned house, or any creepy place, and suddenly a black cat comes from nowhere to be too intimate with you, kill the damn cat! Children may be a little harder to kill.
44. When you look in the mirror, you see an image behind you and turn your head to look but there is nothing, or the room in the mirror is the same as the room you are in, or the person in the mirror is not you, or even the person in the mirror tells you to hurry up Go, please run away at full speed.
45. The room you see when you open the door is not the original one. Don't go in and see what's going on. Even if you close the door and open the room again, it's the same. Leave that house as soon as possible.
46. ​​Never accept anything from a crazy murderer who is about to be executed, and don't accept his organ transplant.
47. On a stormy night, the window that was closed was opened inexplicably. Don't close it for peace of mind, this window may be your only way
to survive when the thing that comes in from the outside chases you! 48. The higher the salary, the less vulnerable it is. If you want to survive, follow them .
49. Your parents ask you to remain a virgin, please listen to them. Because the person who makes love is the next victim.
50. The first woman to undress is dead, just like the man in a war movie with a picture of his fiancée is dead. TOURISTAS
51. The strongest and bravest looking men are usually the first to be killed.
52. When you step backwards out of one room into another, pay attention to your surroundings, because that thing is usually right behind you!
53. If your friend is being eaten alive by a murderer, don't just stand there screaming! Quick! Run!
54. Someone on the team went missing for a while, came back not scared at all, and kept telling you "it's alright, nothing to worry about". Don't let him walk behind you, he's not a good thing anymore.
55. There are more than three people in the team still alive, don't be too happy, the chance of you becoming the next cannon fodder is quite high. There are two people left, and things are a little bit better. If you are the only one left alive, the murderer is not far from you, but your chances of surviving are greatly increased!
56. If your friends once turned into monsters or zombies, but suddenly return to normal, kill them! It can't be normal!
57. Don't be the most honest and holy person in the team, because you either lose your confidence and get killed, or you sacrifice your life to save others.
58. Kill the person who proposed to split up, he is the culprit who killed everyone. By the way, the most selfish and greedy people are also killed, for the same reason as above.
59. Don't run upstairs when being chased by murderers or monsters, or you will end up having no choice but to jump down from the top floor.
60. Don't shoot the murderer or monster from a distance, you will definitely miss it.
61. If your friend (whether male or female) is too afraid to shoot the monster, grab his gun! Or use the weapon in your hand to kill the monster and the useless friend, he will die anyway . Especially when there is more than one monster, don't let the cowards hold you back.
62. If you manage to kill a murderer, don't stand next to the corpse, and don't throw away your weapon, because usually he's not dead.
63. When you are finally sure that the murderer (monster) is dead, or the gates of hell are closed, it is often the moment when the real danger comes, don't let up!
64. If you are shocked that everything is just a nightmare, believe me , the nightmare is not over yet.
65. Never ask the police for help when you are being chased. They don't believe you. Even worse, they lock you in a place they think is safe. When the guy finds your whereabouts and starts killing you, you can run as much as you want. not fall.
66. The police and so-called experts cannot save people at all. If they save you, be careful! Often they are the real killer, and the one you're trying to get rid of is just a cover.
67. Don't trust anyone! You never know who is the bad guy and who is going to help you.
68. If everyone around you is dead, and only you and the other girl are alive, then in the end either you two will survive together, or only the girl will survive.
69. If you are lucky enough to survive, never disclose your future life plans to the media, or you will have no future.
70. As long as the day is dark, everything is not over...

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Fear, Inc. quotes

  • Joe Foster: The point is that this... this is a game. And out there, that's our best chance to win. Right now, in here, I mean, we're missing everything. Either way, we're white, we're rich. The cops are gonna be here any second.

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