As a Kehei, I just want to discuss KOBE here

Elenora 2022-12-30 21:11:39

Anyway, let's talk about this movie first.
The subject matter is still close to life, starting with Facebook (strongly doubt whether the screenwriter has studied Chinese, and knows that Facebook's homophony must be dead), arousing the interest of the audience. At the beginning, I thought that I would criticize the phenomenon of contemporary young people po online for everything (later I found out that I thought too much), the result is to clarify that the heroine is a good person plus The courtesan has many friends to pave the way for the powder drop that follows. Then the heroine paid the price for her behavior of making friends all over the world.
I despise the creative team a little here. The heroine took a group photo on her birthday party and set up the flag wildly, and then everyone on the photo was going to die. This move is obviously copied from "Death is Coming", and the black screen reflection locks the death target and the creativity of the related background plot is obviously copied from "Black" mirror". And this school is also weird enough. After a short period of time, the number of murders happened one after another, and the last police force sent were two numb detectives? Since I have already suspected that the female protagonist is doing ghosts on the Internet, shouldn't I isolate and censor Shenma?
Okay, let's talk about it, as soon as this kobe appeared on the stage, he found that he was very imposing, um, such a handsome little fresh meat, he must have a lot of scenes in the back, as expected, the IQ of the whole group is responsible, plus the ambiguity with the heroine Youda or above lovers Relationship, I thought that I would be righted and finally escaped with the heroine. The plot turned out to be beyond my expectations (here is a praise for the method that does not follow the vulgar routine), but it is reasonable. Kobe has already seen the overall situation, but he is ready to kill the heroine out of self-protection (stronger than the heroine of "The Cabin in the Woods"), but brother, you killed the plaything of the villain, do you think the villain will really let you go? ? Seeing that the plan is about to be successful (like for the disgusting boyfriend who killed him in one second, why didn't you kill the heroine so efficiently before), as expected, the villain did it himself (the IQ can't be solved with illusions, so I had to use physique? ), 2 young 2 naive. Give a thumbs up for the reversal of human nature here, a loud slap to shove the face of a socialite, it's really a life-or-death moment, and Lan Yan's confidant will give you a knife without hesitation, right? Xiao Xianrou has only his own behavior in his eyes, and it really deserves the name Kobe (I am a strong black guy, and I love it).
Finally, I feel sorry for Zuckerberg. Seeing the attitude of Facebook's customer service department, I think I'm crying in the toilet (the villain is a bit fierce, Facebook's servers can be hacked with witchcraft, 666).
PS I have a question, I don’t know if it’s a bug. Since the heroine’s best friends are all dead, and it is explained that the best friends can’t cancel the heroine’s account before her death, the heroine’s Facebook friends should not become 0. , Could it be that these best friends also climbed up from the coffin to take the heroine? After thinking about it, I can only explain it by using the black-bellied heroine as a trumpet party.

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Friend Request quotes

  • Kobe: Are you going to die for her, because we're all going to fucking die for her

    Kobe: I'm sorry

    [stabs Laura]

    Kobe: but you can't be lonely when your dead

    [last lines]

    Kobe: Hi

    Kobe: [on Marina's death] It wasn't a suicide... it was a ritual sacrifice

  • Det. Cameron: You know a lot of dead people Miss Laura

    [last lines]

    Det. Cameron: Really?