
Yvonne 2022-03-22 09:01:18

The casting of this film is very satisfying to me, but unfortunately the script is a bit poor.
The casting of Hal and Sinestro can be said to be one of the most suitable castings on the market.
If the first part tells the story of Sinestro's rebellion, and the second one introduces the inspector, the result will be completely different.
The production of the inspection monster is very, very poor. It is almost the same as sh*t, and it is completely different from the comics. I don't know why this shape was adopted in the end, and the
story line is also very confusing. This is also because of the wrong focus.
A movie wants to install the entire universe, but the heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, but it delays DC's plan to launch the universe for a long time.
Even the special effects of the green light are a bit fake. The film relies a little too much on CGI, even the eye patch, but it's not well done, which makes people very dramatic.
Some passages are also out of place. For example, Green Lantern quotes Seaman's lines, I feel awkward anyway.
Striking is doomed.
However, I don't want some people to say that Green Lantern is a young hero, because they have never seen the huge universe in Green Lantern comics. If there is a good director to shoot, it will definitely become a science fiction masterpiece.
But there is no if, no if, which is very regrettable.

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Extended Reading

Green Lantern quotes

  • Thomas Kalmaku: Let me get this straight. This thing that's out there, attacking planets, is connected to Hector?

    Hal Jordan: Some how it infected him after it killed Abin Sur.

    Carol Ferris: Well, you're just gonna have to stop it.

    Hal Jordan: Oh, just gonna have to stop it! Well, I tried that and I failed and the Senator died. I told you the ring made a mistake.

    Carol Ferris: Wait, go back. How did the ring make a mistake?

    Hal Jordan: The one thing that a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless. Fearless, is the job description. That isn't me.

    Carol Ferris: So you're just gonna walk away again? Explain this to me, Hal. Please explain to me, just once, why?

    Hal Jordan: Because I'm afraid!

  • Hector Hammond: [referring to an unconscious Carol as he levitates her with a syringe floating by her throat] She's beautiful, isn't she? I loved her from the moment I first saw her. But she could never see me, cause you were always in the way. But not anymore.

    [Hector uses his power to bring the syringe closer Carol's throat]

    Hal Jordan: No! No! Don't! Don't do this, Hector! Please. Please. I know how you feel.

    Hector Hammond: Come on! Look at yourself!

    Hal Jordan: No, I know what it's like. To not live up to expectations. To feel like nothing that you do will ever be good enough

    [he takes off his ring and the Green Lantern costume is gone, he's back in his own clothes]

    Hal Jordan: I know what it's like to be afraid. Let me help you.

    Hector Hammond: Hal, you've changed. How wonderful that all it took for you to grow up was the end of the world.