It's smooth, but it's far from a good movie

Missouri 2022-09-03 17:03:20

It's fairly smooth, but compared to The Conjuring 2, it's just a routine film, and some film critics have touted it too much.
The so-called routine means that regardless of the reason, the scary part is the stalk of a group of small partners getting lunch one by one.
Compared with The Conjuring 2, the key is logic. When watching horror movies, I often feel that the characters in them are rather stupid. If it were me, I would never do anything. The biggest advantage of The Conjuring 2 is that the characters in it have done everything we can think of, looking for the police, looking for the church, looking for the news, there are believers, unbelievers and doubts, and no one is abnormal in thinking. In comparison, this movie is far worse, at least, if I were the character in it, I would definitely make a different choice.
The reason why everyone says it is good is just because the subject matter is well chosen, it is very close to our real life, and it is easy to have a sense of substitution.

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Friend Request quotes

  • Kobe: Are you going to die for her, because we're all going to fucking die for her

    Kobe: I'm sorry

    [stabs Laura]

    Kobe: but you can't be lonely when your dead

    [last lines]

    Kobe: Hi

    Kobe: [on Marina's death] It wasn't a suicide... it was a ritual sacrifice

  • Det. Cameron: You know a lot of dead people Miss Laura

    [last lines]

    Det. Cameron: Really?