Cherish life and stay away from friend requests.

Titus 2022-11-03 07:00:49

Text / Wen Haozijun

My God, I haven't watched "The Conjuring 2" for a long time. I didn't think I finished watching "Friend Request" at 3 or 4 in the morning, and I couldn't sleep after watching it. How scary this movie is, it makes me a seven-foot man I was so scared that I couldn't sleep. Uh, that’s not true, I just have too much urge to urinate and can’t sleep (you will definitely say, then you don’t get to pee and sleep) Uh, there is a mirror in the bathroom (⊙o⊙)… Well, I’d better sit in front of the computer I wrote a movie review (inner OS: the win10 system is fairly stable, it won’t be like the Apple computer in the movie suddenly black screen, I’m afraid) After

watching the film, five stars have given the horror setting, and I can’t help but complain My heart is pounding: It is

strongly recommended that our Tianchao Film Company buy out the copyright. What about "Terrorist Exit", "Terrorist Like", "Terrorist Private Message", and "Terrorist Friends Circle", hurry up and shoot it for me, what, this still needs to be filmed ? The live-action version of "The Circle of Horror Friends" is being released every day, do you still use it to shoot it? What is the name of the car, the baby, the selfie, and the selfie of the girlfriend (serious face), how scary you see, the car and the bag, the chicken soup will tell you that what others post is what is lacking.

But the truth is: what we think others are posting is often what we lack.

Follow this line of thinking to look at your circle of friends:
other people travel abroad (yo, they are really rich and go abroad to play), other people’s selfies are thin (bamboo poles, unhealthy, drug use), other people’s selfies are fat (pigs, unhealthy) , fat paper), someone else posted a baby (oh, I got married and gave birth to a baby, and I didn’t even have a self, and I revolved around the baby all day), the selfie posted by others is too beautiful (yo, let’s fix it), the selfie posted by others Too ugly (it looks so ugly, I don't know how to fix it)... In

summary, BB, don't shit in front of flies, because shit is gold to it, folks.

Then you listened to the opinions of the circle of friends, and thought of not posting, and deleted those circles of friends that hurt others a little bit, but someone told you, oh, why are you so glass-hearted, you can’t say a few words If you lose a pound of meat, don't come out and mix if you are so cowardly.

Well, the live-action version of "Like Request" and "Terrorist Circle of Friends" are being released in horror, please open WeChat or Facebook, come, let's hurt each other!

--------------------------------------- I am a friend request divider---- -------------------------------------------------- --

Closer to home, the movie starts with the active and sunny life of Laura, the social flower of the campus. As Laura posts more content, the number of friends also increases. She does not have the sisters of the four-year-old era, but she lives out with the same family. The sisters who live there are also enviable enough; she does not have a painful boyfriend who has face paralysis, cancer and amnesia, but her boyfriend's final sacrifice is enough to make people emotional; more importantly, she has a skin that everyone likes, and then yours Here comes the dangerous request of my friend Marina. In my opinion, Marina's dangerous request has been premeditated. She lives too alone. She sees the heartthrob Laura so bright and dazzling, she also wants to do something. Back in the sun, she also thought that the girl would shine, but in the end, after she got Laura's skin, she was still abyss.

Some people say that in a lonely world, none of us are spared. In my opinion, in the online world where we are eager to be recognized by others, we have nowhere to hide. At the end of the movie, Marina, who successfully captured Laura's skin, can only stare timidly at the number of social network friends. At this moment, the director wants to tell us that with such developed social networks today, all of us are wearing Laura's Marina, we are so lonely, so sad, this is ordinary human beings.

Isn't the so-called friend request in the movie that you carefully post a picture in the circle of friends and then quietly stare at your phone waiting for a like? So is it important to let other people know that you have been to a place and have something, or is it important that you really invest in enjoying it?

Did you know you're being driven with the flow? The various resources and information around us are becoming more and more abundant, but why do people's behaviors tend to be more and more similar? How many people have just copied and pasted the information thrown to you by the public media or self-media without thinking at all, whether it’s chicken soup or chicken soup? Most people followed suit, and slowly, the carnival became a person's loneliness, and gradually, we could not hear our own voices.

What's more, the so-called friend request is not that you want to climb into a better circle, but have you heard that third-rate actors will mix with third-rate financial circles? However, certain predators in the financial circle are always in conflict with such and such international actresses. Therefore, it is a common topic that determines whether your network is effective or not, not whether you have a wide range of contacts, but your own ability level or personality characteristics. Just like Marina in the play, when she thought of attending Laura's birthday party, friends in Laura's circle and Laura just thought M was a freak.

Therefore, for the majority of weaklings, it is more effective to concentrate on making oneself grow up instead of going around in circles and wandering in various idle social situations. Rather than accumulating and managing some shatterable or even ethereal connections in Chuxin (just like M Chuxin accumulates various witchcraft and finally gets L's skin), it is better to manage yourself well. When you become evenly matched, friend requests are naturally a big deal. The heap will come head on.

Looking back at the courtesan Laura, the movie describes the friend request that brought Marina's death precisely because of her heartthrobs. Reflecting on the socialites in real life, they often mistake recognition with recognition, and mistakenly equate contacts marked with an asterisk on their mobile phones with timely rain. Laura's Facebook friend requests are on the rise, aren't they just friend requests from our WeChat contacts? In real life, you don't provoke a horrific death like in the movies. However, the so-called celebrities we make friends with every day, stay up all night and chat at various drinking parties, youth has not been around for a few years, and the socialites who carelessly use youth to brush their sense of existence are wasting time. It's a murder, a waste of your life.

Do you know that in today's developed social network society, one computer, one network cable, one room is enough to destroy a young person.

So cherish life and stay away from friend requests.

PS: Since the screenshots are really disgusting and terrifying, I will not upload the rest of the screenshots into the article one by one. If you like it, go watch it directly. If you like horror thrillers, you will never be disappointed.

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Friend Request quotes

  • Kobe: Are you going to die for her, because we're all going to fucking die for her

    Kobe: I'm sorry

    [stabs Laura]

    Kobe: but you can't be lonely when your dead

    [last lines]

    Kobe: Hi

    Kobe: [on Marina's death] It wasn't a suicide... it was a ritual sacrifice

  • Det. Cameron: You know a lot of dead people Miss Laura

    [last lines]

    Det. Cameron: Really?